Clapton Girls’ Academy
Job Descriptions
Teaching and Learning Responsibility Post
Clapton Girls’ Academy is a multi-ethnic 11-19 girls’ Academy, rich in cultural and linguistic heritage. The students have a variety of needs and the Academy operates within a clearly stated vision and promoting equality framework which emphasises a positive education for girls and members of all communities.
It is expected that the postholder will carry out her/his responsibilities within this philosophy.
All TLR job descriptions define the responsibilities of the postholder as being:
· Under the reasonable direction of the Headteacher to carry out the professional duties of a school teacher as set out in the current School Teachers’ Pay & Conditions Document (STPCD)
· To meet the National Professional Standards for Threshold/Senior Teachers as defined by the Training & Development Agency (TDA) as well as the Chartered London Teacher Standards
· To fulfil expectations of teachers with TLRs as outlined in The Education (STPC, No.2) Order 2005
· To comply with Health and Safety at Work Legislation
Job descriptions are subject to review and amendment.
Head of Faculty.
TLR 2b
Teaching staff, Teaching Assistants (TAs) and other personnel within
the Faculty as deputed by the Head of Faculty.
(i) Raising achievement of students allocated to the Faculty.
Post holders are also responsible to the Headteacher and Senior Leadership Team of the school for ensuring the general good order and discipline of the school, and in the implementation of all policies. All staff are expected to have a clear understanding of the vision, aims, and ethos of the school, and an awareness of its role in the community. It is essential that the academic and pastoral frameworks of the school are seen as inter-related.
SECTION (A) Generic to All TLR(2b) Seconds in Faculty
In addition to professional duties required of all teachers, Middle Leaders holding posts of responsibility will be expected to undertake the following duties for which they will receive a TLR:-
1 Learning & Teaching;
1.1 to demonstrate high standards of teaching thereby impacting on the learning & achievement of students and, as such, to be a positive role model to other staff.
1.2 to prioritise learning and teaching in keeping with the school’s vision and the School Improvement Plan and to ensure that Threshold Standards are maintained where appropriate.
1.3 to assist in raising standards of student attainment and achievement within the subject area.
1.4 to assist in ensuring that every student is given the opportunity and support to make progress and achieve their best.
1.5 to assist in ensuring that the Faculty inputs into the Out of School Hours Learning (OoSHL) schedule, including the revision programmes, as part of its commitment to the school’s Extended Schools programme.
1.6 to assist in relevant and appropriate curriculum planning incorporating whole-school policies.
1.7 to assist in ensuring that the curriculum meets statutory requirements, supported by relevant schemes of work and lesson plans.
1.8 to assist in ensuring that a variety of teaching styles and methods are used throughout the Faculty and are explicit in the Schemes of Learning in line with the school’s Personalising Learning agenda.
1.9 to contribute to taking responsibility for teaching approaches and pedagogy used by the curriculum team.
1.10 to contribute to taking responsibility for the development and selection of suitably differentiated materials for different student groupings, including ‘more able students’, gifted and talented students, students with SEN and students for whom English is an additional language.
1.11 to employ knowledge of the KS1 and KS2 curricular to ensure appropriate good practice is utilised at KS3.
1.12 to assist in the implementation and monitoring of the school’s homework policy within the Faculty.
1.13 to assist in the monitoring and supporting of overall progress and development of students within the Faculty.
1.14 to contribute to advising the team members on Behaviour for Learning and classroom management strategies appropriate to the relevant subject and needs of students.
1.15 to assist in ensuring that the Behaviour for Learning Policy is successfully implemented in the Faculty so that effective learning can take place both in classrooms and the Faculty areas.
1.16 to assist in encouraging and taking responsibility for the learning environment by overseeing visual materials and classroom and school display.
1.17 In liaison with the Senior Leader with responsibility for ICT and Network and Development Manager to assist in the appropriate application of ICT within the Faculty.
2 Assessment and Making Use of Data to Track Student Progress
2.1 to contribute to the devising and implementation of assessment, monitoring and evaluation procedures consistent with school policy, and in line with current legislation, including setting appropriate targets for students.
2.2 to assist in monitoring student progress and attainment across the area.
2.3 to assist in making use of baseline and performance data to set targets for individual students as well as groups and cohorts of students in identifying underachievement and potential.
2.4 to contribute to regularly analysing data to ensure that each group or cohort is on track
towards targets set and identify intervention strategies to support progress.
2.5 to assist in making use of value-added data when helping produce the Faculty Achievement Meeting report.
2.6 to assist in overseeing reporting to parents on student achievement in the given Faculty.
3 Leadership
3.1 to assist in leading a team of teachers and other professionals in meeting the learning needs of students in the curriculum area.
3.2 to assist in providing knowledgeable and innovative leadership of teaching and the curriculum.
3.3 to demonstrate appropriate leadership behaviours which inspire confidence in others, whilst also challenging and supporting colleagues, thereby creating a positive impact at school and Faculty level.
3.4 to maintain clear vision, purpose and high expectations of staff and students, focusing on student achievement.
3.5 to assist in implementing strategic planning for the Faculty co-ordinated with the School Improvement Plan and Faculty Improvement Plan.
3.6 to assist the Faculty in school self-evaluation, both at whole school and Faculty level, and to help produce an annual Faculty Achievement Meeting report, communicated annually to the Headteacher and relevant member of the Leadership Team.
3.7 to assist in the promotion of effective teamwork and motivate staff to ensure effective, professional, working relations.
3.8 to deputise, when required, for the Head of Faculty, at Middle Leaders meetings.
3.9 to contribute to leading a staff team in induction, guidance and advice
3.10 to assist in having oversight of the work of members of staff, including monitoring, assessment and evaluation.
3.11 to assist in leading the Faculty through the process of Performance Management and self-review.
3.12 to participate in the recruitment of Faculty staff, including formulating and revising relevant job descriptions and provide effective induction of new staff in line with school procedures.
3.13 to collaborate with the Leadership team and other Heads of Faculty and Subject Heads to raise pupil attainment
4 Management
4.1 to assist in ensuring that Health and Safety policies and practices, including risk assessments throughout the Faculty are in line with national requirements and are updated where necessary.
4.2 to assist in the day-to-day management of the Faculty and its staff.
4.3 to assist in taking responsibility for the conduct and behaviour of students within the area of responsibility and to be available to help members of staff as problems arise.
4.4 to implement the school Behaviour for Learning Policy and assist in the Senior Staff On Duty System (SSoD).
4.5 to provide relevant information to colleagues and parents, as required.
4.6 to assist in providing information for the Deputy Head regarding the timetabling of staff and allocation of teaching groups.
4.7 to help manage the available resources of space, staff, money and equipment efficiently within the limits, guidelines and procedures laid down; including deploying the Faculty budget, acting as a cost centre holder, requisitioning, organising and maintaining equipment and stock, and keeping appropriate records.
4.8 to assist the Head of Faculty to make appropriate arrangements for classes when staff are absent, ensuring appropriate cover within the Faculty liaising with the Senior Leader responsible for cover to secure appropriate cover within the Faculty.
4.9 to implement school policies and procedures, e.g. Health & Safety; Child Protection and Promoting Equality, and undertake relevant risk assessments where necessary.
5 Accountability and Monitoring
In conjunction with the Head of Faculty and in her or his absence:
5.1 to be accountable for student progress and development within the Faculty.
5.2 to be responsible for all students allocated to the Faculty including those on roll but taught outside the Faculty.
5.3 to accept overall responsibility for all aspects of internal & external examination and testing procedures as related to the area of responsibility.
5.4 to monitor departmental achievement and individual teacher performance in learning and teaching.
5.5 to monitor the learning experiences of students, including undertaking work sampling and classroom observations.
5.6 to ensure that the Faculty’s quality assurance procedures meet the requirements of Self Evaluation and the Faculty Improvement Plan.
5.7 to involve and communicate the Faculty’s direction to governors, including the Faculty link governor.
5.8 to ensure effective communication with parents and community representatives.
5.9 to accept overall responsibility for all aspects of internal and external examination and testing
procedures as relate to the area of responsibility.
5.10 to be accountable for the most effective use of the Faculties resources and budget.
6 Coaching, Mentoring and Enhancing the Professional Development of Others’
6.1 to assist in developing and enhancing the teaching practice of others including Beginning Teachers, Newly Qualified Teachers, Overseas Trained Teachers, teachers at the start of their careers and teachers with other specialisms.
6.2 to undertake regular lesson observations, scrutiny of students’ work and monitoring of colleague’s performance in order to give professional feedback to Faculty members as well as to inform school self-review
6.3 to contribute to the well-being and development of the school by the supervision of students, guidance of teachers and support staff attached to the Faculty, and the induction of new staff, as appropriate to the area of responsibility
6.4 to undertake performance management reviews and to act as reviewer for staff within the Faculty in order to provide each team member with an entitlement to self-review and to guide them in developing a continuing professional development plan
6.5 to support Faculty staff in developing their Clapton Portfolio of Development (CPoD)
6.6 to coach and mentor staff in the Faculty in order to support them in their role and in order to raise the standard of both student and staff learning within the Faculty
6.7 to coach and mentor staff through QTS and Induction Standards, Threshold Standards, Post Threshold and Senior Teacher Standards and Chartered London Teacher Standards
6.8 to participate in their own professional development and support Faculty colleagues in theirs, ensuring that INSET needs are prioritised and training disseminated.
7 School Ethos
7.1 to play a full part in the life of the school community, to support its distinctive vision and the Every Child Matters Agenda, and to lead staff and students in doing the same
7.2 to actively support the school’s corporate policies and aspirations
7.3 to adhere to the staff professional code of conduct as developed collectively by staff
In addition to Section A, the specific part of the job description includes working closely with the Head of Faculty to lead a team of teachers and support staff in raising achievement of students referred to the English Faculty by:
B1 To lead learning and teaching in KS3
B2 To track and monitor student progress in KS3 and to then ensure appropriate intervenytion when required.
B3 To act as a mentor for staff who are new to the department. To ensure new staff are following faculty and school policy.
Whilst every effort has been made to explain the main duties and responsibilities of the post, each individual task may not be identified. The teaching/contact time associated with this post is 20 hours out of a possible 26 1 hour lessons.
The job description is current at the date below but will be reviewed on an annual basis and, in consultation with you, may be changed to reflect changes in the job requirements which are commensurate with the job title and grade.
Signed ……...……………………… ………(Teacher) Date …………………………..
Signed ……………………………………. (Headteacher) Date………………………………
CGTC HoF JD October 2013