/ Course Code:
Has the Learning Target been achieved?
Ref No:
Student Name:

Individual Learning Record Plan

Photoshop Elements (ACL)

About This Course

This ten-week course is aimed at people who have an interest in digital art and photograph manipulation. Adobe Photoshop allows you to produce all kinds of graphics by manipulating and composing scanned or drawn images, using powerful layering and masking techniques. This will introduce you to special effect filters, which will enable you to create artistic images, montages and special effects

This course is a window into the world of digital imagery, colour and imagination.

This course does not have an exam. However, you will be continually assessed and you may be required to produce a portfolio of evidence to support your learning targets.

Teaching Styles

  • Individual learning targets are negotiated with you and the tutor
  • Ongoing assessment and observation
  • Demonstrations of software
  • Bespoke handouts
  • Tutorials
  • Optional homework exercises

Handouts, etc are available on disk or can be sent to you by electronic communication.

Please contact your tutor for further details. This course may be taught on laptops.

Course Aims & Learning Outcomes

  • To boost your confidence and motivation
  • For a fun and relaxed learning experience
  • To introduce simple ways to enjoy using technology
  • To give you transferable skills for home or employment

Initial Assessment ‘Where Should I Start?’

This assessment will help you and your tutor decide at which level you should commence your study.

Please answer all the following questions.

Is this your first computer course? (Yes/No)
Have you attended a digital imaging course before? (Yes / No)
If yes, what was the title of the course?
And what was the date of the course?
Have you used editing software?
Do you own editing software?
Do you know what layers are?
Have you used a scanner?
Would you consider yourself to be artistic?
Are you attending this course for personal development – as part of a hobby?
Are you attending this course for professional development – to increase your work skills?
Have you ever put together a portfolio of work?
Are you familiar with Adult Education’s Student Support Services?
If you have previously attended an ICT course by Stockton Adult Education Service before, did you complete a HEALTH & SAFETY questionnaire sheet?

Be better…

If you enjoyed this course then here is a list of other computing courses available:

  • Photograph restoration
  • Cartoon/photo strip (10 week course)
  • Scan bytes, web bytes, print bytes or video bytes (short courses)
  • Digital art or scanner art (short course)

Other courses are displayed on the Stockton Borough Council web site. Click on: for more information.

Tutorial One: Targets and Goals


Why did you want to do this course, what is your main learning aim?

Listed below will be your individual learning targets, which you will agree to review and complete to gain your learning aim. They will be reviewed between you and your tutor.

Individual Learning Targets / Target Date
Do you feel you need additional support to achieve your learning targets? (Yes/No)
I have agreed and discussed the above targets with my tutor. Signed:

Tutorial Two: How’s it going?


How’s it going?

Tutorial Three: Achievements and progression

Have you achieved what you had hoped to achieve? (Yes / More than / Partly / Not at all)
Please use this space to describe other learning or anything else you’ve gained from the course:
Have you used what you have gained from the course in other aspects of your life? (Yes / No)
If you had any special needs did you receive adequate support during the course?
Has this course encouraged you to continue learning?

Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcome / Achieved?
1 / Understand the functions of elements software
2 / Produce and save a series of artistic images
3 / Use adobe software confidently
4 / Create patterns and gradients for use in your images
5 / Print images

I would particularly like to increase my skills, knowledge or understanding of:

Health & Safety

It is very important that we maintain a safe and comfortable learning/working environment. It is your responsibility to familiarise yourself with the following:

Activity: / How confident are you? / Date
Actions in an Emergency
  • Fire Assembly Point
  • Fire Action Notices
  • Emergency Exit

  • Spotting Hazards
  • Reporting Hazards

Reporting Injury/Illness
  • Identifying Illness/Injury
  • Reporting Illness/Injury

Have you read the fire action notice in your classroom?
Do you know your way around the building?
Do you know what to do in the event of an emergency?
Do you know your role in the event of an injury/illness?

If you spot a hazard (something that may cause harm) what would you do?

What would you do if it was too cold/hot/stuffy in the class?

What would you do if you were uncomfortable at your computer?

Tutor Note:

Please submit this ILP at the end of the course to your line manager. Remember to tick the Achieved Box on your register, in the Quality Assurance section.

Example 5 ICT ILP Photoshop Elements SAES