Civic Engagement ProjectSOCI-201 Social Problems

Paper DUE Dec. 11—4-5 pages(25 Points)


A. (1 page) Find & Write about an organization that addresses the social problem (broadly speaking) in which you are interested. Get some information on itsmission, goals, activities, etc.Write that up briefly(1 page).Do not just copy and paste from web sites, etc. Use your own wording! I will give some tips on where to look for information (on web & locally –

B1. Volunteering & Write-Up(3-4 pgs.):Volunteer at least 6-8 hoursthis semesterwith the organization from A. or any other similar one. In your paper,provide info. on when you volunteered and a contact personname and phone number for someone from the organization.

Your paper should consist ofa 2-3 pageDetailed Descriptionof what you did and observed (saw & heard), and1-2 pageCritical Reflection(with heading)on your work and the organization; include some critique of problems or short-comings the organization and your own work, & suggest improvements.

Also, at some point in the paper,connect / apply specificinfo. &/or conceptsfrom at least 2 class readings (& cite them) to your volunteering info / experience; this should take 2 paragraphs.

OR B2. Research & OutreachWrite Up (4 pgs):Create something to promote awareness about a social problemissue ANDan organizationthat addresses it, (e.g., Power Pt presentation, a newsletter article or letter, a poster or art work, a web site). Then show it to at least 5 peopleand have a brief conversation and get their feedback. Also, do additionallibrary researchand get2 academic journal articleson your topic and use info. from them in your paper (& cite them, like in RDPs).

Your paper should consist of a 2-3 pageDetailed Descriptionofwhat you did, people’sreactions, and relevant information on topic from the journal articles),and1-2pageCritical Reflection(with heading)on what you didand your thoughts on people’s reactions, thearticle info., on the organization, and larger meaning of the issue; include some critique of problems or short-comings the organization and your own work, & suggest improvements.

Also, at some point in the paper, connect / apply specific info. &/or conceptsfrom at least 2 class readings (& cite them) to your research info &/or outreach experience; this should take 2 paragraphs.

Note: You must turn in a hard copy of your creation – not just a web link (unless it’s a video you make). Note: if doing Power Point, must have minimum of 6 slides and original material, not just copy & paste.

C. Works Cited / Bibliography Page: List any class reading(s) and any other articles you may be using. Format: List articles in alphabetical order, by author last name

Author Last Name, First Name. Year [or full date if given]. "Article Title." Journal Name / Book Name, Volume #, Number [issue] #,pg #'s of article.

Where to find Organizations for Volunteering: You may know of organizations already from previous experience or your own contacts, but if not, you can check with SU Community web site:

Where to Find Academic Articles:

Here is link to SU Lib. web site article data base. Use one or both of following databases: JSTOR or/andAcademic Search Complete. They are best sources for full text articles. Also, see SU Reference Librarians for help. Also, here is a more direct link, but may only work from SU networked computer: