Class II Microbiological Safety Cabinets

Class II MSCs offer protection to both the operator and the material being worked on. The inflow of air at the front of the cabinet discourages the escape of airborne particles generated while working and the downflow of filtered air over the working surface helps to protect the work.

Class II cabinets are susceptible to disruption of the airflow pattern which may compromise operator protection. This can be caused by movement of people in the vicinity of the cabinet, sudden movement of the arms of the operator, or changes in air pressure e.g. when a door is opened.

Class II cabinets do not provide a sterile environment and only good technique will maintain sterility of any work carried out.

Read the instruction manual.

Class II cabinets should be used for handling samples of human origin e.g. human blood and tissues, cultured human cells etc. and for all potentially infected or infected material and cells. Class II cabinets provide a degree of product protection as well as operator protection.

Class II cabinets are not suitable for Hazard Group 4 pathogens and are not recommended for Hazard Group 3 pathogens.

Safety checks are performed at 6 monthly intervals on Class II cabinets to ensure that the cabinets conform to BS5726. The cabinets must be fumigated with formalin prior to any service if HEPA filters are being removed and must not be used between fumigation and testing. Cabinets must be tested at installation or after re-siting.

No repair work may be carried out on a Class II cabinet without first consulting an approved engineer. The cabinet may need to be fumigated prior to any repair.

U.V. lamps do not disinfect surfaces and must not be used whilst the cabinet is in use.

Code of Practice for use of Class II Microbiological Safety Cabinets

Apply Good Microbiological Practice at all times, incorporating aseptic techniques together with a high standard of hygiene.

A properly fastened laboratory coat must be worn for all procedures. For work with tissue cultures this should ideally be separate to that worn for other lab. work. For work within the Tissue Culture Facility a dedicated blue lab. coat must be worn.

Switch cabinet on before removing night-door.

Check airflow gauge is in the safe zone before starting work.

Wipe base of cabinet with 70% IMS before starting and after finishing work.

If low airflow is indicated at any time, stop work, make safe and close night door. Report fault. Do not use cabinet until fault has been rectified.

Avoid clutter inside the cabinet. Equipment and materials inside the cabinet should be kept to a minimum to avoid compromising the airflow.

Replace night door when the cabinet is not in use.

Clean up spills immediately using 2% Trigene advance or 10% Trigene for cell cultures and media etc.

Thoroughly clean all surfaces of the cabinet, including under the base, at least monthly with 2% Trigene advance or 10% Trigene.