Minutes from

Federation of Planing Contractors

executive Meeting – Holiday Inn – Wakefild M1 J40

Wednesday 8th July 2015

Attendants: Ron McBride – Chairman / Nick Angelou– Lafarge Tarmac / Ady Wright – Jordon Road Surfacing / Shane Hennell , representing, MikeReay – Lane Rental / Darren Stokes – Tripod Crest Planing. Apologies : Gareth Watkins / DP Planing

Previous minutes were agreed

  1. Short review was presented by RMcB – Copy attached.
  1. Site Audits

Summary of information of audits to be presented on website for May / June

Action – R. McBride

No major issues raised. Ron McBride continuing to notify individual companies of issues.

Nick Angelou notified the executive of two incidents that occurred in the month.

  • Regarding the loosing of two wheels on the trailer due to failure of bolts this is currently being investigated and feedback to be given at next executive meeting. – Action N.A
  • Chase Nick Angelou up for what the second incident was. No other near hits or incidents have been reported.

All members to feed information back to Ron McBride – Action – ALL

Concern was raised by Ron McBride regarding competency cards with one of the members. A verbal warning has been issued – Ron McBride to monitor and report back at next meeting.

  1. Transport Certification Requirements – MPQC, CSCS etc

A member had requested clarification of what is actually required on site. Whilst the FPC have written into the best practice guide lines on sweeper’s policy they did not within the best practice for hauliers. It was agreed that under best practice the guide line would be that minimum standard would be CSCS card and full site induction to be held by the driver of the vehicle.

Action – Ron McBride to add to best practice.

In addition the issue was to be raised to the MPA as their standard is different for lorries working in the quarries.

DS to raise at next MPA and report back at next exec.

Ron McBride to chase MCG for the standards.

  1. National Occupational Standards.

DS and NA site on the C.I.T.B to assist in changing the NOS to which training providers are compiling training courses from.

All NOS to be revised by September.

  1. Safety a Street & Roadworks

R. McBride stated that the above document (RED Book) was registered in case law and is now a legal document. Please be aware.

  1. Water Extraction

Refer to previous Minutes

Actions – All Outstanding from NA

  1. Training

The training document has not progressed as well as expected and is behind program.

It was agreed that representation from TC/LT / and Lane Rental meet for 1 day ASAP to complete the document.

Action R. McBride to ensure day happens prior to next meeting.

Wirtgen have not been involved at this stage but will be contacted once the document is ready.

Ron McBride to action.

  1. Membership

One member has failed to pay and will be removed from the FPC.

Action - Ron McBride to notify the company

  1. Website

Still an issue although all minutes are now added to the website

Action - Ron McBride to feedback at next meeting.

  1. Working at Height

NRP are still waiting on Wirtgen to provide demo Minutes to be sent to Wirtgen for action.

  1. AGM Element 6 have agreed to hold the AGM on the 20th January, and will also provide tour of factory.

Current potential People to Present are


Cardly Bingham

Element 6


Questionnaire to be sent out to members asking what they want from AGM.

Action – Ron McBride prior to next executive meeting.

Majors to be invited

Hanson – Ian Darock

Lafarge Tarmac – Paul Fleetham

Aggregate Industries – Paddy Murphy

Eurovia – Neil Huntingdon / Paul Kidd

Cemex- John Burton

Action – Ron McBride

  1. Tar

No Legislation is to be introduced with regards to the storage of tar.

Action Ron McBride to issue once EA have finalized.

  1. AOB

Three new members have not yet been signed off as Safe Plane members.

Action - Ron McBride to discuss at next exec meeting.

The numbers of machines has been reported on Ron’s short review. As a representative Future of the planing market we need to know how many in UK.

All members responded with their information.

Action - Ron McBride – Chase Wirtgen.

Aims and objectives to be distributed to exec for review in September.

Action – Ron McBride

Model conditions to be reviewed once training plan and aims and objectives completed.

The H Category on licenseshas been raised again for tracked machines. NRP stated that they had been advised that you do not need to hold an H category on your license because the machines are steered from a pivot point and not skid steered. In addition to this DVLA have been spoken to verbally and they have also said that there is no requirement for the H category.

Lane Rental have said they have been trialing a flashing wristband which has been supported by a number of clients.

Action - ShaneHennel to send details to distribute

Date of next meeting 18TH September 09.00hours – Holiday Inn Wakefield