Minutes of the Meeting of the Town Council
held on Monday 9February2009 at 7.00pm
Present: Cllr David Banks (Chair), Cllr Hazel Bowden, Cllr Sally de Renzy-Martin, Cllr Jenny Hill, Cllr Peter Murphy, Cllr Wendy Turner,Cllr Doug Webber, Cllr Dave Westcott, Cllr Loretta Whetlor, Cllr Vincent Woods
In attendance: SarahReedTown Clerk,District Cllr Anthony Knight,County Cllr Anthony Trollope-Bellew. Press.
08/88To receive Apologies: Cllr Paul Chamberlain (Vice-Chair), Cllr Ann Snelling
08/89To receive Declarations of Interest: None at this point
08/90To confirm the adoption of Minutes of the last meeting held on12 January 2009 and Matters of Report
The minutes had been circulated prior to the meeting to all Councillors. Cllr Hill proposed that the minutes of the meeting held on 12January 2009 are adopted as a true and correct record. Seconded by Cllr Woods. Carried.
Matters of Report:None
08/91Chairman’s Report- verbal
Cllr Banksas Chair commentedon the following:-
- Unfortunately a report was received by the Clerk today, from Simon Bale on behalf of Watchet Sea Scouts. On Friday their equipment shed was broken into and some vital equipment stolen including two new kayaks. If anyone notices anything suspicious in relation to this theft then please inform Simon Bale direct or report to the Clerk.
- A meeting has been scheduled between representatives of the War Memorial Ground Management Committee and Watchet Town Council to discuss a plan of action in relation to addressing the dog fouling issue.
- A recent broadcast of the BBC programme “The One Show” featured Watchet. Thetown was portrayed excellently and gave a good profile of the town. Congratulations should be given to all those involved who conducted themselves in a professional and friendly manner.
- In relation to the strategic plan formulated by the Watchet Action Strategic Planning (WASP) MCTi Steering Group, Cllr Banks passed to Cllr de Renzy-Martin for her input. Cllr de Renzy-Martin continued that she wished to inform all present that the Strategic Plan will be launched at an event on Tuesday 24 February 2009 at KnightsTemplarSchool commencing at 7.00pm. All councillors are invited and welcome. The plan is currently available for download from
08/92Reports from Principle Authority Members: County Councillor Trollope-Bellew, District Councillors J Hill, A Knight and D Westcott and to receive questions from the floor
County Councillor Trollope-Bellew reported on the following:
- To add to Cllr de Renzy-Martin’s information regarding the WASP meeting to be held on 24 February 2009, if any attendees have any opinions as to whether to retain the Regeneration Partnership or for the Partnership to disband. Attendees should ensure that their opinions are made known at the meeting as a decision must be made
- SomersetCounty Council – budget. The first part of the budget has gone through the Executive and the rise is 2.74% increase to the Council Tax. No further comment to make as the debate will take place at County Hall on Wednesday 18 February 2009. Further details will be reported at next months Full Council meeting
- Good news! – There is to be another bus service coming into Watchet as from 21 March 2009, Webbers will be running a totally unsubsidised commercial bus service in competition with ‘First’ being run on quality rather than cost. This might well encourage greater improvement in the bus service
- The Pioneer Somerset process is progressing slowly. A Scrutiny Panel has been appointed. The idea of Pioneer Somerset is to save £20million ie to save what the Unitary Authority would have saved and also to improve the services.
- The West Somerset Economic Development Strategy – one comment on this with regard to roads is that there is little chance in the near or immediate future of any road improvements. County Councillor Trollope-Bellew called for the councillors to add comments if they feel we need road improvements
Questions from the floor:
Cllr Banks: What will be the frequency of the new bus service?
Answer: An hourly service
Cllr Banks: Will this include the normal concessionary rates?
Answer: Yes, but I will find out and report back
Cllr Banks: The road improvement schedule does not look very good. What about the road maintenance? If we are not to get any road improvements then at least we should ensure that the roads we have are well-maintained
Answer: Somerset is in the top quartile of roads in the country. I find this hard to understand as some of the roads are not up to standard. There is a massive backlog of repairs.
District Cllr Knight reported on the following:
Planning Committee:
- Interestingly, councillors overturned the officer’s recommendation to refuse the presented plans for disabled access to the Jubilee Café in Minehead. The committee felt it was not detrimental to the look of the building, nor the conservation area.
- The Alpaca Farm saga continues and the committee refused to grant part retrospective application for a barn, hard standing and track at Huish Champflower stating that there was an impact on the countryside although the voting was close at 7-6.
- District Cllr Knight raised the issues concerning the interests of those serving on the committee and also on their respective Parish Councils. His and the legal advisor’s understandingdiffer from those of a number of councillors and there will be further legal input next month.
- The Full Council agenda included notes from the Improvement Board and Pioneer Somerset.
- The Forward Plan draft Economic Strategy presentation by EKOS (who were commissioned last year to undertake an economic assessment of West Somerset and to identify economic priorities) will go before council on the 19 February 2009.
- The budgets revenue and capital for 4.9% increase which was agreed by cabinet will now go to full council on 27 February 2009.
- Licensing, Harbour Mooring and Environmental Health fees were voted on at an increase of 2.5% across the board.
Planning – 3 agenda items involving Planning on the agenda:
- The cost to provide a replacement Supplementary Planning Document for planning obligations was to have been funded entirely from a Planning Delivery Grant which is received from the Dept of Communities & Local Government will give the opportunity to lower the threshold for affordable housing in Minehead/Alcombe
- Planning Protocol Agreements
- Planning Staffing Structure – taken in confidential session, however the proposed and approved option regarding how the Planning Dept should be managed is by WSC recruiting a Planning Manager
- It has been confirmed that the district is not eligible for Working Neighbourhoods funding and therefore the full £3million is lost. However the £1.84million transitional funding remains
- The most encouraging topic currently within WSC regards to Section 106 monies and the inclusion in the Capital Programme for 2009-10 of a total of £45,500 to refurbish the railway footbridge, grants to Henry Davey Playing Field project and Knights Templar Swimming Pool. This illustrates good practice by officers and committees in obtaining Section 106 monies.
Questions from the floor: None
District Cllr Hill reported on the following:
- Licensing Committee – currently assessing an application made by a resident who wishes to start up a Safari business and need a licence to run a 4 x 4 vehicle. This matter is on-going
- The Womens Institute and the Watchet Chemist are setting up a new prescription delivery service aimed at people aged over 60 years of age who are housebound, of ill health or disabled. There will be posters displayed explaining the service in more detail and the date it starts. It is a voluntary service.
All were in agreement that this is an excellent community initiative for Watchet
Questions from the floor: None
District Cllr Westcottreported on the following:-
- The Somerset Waste Partnership in the period 2009-10 are seeking to employ a member of staff to assist and advise on how traders can recycle their waste in the proper manner. This post has been supported by Cabinet
- A progress report in relation to the East Quay development was requested by Cllr Westcott. In reply, Adrian Dyer informed Cllr Westcott that he is meeting the Urban Splash developers this week. Cllr Westcott will be able to give an update to Council after this meeting has taken place, but negotiations are ongoing and positive
Questions from the floor: None
08/93Reports from Representatives of Outside Organisations, verbal – no Decisions:
Cllr Westcott as the representative on the War Memorial Ground Management Committeeattended a recent meeting andreported:
- Due to constant petty vandalism to the pavilion, the committee have agreed to brick up the entrance to the toilet and cover the two remaining doors with shutter doors
- The problems of dog fouling was discussed in depth with concerns expressed
Cllr Murphyas a Council representative on the Old Mineral Line Projectreported on the following:
- A recent archaeological dig revealed that one section of the pier rails are intact. So as part of the project, the intention is to expose a length of track and paving and costing are currently being sought for this work
- To confirm to all members, there will be an exhibition on Friday 6 March and Saturday 7 March 2009 in the council chamber from 10.00pm to 4.00pm. Part of the project is to upgrade the Watchet to Washford trail and the views of the local people are essential in discussing various options available.
- The display will include plans and progress so far and members involved with the project will be in attendance to answer any queries.
Cllr Turner as representative on the Watchet Carnival Clubreportedon the following:
- The Valentines Party will take place on Saturday 14 February 2009 and although well publicised the ticket sales have been slow
- The Festival is making good progress
Cllr Woodsinformed the members present that he planned to make recommendations at the next full Council agenda for changes to items:
- Reports from Principal authority members, and
- Reports from representatives of outside bodies, verbal – no decisions.
The recommendations will be open to debate
08/94 Reports from Committees and decisions made:
Environment & Planning Committee (15 January 2009)
Cllr Westcott made reference to items:
- 08/76B “Clean Neighbourhood and Environment Act 2005 – proposals to make dog control orders (draft consultation) discuss and formulate proposals specific to this Council”
Proposals for input into the formulation of dog orders is to be drafted by Councillors Banks and Westcott and submitted to West Somerset Council by the deadline date of 28 February 2009
- Planning Application 3/37/08/036 The Mill, Anchor Street, Watchet
To dispel some incorrect rumours that the Environment & Planning Committee had voted with 3 votes for and 2 votes against, in favour of this development, Cllr Westcott read out the relevant section of the Environment & Planning Committee minutes:
“The Committee welcomes the prospect of the job gains which will arise from the development and the developer’s willingness to bring in the bulk of all construction materials by rail rather than road. We look forward to this being confirmed in writing.
However, the Committee is still far from satisfied with the proposals for access to both the development of the site and, after completion, via Anchor Street as a service route for suppliers, visitors, staff, emergency services, etc, and do not believe that the proposal submitted to alleviate the problem will be viable.”
Cllr Westcott as Chair of the Committee proposed that the minutes of the meeting held on 15January 2009are adopted as a true and correct record. Seconded by Cllr Whetlor. Carried.
Matters of Report:None
Cllr Woods concluded that in relation to planning application 3/37/08/036, the purpose of taking such a resolution was to inform the West Somerset Council planning authority that this matter was still open for discussion, as there were issues that the Committee were not entirely in favour of which would need further clarification.
Cllr Webber asked for an update on Item 08/72B “To consider forming a working group to work on the ‘Pavement Project’ with the Conservation Society”, on the proviso that audited accounts were received. The Clerk clarified that the accounts had been received and would be made available to any councillor who requested a copy.
Finance & General Purposes Committee(19 January 2009)
Cllr Woodsas Chairof the Finance & General Purposes Committee gave a brief update on Item 08/77C “Quarterly Budget figures for the period of October to December 2008 – update” and noted that spend figures throughout the Council are comfortably within budget. Cllr Woods then proposed that the minutes of the meeting held on 19January 2009, are adopted as a true and correct record. Seconded by Cllr Murphy. Carried.
Matters of Report: None
Tourism & Leisure Committee (22 January 2009)
In the absence of Cllr Chamberlain Chair of the Tourism & Leisure Committee, Cllr Banks proposed that the minutes of the meeting held on 22 January 2009, are adopted as a true and correct record. Seconded by Cllr de Renzy-Martin. Carried.
08/95Matters of Correspondence for Report
The Clerk reported that correspondence is addressed on a daily basis and filed. The file is available for all Councillors to inspect at their leisure.
08/96Accounts for Payment – To accept the January Accounts, due for payment in February. The schedule is circulated to all members during the meeting for their consideration
Cllr Woods proposed that the Schedule of Payments for January are accepted and paid. Seconded by Cllr Westcott. Carried.
08/97To note Matters for the next meeting – no discussion or decisions made
- Principal members reports and reports from outside organisations – discuss format
The meeting closed at 7.35pm
Signed: …………………………………………………………………………
Dated: ………………………………………………………………………….
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