“The Age of Nation-States”

Section 1 – The Crimean War (1853-1856)

  1. Discuss the various factors that led to the start of the Crimean War.
  2. Identify the terms of the Treaty of Paris and the resulting long-term consequences for Europe.

Section 2 – Reforms in the Ottoman Empire

  1. Discuss the attempts at reform in the Ottoman Empire between 1839 and 1876. Identify the reasons that these reforms were ultimately ineffective at providing stability.

Section 3 – Italian Unification

  1. Explain the various approaches that were attempted to unify Italy in the mid-19th century.
  2. Discuss the actions of Count Camillo Cavour and Giuseppe Garibaldi that contributed to Italian unification by 1860.
  3. Describe the various political, economic, and social weaknesses that existed throughout Italy following its unification.
  4. How were the final pieces of Italian unification achieved in 1866 and 1870?

Section 4 – German Unification

  1. What issue led to a political deadlock between William I and the Prussian Parliament? Why?
  2. How did Otto von Bismarck raise money to reform the military? What approach did he use to gain popular support for the monarchy and the army?
  3. Discuss the actions of Bismarck that led to the isolation and exclusion of Austria from German affairs.
  4. Describe the political make-up of the newly formed North German Confederation.
  5. What events prompted the Franco-Prussian War of 1870? How did this war complete the unification of the German Empire? What impact would this have on Europe as a whole?

Section 5 – France: From Liberal Empire to the ThirdRepublic

  1. Contrast the characteristics of Napoleon III’s authoritarian and liberal empires. Why did he move in a liberal direction during the second half of his reign?
  2. Discuss the political conflict that emerged in France following the demise of Napoleon III. What were the end results?
  3. Explain the political and religious ramifications of the Dreyfus affair..

Section 6 – The Habsburg Empire

  1. Identify the terms of the Compromise of 1867 (Ausgleich). What impact would this agreement have on the various nationalities of the Habsburg Empire?
  2. Discuss the role of language and race in strengthening nationalism, not only in the Habsburg Empire, but throughout Europe in the latter part of the 19th century.

Section 7 – Russia: Emancipation and Revolutionary Stirrings

  1. Identify the various reforms of Tsar Alexander II and assess the success or failure of each.
  2. What were the goals of the revolutionary movement known as populism? What tactics were used by Land and Freedom and The People’s Will to achieve these goals? What were the end results?

Section 8 – Great Britain: Toward Democracy

  1. How did Benjamin Disraeli’s reform bill of 1867 backfire on the Conservative Party (Tory) of England in the short-term?
  2. Discuss the various liberal reforms of William Gladstone’s ministry between 1868-74.
  3. What was the goal of Irish home-rule? Describe the legislation of Gladstone that attempted to appease the Irish question?
  4. Discuss the fate of the Home Rule Bills proposed by the House of Commons in 1885, 1892, and 1912.