City University Undergraduate Scholarships 2012/13

City University is able to provide the following undergraduate scholarships to UK Home students in financial need due to donations from City alumni, staff and students. These scholarships will supplement the statutory student funding that applicants should have already secured through Student Finance England (SFE) or the NHS Bursary Scheme.

Eligibility criteria:

Scholarship / Eligibility criteria / Amount and duration
The Worshipful Company of Dyers Bursary / First year full-time UK Home students. Priority will be granted to students from Dyers sponsored schools. / £1,000 per academic year (subject to successful academic progress)
The Worshipful Company of Needlemakers Award / First year full-time UK Home students. / £1,000 first year only
City Future Fund Scholarships / First year full-time UK Home students. / £1,000 first year only
The Shirley Robson Memorial Scholarship / UK Home students studying Music. / £1,000 one year only


Applications will be assessed on the basis of financial need. Short-listed applicants will be invited for an interview and may be required to provide further information.

Friday 31st August 2012 5pm

Please complete only one application form, eligible students will be considered for each scholarship. Please send your completed application form including the supporting documents listed on page 5 by the deadline to:

Student Centre Level 2, City University London, Northampton Square, London, EC1V 0NB

Please note late and incomplete applications will not be considered.


Successful and unsuccessful applicants will be notified via their City email account from October 2012 onwards. Successful applicants will be expected to attend the City Scholarship Awards Ceremony in February 2013, payments will be made by cheque in February 2013 towards maintenance.

City University Undergraduate Scholarships Application Form 2012/13

  • Application deadline: Friday 31st August 2012 5pm
  • Please read the guidance notes on the page above before completing this application form
  • For any queries please contact or 0207 040 7040

First Name/s: / Surname:
Title Mr  Ms  Mrs  Miss  / Male  / Female 
Date of birth: / Age:
Nationality (please provide a photocopy of your passport):
Country of permanent residence:
National Insurance Number: / UCAS ID:
Address (term time): / Address (Home):
Telephone (Home): / Mobile:
Name of Local Authority:
Do you live in a parental home during term time?
How long have you lived at your current address?
If less than three years, please provide details of previous addresses:
City Student Number: / Name of course:
Department: / Duration of course:
Year of study: / Full time  Part time 
Please provide details of your previous educational qualifications including GCSEs and A’ Levels:
From / To / Name and address of school(s) and college(s) / Subjects studied / Qualifications/Grades
Please provide full details of any financial support you receive per week and per year, using n/a where appropriate.
Income / Per week £ / Per year £
Tuition Fee Loan
Maintenance Loan
Maintenance Grant or Special Support Grant
NHS Bursary
Parental/Partner Support
Adult Dependants’ Grant
Child Care Grant
Parents Learning Allowance
Child Tax Credits
Working Tax Credits
Disabled Student Allowances
Other scholarships, bursaries, savings (please specify)
Please provide full details of your expenses per week and per year, using n/a where appropriate.
Expenses / Per week £ / Per year £
Household Bills
Course Materials (e.g. books)
Other - please specify
Please note that the reference part of your UCAS application will be used in assessing your application for a scholarship. Applicants must also submit details of a personal tutor at College or City University, this information will be requested at the short-listing stage.
Referee Full Name: / Referee Academic Institute (e.g. College name):
Referee Telephone Number (not mobile) : / Email (work only):
6. SUPPORTING STATEMENT: Please use the space below to write your supporting statement outlining the reasons why you chose City University as your place of study, why you are applying for a scholarship and please provide any information that you feel is relevant or strengthens your application. Please also include information about any community or voluntary activities you are involved in which may be relevant to your application (please use the space provided below only).
I confirm that the above details are correct the best of my knowledge and belief. I acknowledge that if I am discovered to have made an untruthful statement then the University may withdraw any scholarship awarded and may also take other disciplinary action it deems appropriate. I give my consent for my form and associated documents to be sent to those organisations funding scholarships at City University London. I acknowledge that the decision of the awarding panel is final and there is no system for an appeal against their decision.
Signature: / Date:


All data on this form will be held in the Student Centre and kept in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. Data will be treated confidentially for the purpose of processing your application for a scholarship and may be shared with external bodies which provide the funding for scholarships at City University London. More information on City University’s policy regarding the Data Protection Act 1998 is available at:

Application Checklist

Please ensure you have done all of the following before submitting your application:

 Answered and completed all questions from 1 to 7 including the supporting statement.

 Provided a photocopy of your Student Finance England assessment letter or NHS Bursary Notification of Award.

 Provided a photocopy of your passport

Please send your completed application form including the supporting documents listed above by the deadline to:

Inez Sterling
Student Centre

Level 2

City University London
Northampton Square
Ec1V 0NB

Deadline: Friday 31st August 2012 5pm

Please note late and incomplete applications will not be considered.

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