CJ Hicks Supply List
•1 box FAT pencils
•1 box 24 Crayola crayons
•5 glue sticks
•1 bottle of Elmer’s glue
•1 package of markers
•1 pack Expo dry erase markers
•2 packs of white copy paper
•1 pack colored copy/card stock paper
•1 pair scissors
•1 blue or red plastic 3 prong folder
•2 boxes of Kleenex
•1 bottle of hand soap or sanitizer
•1 pack of baby wipes
•1 package of paper towels
•3 ctns disinfectant wipes
•1 box of Ziploc gallon- sized resealable bags (boys)
•1 box qt-sized resealable bags (girls)
•Book bag (no rolling bags)
•Computer headphones for iPad use(NO EARBUDS)
•Change of clothes (underwear, socks, shirt, shorts/pants in a clear plastic bag labeled with child’s name on bag and clothing)
•1 sm blanket or lge towel for nap
* 6-pack boxes of Kleenex
•2 bx #2 pencils-not mechanical
•2 boxes of 24 count crayons
•3 ctn of disinfectant wipes
•2 reams of white copy paper
•1 ream of colored cardstock
•1 ream of multicolored copy paper
•1 pack of construction paper
•1 package of markers
•3 Mead Primary Journal Creative Story Tablet
•4 marbled composition books
•2 pocket, 3 prong green folder
•1 package of index card
•1 package of neon colored index card
•4 bottles of sanitizer
•2 bottles of soap
•8 glue sticks
•4 rolls paper towels
•1 can Lysol spray
•1 box gal Ziploc sealable bags
•2 bxs quart re-sealable bags
•2 boxes of sandwich bags
•1 pks large pink erasers
•3 pk of Expo dry erase markers
•computer headphones for iPad (NO EARBUDS)
•No Hand Held Pencil Sharpeners
•Change of clothes (undergarments, shirts, pants, etc with name)
•All supplies will be kept in the classroom. To complete all homework assignments please have crayons, scissors, pencils, paper, & glue available at home
1st Grade
• 48 # 2 pencils
• 2 packs notebook wide-ruled paper
• 5 wide-ruled marbled composition books
• 3 prong pocket folders (PLASTIC only)
• 8 glue sticks
• 1 pair Fiskars scissors (blunt tip only)
• 2 - 24 pack Crayola crayons
• 8 LARGE boxes of tissue
• 2 LARGE bottles of Hand Sanitizer
• 1-3 pack of Clorox Wipes
• 1 bottle of soap
• 2 packs white copy paper
• 2 packs of erasers
• 1 pack Expo markers
• 1 pack First Grade Writing Paper
• 1 roll of paper towels
* 2 pocket, 3 prong green folder
* 1 computer headphone for iPad use(NO EARBUDS)
• Extra Copy paper
• Extra # 2 pencils
• Extra tissue boxes
• Extra Expo Dry Erase Markers
No Hand Held Pencil Sharpeners
2nd Grade
* 100 #2 pencils-not mechanical
- Construction paper
- Highlighters
- Sticky notes
- 6 3-prong pocket paper folders
- 2 pocket, 3 prong green folder
- 5 packs eraser tops
- 4 glue sticks
- 5 Packs loose leaf paper
- 6 Marbled composition notebooks
- 2 bottles of hand sanitizer
- 2 bottle of soap
- 4 boxes of Kleenex
- 4 rolls of paper towels
- 1 box of gallon plastic bags
- 1 box sandwich bags (zip)
- 4 reams of white copy paper
- 1 pack of Lysol/Clorox wipes
- 1 can of Lysol spray
- 2 pks 4 Expo dry erase markers
- 1 pack 3x5 colored index cards
- 1 pair of scissors (blunt)
- 1 Headphone/Ear Buds(NO EARBUDS)
- 1 box of 24 crayons
- No Hand Held Pencil Sharpeners
3rd Grade
- Backpack
- 6 Folders
- 2 pocket, 3 prong green folder
- 5 marbled Composition Books
- 2 Pack of White Copy Paper
- 1 pk of Crayons, Color Pencils, & Markers
- 3 Boxes of Tissue
- Glue Sticks
- Pencils
- Post it notes
- 2 Bottles of Hand Sanitizer
- 2 container Lysol/Clorox wipes
- Pencil Pouch w/zipper
3rd grade supply list continued in next column
3rd Grade continued
- Dry Erase Markers
- Index cards
- Ruler (Centimeters 7 Inches)
- 2 packs of Wide- Lined paper
- 2 Rolls of Paper Towel
- Scissors
- 3.5mm computer headphone for student laptop
- Pack of Candy
- 2 pocket, 3 prong green folder
- $6.00 for agenda
- No Hand Held Pencil Sharpeners
- $20 Technology Fee covers theft insurance ***
4th Grade
- 4 packs of pencils- NO MECHANICAL
- 1 pack of glue sticks
- 5 pks wide ruled loose leaf paper
- 6 marbled composition notebooks (No spiral)
- 2 pocket, 3 prong green folder
- 4 folders
- 1 box of markers
- 1 pack of colored pencils
- 1 pair of scissors
- 1 pack of post-it notes
- 2 packs of white copy paper
- 1 packs of Black Dry Erase Markers (Expo)
- 1 pack of index cards
- 1 pack of red and blue pens
- 1-2 packs of highlighters (any color)
- 1-2 med/lge bottles of sanitizer
- 1-2 bottles of hand soap
- 2-4 boxes of Kleenex tissue
- 1-2 rolls of large paper towels
- 1 pack of colored construction paper
- 1 container of disinfectant wipes
- 1 box of sandwich bags (zip)
- 3.5mm computer headphone for student laptop
- No Hand Held Pencil Sharpeners
- $20 Technology Fee covers theft insurance ***
5th Grade
- 8 - Marbled Composition notebooks
- 2 – Pks of Wide ruled notebook paper
- 3 – Reams of white copy paper
- 1 – Ream of Construction paper
- 2 pocket, 3 prong green folder
- 1 - Glue Stick
- 1 – Box of chart markers
- 1 – Box of Colored Pencils OR Crayons
- 1 – Ruler
- 3 – Boxes of #2 pencils-no mechanical
- 1 – Pack of 3x6 index cards
- 3 – Clorox Wipes
- 3 – Sanitizer (large)
- 1 – Gallon size Ziploc
- 1 – Sandwich size Ziploc
- 1 – Baby wipes
- 4 – Boxes of Kleenex
- 2- Packs of dry erase markers
- 3.5mm computer headphone for student laptop
- No Hand Held Pencil Sharpeners
- $20 Technology Fee covers theft insurance ***
- *** *** Students in 3rd – 5th grade will have access to RCPS issued laptops which will be allowed to go home. Parents are responsible for laptops in the event of theft, loss and/or vandalism. The $20 Technology Fee covers theft insurance.