Chemistry Diagnostic

Part A: Multiple Choice (10 points)

Please bubble in the correct answer on your scantron

1. All matter is made up of particles called

(1) cells (2) atoms (3) molecules (4) compounds

2. Which diagram best represents molecules of matter in the solid phase?

3. The number of protons in an atom is equal to the number of

(1)Isotopes (2) Atomic Number (3) Electron Orbits

4. The negatively charged part of an atom is

(1)Proton (2) Neutron (3) Electron

5. The diagram below shows a model of a sample of gas particles at room temperature.

Which diagram best shows the results of removing heat from this sample until it freezes?

6. What is a property of a metal?

(1)Dull(2) Shiny(3) Poor conductor of heat

7. What is the phase change from a solid to a liquid?

(1) Sublimation (2) Evaporation (3) Freezing (4) Melting

8. The diagram below shows the structure of a molecule of water (H2O).

Represent Oxygen. What does the represent in the model?

(1) hydrogen (2) cells (3) chemical bonds (4) oxygen

9. How do the particles of a gas behave?

(1)Move slowly (2) Move very fast (3) Vibrate in place

10. Which scientific tool could be used to predict the properties of an element?

(1) barometer(2) pulley

(3) Periodic Table(4) water cycle chart

11. Theequationbelowshowstheproductsformed whenasolutionofsilver nitrate(AgNO3)reacts withasolutionof sodiumchloride(NaCl).

AgNO3 + NaCl→NaNO3 + AgCl

(Reactants) (Products)


(1) greaterthanthetotalmassof theproducts

(2) equaltothetotalmassof theproducts

(3) equaltothemassof AgCl

(4) lessthanthemassof AgCl

12. Oneexampleof matteris

(1) magnetism (2) water (3) heat (4) radiation

13. The diagram below represents two atoms in amolecule ofoxygenthat combine chemically
withoneatomofcarbontoformacarbondioxide molecule.


(Oxygen) (Carbon) (Carbon dioxide)


(1) amixture (2) asolution(3) anelement (4) acompound

14. Thearrowsinthediagramsbelowrepresent thepathoflightasitstrikesfourdifferentobjects.
Which diagrambestrepresents therefractionof light?

15. Asubstanceinthesolidphase(state)ofmatter has

(1) adefiniteshapeandadefinitevolume (2) adefiniteshape,butnodefinitevolume

(3) nodefiniteshape,butadefinitevolume (4) nodefiniteshapeandnodefinitevolume

16. Gases do not take up space

(1) True (2) False


17. Inwhichlabeledspaceontheportionof thetableshouldtheelementlead(Pb)be placed?

(1) a(2) c(3) b (4) d

18. Whichelement fromthisportionofthetablechemicallyreactsinawaysimilartothewaytheelement chlorine(Cl)reacts?

(1) Si (3) Xe

(2) O (4) I

19. Gases do not weigh anything

(1) True(2) False

20. Air and oxygen are the same gas

(1) True(2) False

21. Thesolubilitygraphbelowshowstheamountsof foursubstancesthatwilldissolvein100gramsof water atvariouswatertemperatures.

Whichsubstancehas80gramsof solutedissolvedin100gramsof waterat50°C?

(1) potassiumbromide (3) potassiumchloride

(2) ammoniumchloride (4) lithiumhydroxide

22. Water is the only substance that can freeze, melt, and evaporate.

(1) True(2) False

23. Burning a piece of paper is an example of destroying matter

(1) True(2) False

24. Identifythecolorof visiblelightwiththelongestwavelength.

(1) Red(2) Yellow(3) Green(4) Violet

25. Accordingtodiagram2,whichtwoformsofelectromagneticenergymostlypassthroughtheatmosphere toEarth’ssurface?

(1) Ultraviolet & Infrared(3) Gamma Rays & X Rays

(2) Visible light & Radio waves(4) Visible light & Infrared