The following reports and questions from the public took place outside the Parish Council Meeting and do not form part of the Minutes.

The PCSO was absent.

District Cllr Hardy reported:

1.  The Government Local Settlement Figure has been considerably reduced and will disappear altogether around 2019. WDC intend to increase their part of the precept by 1.94 percent the first increase in five years.

2.  The local plan review is being analysed and there was pressure to accept more housing to grow the economy. The first SANGs arrangement for new housing in Crowborough was completed late in 2015, and a SAMMS arrangement was concluded with the Ashdown Forest Conservators last month. These developments will mitigate the effect of applications In the Ashdown Forest zone of influence.

3.  The Housing and Devolution Bill has almost completed its passage through Parliament. The possibility of East and West Sussex and Surrey operating together is under consideration and if it comes about will certainly spread to local government.

4.  Wealden have set aside £2 million to assist with infrastructure in the area. The Community Infrastructue Levy commences on the 1st April which will have to be paid by all developers.

5.  The Haywaggon application has been considered by WDC and approval is recommended. Cllr. Hardy has insisted that the application be placed before PCN and members should make the decision. Cllr Higgins and Howard agreed to attend to speak at the meeting.

6.  As a member of the Upper Medway Drainage Board Cllr Hardy reported all local flooding issues should be reported to Giles Swift on 01892 864754.

Questions for Cllr Hardy:

1.  Cllr Smith highlighted the letter from Martin Donner re recycling.

Cllr Hardy reported Kier would combine recycling if the lorries were full but it would be sorted back at the depot.

County Cllr Whetstone reported:

1.  ESCC precept would increase by 1.99% with a 2% social care levy added for a year.

2.  The process for business rates was changing and the actual revenue collected would be kept by ESCC rather than part revenue part grant from central government.

3.  The huge increases from the living wage increase and ongoing pressure from adult social care continued to put pressure on the budget and some cuts would be disliked but necessary.

4.  A local cut suggested is the Forest Row library to close one day a week.

5.  Some drain clearing had been completed and that hopefully prevented flooding in recent bad weather.

Questions for Cllr Whetstone:

1.  Perryhill road was highlighted as being in poor condition. Cllr Whetstone agreed to follow it up.

Questions from the Public:

Mrs Linda Graham provided Cllrs copies of a new Wealdlink leaflet. She was asked to provide a PDF for the PC website. She also provided an update on the dwindling numbers of youth attending the youth bus and she suggested it was time to cease the service. It was agreed this would be put to the Council at the next PC meeting.
Mrs Nancy Holmes requested consideration for the History Society to sell the illustrated maps – It was agreed this would be discussed at the next PC meeting.

The public meeting concluded and the main Parish Council meeting commenced.