Week of September 19-23

Morning Meeting:

·  We began each morning with a ‘good morning’ song.

·  We continued to read books about good character and work on our class expectations.

Writer's Workshop:

·  We continued our chart of WHAT WRITERS DO.

·  We know that writers … 1. THINK 2. PICTURE IT IN THEIR MINDS 3. DRAW THEIR STORY. This week we added 4. WRITE THE WORDS 5. COLOR THEIR STORY.

·  We received our Writing Folders to keep our stories in because many times we are not finished and need to work on them another day.

Word Study and Literacy Tubs:

·  We sang the A-a-apple song each day and talked about the sounds that letters make.

·  We read ABC books and sang ABC songs.

·  We sorted magnetic letters in different ways.

·  We chose a ‘special child’ each day from our list of class names. For that child, we cheered their name, spelled their name, wrote their name on a class grid, and interviewed them to learn more about them. Then we used dry erase boards to draw that child’s picture and write their name.

Reader's Workshop:

·  We started each session with a good story but instead of reading the words, we only read the pictures. (Later in the day we read the words also).

·  We learned how to take turns with our reading partners on the rug as we talk about books together. We have a list of PEANUT BUTTER partners and JELLY partners and we took turns letting each partner talk and listen.


·  We did our calendar each day, learning about numbers, months, our US flag, days of the week, weather, and counting.

·  We read a math book each day.

·  We worked in math tubs each day. This week we have two new jobs at tubs. Making numbers and numerals with play-doh, and tracing shapes to make pictures of things.

·  We learned The Numeral Song to help us form numerals.

Centers and Small Groups:

·  We worked with pictures, names, and “My name is ______” sentences in the Book Center.

·  We added word cards to the ABC Center that we can use with magnetic letters.

·  We began making friend books in the Writing Center.

·  We worked hard to use quiet voices when we work and play in centers.

Shared Reading:

·  We read the big book I Love My Family each day.

·  We practiced pointing to the words as we read. We also practiced looking at the pictures to say more.

·  We learned the sight words “I” and “my”.

·  We read the nursery rhyme “Jack Be Nimble” and sang the song “Little Red Box” each day. We acted out each of these.


·  We focused today’s STEAM Day on Families and Jack Be Nimble!

·  We made a family tree with pictures we drew of our own family members.

·  We acted out Jack Be Nimble.

·  We drew ourselves as Jack and wrote our own name into the nursery rhyme.

·  We made edible candlesticks.

·  We watched a short Berenstain Bears video about families.


·  Aiden S. celebrated his birthday on Thursday!


·  Snacks next week will be provided by Mary Blake, Reagan, Scarlett, Stella, and Trey.

·  On the day that your child is the helper and brings snacks for the class, he or she may also bring an item from home for Show and Tell.

·  Homework will begin next week. Look for a packet to come home on Monday.

·  Check out our class webpage by going to Duplin County Schools page, selecting Beulaville Elementary, and selecting Tammie Blackburn.