Class 11 – “Living Legacy: Mary & the Communion of Saints”
1. In the Gospel, Mary proclaims, “All generations will call me blessed” (Lk 1:48). In the Gospel Mary is shown interceding with Jesus on behalf of his followers, to obtain for them miracles and blessings (Jn 2:1-12). Jesus himself gives Mary to be the mother of his beloved disciples (Jn 19:26). Catholics therefore love Mary in a very personal way, honor her greatly, pray to her regularly, and seek her intercession and help in all things, none of which detracts from the unique mediatorship of Christ. What is all this attention to her called? [971]
2. What makes Mary unique and honored above all other creatures on earth and in heaven? Mary is honored by this title on January 1st. [495]
3. What doctrine expresses the fact that Mary had only one child, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, without man?[499] How do we explain Matthew 13:54-56?
4. As the “New Eve,” associated with her Son in the work of salvation, Mary was “full of grace” (Lk 1:28). That is, she was preserved by God from any stain of sin in her soul, from the beginning of her existence until the end. She never committed a personal sin, nor did she have Original Sin. This mystery is celebrated in the Church on December 8. [491]
5. When the course of her earthly life was finished, Mary was taken up body and soul into heavenly glory, and exalted as Queen over all things. This mystery is celebrated in the Church on August 15. [966]
6. What are the three most famous Apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the 2000-year history of the Church? Each was accompanied by an important miraculous sign. They took place in 1531, 1859, and 1917.
7. What is the name of the doctrine by which we profess that the Church comprises all the holy ones of Christ, including the pilgrim and militant Church on earth, the members of the Church being purified in Purgatory, and those who experience the glory of the Beatific vision in heaven? [954]
8. What are the formal stages in the process of being named by the Church as a Saint? What is needed to progress beyond the first stage?
9. Which class of saints are considered the foundation stones of the Church, because they were specially chosen and commissioned by Christ with his own authority? [860] Name four of them
10. Which class of saints give testimony to the truth of the Gospel by their blood? Name four.
11. Which class of saints provided foundational teaching and organization in the early centuries of the Church? Name four.
12. Which class of saints are specially designated by the Church as teachers of the faith? There are currently 36. Name four from the middle ages or later, including at least one woman.