Civic Engagement Certification Request for the UFV BA

One of the primary goals of the revised BA is to ensure students demonstrate personal and social responsibility, applying what they have learned in the classroom outside of the classroom. Through civic engagement, students apply classroom learning to their communities and reflect on the personal and social benefits of active citizenship.

“Civic engagement is ‘working to make a difference in the civic life of our communities and developing the combination of knowledge, skills, values, and motivations to make that difference. It means promoting the quality of life in a community, through both political and non-political processes’ (Excerpted from Civic Responsibility and Higher Education, edited by Thomas Ehrlich, published by Oryx Press, 2000, Preface, page vi). In addition, civic engagement encompasses actions wherein individuals participate in activities of personal and public concern that are both individually life enriching and socially beneficial to the community” (

To satisfy the Civic Engagement requirement, courses must:

  • Meet the stipulated outcomes
  • Require civic engagement, which reflects the above definition, outside of the classroom.

Please note: Courses may be certified as meeting a foundation skill requirement and the civic engagement requirement, but students will not be able to take one course to satisfy both.

Courses across a variety of Arts disciplines are likely to qualify, provided civic engagement outside of the classroom is central to the course objectives. Sample activities related to classroom work include service learning, community-based research, presentations to community groups, and community service.

Submission Information:

Course number and title
Course pre-requisites
Name(s) of instructor(s)
Central contact person

Show how your course satisfies the stipulated learning outcomes for the requirement by aligning outcomes on the official course outline with the required outcomes.

Please note:CACCwill not officially certify a course if the official course outline is more than 1 year past its official review date.

Learning Outcomes / Official Course Outline Learning Outcomes
Articulate the aims and goals of a particular community group or activity
Apply skills and knowledge acquired during BA studies in the community
Identify ways one's civic engagement benefits the individual and society
Reflect on one's self development related to civic identity and participation

Please outline the civic engagement activities which will take place outside of the classroom and how civic engagement outcomes will be assessed.


Once complete, submissions should be sent via email to the BAPC Chair and BAPC Committees Assistant. Please include:

  • Request form
  • Official course outline (current), if course is not being revised
  • Revised official course outline, if course is being revised

A course that is under revision will not be officially certified until the revisions have been approved by UEC. CACC will give conditional certification of such courses, finalizing certification upon UEC approval provided substantial changes were not made to the course during the curriculum review process.