Circle of Coll Seed Group
Alban Eiler Ceremony: VolunteerPark, March 20, 2010
Theme: The egg as a symbol of the circle of life, representing balance and harmony.
W. Latta: to lead the grounding meditation
______to cast/unwind the circle
Moss - to consecrate the circle with water
W. Latta - to consecrate the circle with fire
Stefanie -(tentative)North
W. Latta - South/Fire
Laura -(tentative)East
Moss - West/Water
Stefanie-(tentative)to welcome/thank the God/Goddess/Spirit
Ruth - Herald
Nicole-(tentative)Druid 1
Patrick--(tentative) Druid 2
Katy- Lady Cerridwen
On the altar are the following:
Hare symbols
Trefoil or spring flowers
Basket of eggs
Drinking horn with wine
Ogam sheets
Colored felt pens
black stone egg, and white stone egg
Bowl of water
The Grounding
W. LATTAleads the group in the processional toward the space, thenleads in a grounding meditation.
The Opening
HERALD: By the power of star and stone,
By the power of the land within and without,
By all that is Fair and Free,
We welcome you to this rite of Alban Eiler
In the Seed Group of the Circle of Coll.
WEST: We have come from East and West, North and South to be here together today.
NORTH: With the blessings of Earth, Sea, and Sky may our ceremony begin!
STEFANIE: (Saluting East and facing outward)
O (Goddess or Spirit or other term) we greet and honor you and ask for your blessing.
(Facing inwards) O spirit of this place, O spirit of this circle, we ask for your blessings, your guidance, and your inspiration on this our ceremony.
DRUID 2: Let us begin by giving peace to the quarters, for without peace can no work be.
(Druid 2 salutes each direction, crossing the center of the circle, then returns to place)
May there be peace in the North.
May there be peace in the South.
May there be peace in the West.
May there be peace in the East.
ALL: May there be peace throughout the whole world.
DRUID 1: Let us join in this prayer that unites all Druidsprinted on the blue cards.
ALL:Grant, oh Spirit, thy protection.
And in protection, strength
And in strength, understanding.
And in understanding, knowledge.
And in knowledge, the knowledge of justice.
And in the knowledge of justice, the love of it.
And in the love of it, the love of all existences.
And in the love of all existences, the love of Spirit and all goodness.
DRUID 1: And now, let us tone 3 Awens, the sacred song of light and peace.
(PAUSE WHILEALL entone 3 Awens.)
DRUID 1: Let the circle be cast for protection and to unite us in sacred space. Let all disturbing thoughts be laid aside.
DRUID 2: The circle of our horizon, of our lives and lands, of time and of the year, of seasons and of goodness, of birth and of growing, and dying and rebirth….
(after circle is cast)
DRUID 2: We stand together in the eye of the sun, here and now, between past and future. The earth below us, the heavens above us, and the circle around us. This is sacred time. This is sacred space.
DRUID 1: Now let the circle be consecrated with Water and Fire.
(PAUSE WHILEthe circle is consecrated with Water.)
MOSS (moves sunwise with the water) May our circle be blessed with the element of water.
(PAUSE WHILEthe circle is consecrated with Fire.)
W. LATTA (moves sunwise with fire) May our circle be blessed with the element of fire.
DRUID 1: We gather as equals, in our physical form here upon the earth. Each presence is a blessing, and with every breath we take, we breathe light and life into this circle.
DRUID 2: Let the four directions be honored, and let the gateways to the Quarters be opened, that power and radiance might enter our circle for the good of all beings.
EAST (turning and facing outwards): With the blessing of the hawk of dawn soaring in the clear pure air, we call upon the powers of the East. Hail and welcome.
SOUTH (turning and facing outward): With the blessing of the great stag in the heat of the chase, and the inner fire of the sun, we call upon the powers of the South. Hail and welcome.
WEST(turning facing and outward): With the blessing of the salmon of wisdom who dwells within the sacred waters of the pool, we call upon the powers of the West. Hail and welcome.
NORTH(turning and facing outwards): With the blessing of the great bear of the starry heavens and the deep and fruitful earth we call upon the powers of the North. Hail and welcome.
(All turn to face within the circle)
HERALD: May the harmony of our circle be complete.
(W. LATTA will guide us through a meditation about the Crossroads that asks the question “What are you stepping into (in your life) as we begin this new phase of the year of greater light?” The meditation is concluded with the toning of Awens. They begin with a few voices and then crescendo until energy is raised.)
EAST: I proclaim the festival of Alban Eiler; the Light of the Earth, at the time of the Spring Equinox.
WEST: I proclaim the symmetry of day and night
SOUTH: I proclaim the equipoise of summer and winter.
NORTH: I proclaim the time of natural balance.
EAST: Glory to the inner presence of the divine.
WEST: Glory to the power of the green earth and its waters
SOUTH: Glory to the lights of the sun and moon
NORTH: Glory to the shadows and inner darkness
HERALD: Now are day and night in perfect balance. We stand at the threshold of dark and light. Today each one of us shall pass through this doorway, as we enter the bright half of the year. Behold, the Mabon is present as the harbinger of Spring.
(PAUSE WHILE The Mabon steps into the middle of the circle carrying eggs from the altar).
MABON: (with eggs) In thisbasket of eggs, I offer this symbol of Alban Eilir. I offer to this circle and for this celebration, these eggs, and symbols of the spring that is here. (Puts eggsback on alter)
DRUID 1: We thank the Mabon for this gift, signifying the earth, the beginning of life, and the cycle of life.
DRUID 2: We thank the Mabon for this symbol, signifying the eternal circle of light. (Pause) There is one who stands in our circle. She is the lady Cerridwen, and I bid her welcome.
(PAUSE WHILE The Lady Cerridwen steps into the middle of the circle carrying wine from the altar).
LADY CERRIDWEN I come to bear the offering and augury of plenty to this circle. At this time of equal day and night, I bring the wine of earth that is ripe. This wine is a gift for all in this circle, and for the elders and guardians who have drunk of the wine of the wise. (Puts wine back on altar)
MABONand LADY CERRIDWEN each take their place in the circle.
(PAUSE WHILE MOSS invites all participants to pick an egg and write an ogam symbol on the egg and color it. He explains instructions. Each participant will inscribe one or more Ogam letter on each egg with a colored pencil that represents whatever he/she wants to manifest in the coming light half of the year which can be taken home for private meditation, ritual composting, etc…
(PAUSE WHILE MOSS and W. LATTA distribute the Ogam alphabet with associated keywords and blown eggs.)
(Once everyone has finished an egg)
LADY CERRIDWEN : I bring this water of healing and renewal, that all who would walk in my footsteps might bring joy and inspiration to each of you, these lands, and eggs which represent the circle of life.
(PAUSE WHILE LADY CERRIDWEN will go around the circle and sprinkle each egg with holy water and says:)
CERRIDWEN: May this water bless you (or similar blessing. When everyone has been anointed, LADY CERRIDWEN returns water to altar and then to back to circle.)
DRUID 2: Let us pause and take in every sensation of this moment, and know that we are in a perfect place of balance between light and dark, winter and summer, warmth and cold -- a time of polarity and harmony.
The Closing
DRUID 1: It is the hour of recall. Let us all recite the Druid oath printed on the purple card.
ALL:(Read 3 times)We swear, by peace and love to stand
Heart to heart and hand in hand.
Mark, O Spirit and hear us now,
Confirming this, our sacred vow.
DRUID 1: May the Spirit of this place be thanked for its blessings.
STEFANIE: We thank God/Goddess/etc. for your presence here today as well as for grace, wisdom and inspiration throughout this rite.
DRUID 2: May the Four Directions be thanked for their blessings.
NORTH: In the name of the great bear of the starry heavens and the deep and fruitful earth, we thank the powers of the North. Hail and Farewell.
WEST: In the name of the salmon of wisdom who dwells within the sacred waters of the pool, we thank the powers of the West. Hail and Farewell.
SOUTH: In the name of the great stag in the heat of the chase, and the inner fire of the sun, we thank the powers of the South. Hail and Farewell.
EAST:In the name of the hawk of dawn soaring in the clear pure air, we thank the powers of the East. Hail and Farewell.
DRUID 1: May the harmony of our lives and the land be complete.
DRUID 2: May the circle be unwound.
(PAUSE WHILE the circle is unwound, counter sunwise)
DRUID 1: May the blessings of the God/Goddess/Spirit be always with us. I declare this ceremony of Alban Eiler is closed in the apparent world. May its inspiration continue within our beings.
(End of ritual)