City / Type of Audience / Location of Meetings / Contact Person / Phone Number / Email
Aitkin / All are welcome
Mostly adults with Type 2, some Type 1 and pump users / Riverwood Healthcare Center
610 Bunker Hill Drive
2nd Thursday 4 - 5 PM / Maureen Mau, RN / 218-927-5152 /
Albert Lea / Free Educational Opportunities-
1 hour Presentation followed by 30 minute Open Forum for questions / April 14: Diabetes and Your Eyes, presented by Dr Leonid Skorin.
September 15th: Diabetes and Oral Health, presented by Rachel Nolander, DDS.
November 3: Holiday Eating and Diabetes, presented by Emily Schmidt, RDLD.
All classes are held in the Healthreach facility, Albert Lea. 6:30-8 PM / Bev Johnson / 507-379-2046 /
Albert Lea / People with Type 1, any age and their families and friends / Mayo Clinic Health System
404 West Fountain Street
3rd Thurs 6:30 PM
Contact Taryn to verify meetings / Taryn Israel Nechanicky / 507-552-1266 /
Andover / Type 1 & 2 and Pump Users / Andover YMCA
15200 Hanson Blvd.
1st Monday
6:30 – 8 PM (Sept. thru May)
Feb 4th- Grocery Tour at Cub with Registered Dietitian
Mar 4th- Speaker “My Journey With Diabetes”
Apr 1st- Discussion with Pharmacist
May 6th- Technology- Learn about pumps and sensors / Shirley Matuseski, RN, CDE / 763-236-1434 /
Baxter / Adults Type 1 & 2 / Bonanza
14540 Dellwood Drive
2nd Tuesday in March, April, May, September & October
11:30 – 1 PM / Florence Keller / 218-829-4501 /
Brainerd / Type 1 & 2 / Central Lakes College
501 W. College Drive
2nd Tuesday 7 PM
September - May / Florence and Dick Keller / 218- 829-4501 /
Buffalo / Adults- All are welcome / Meets at Cub Foods
Deli Eatery
1008 E. Highway 55
3rd Wed 6:30 - 7:30 PM / Julie Starke, RD, CDE / 612-508-3396 cell /
Burnsville / General Adult
Seniors / all types / Fairview Diabetes
Burnsville Senior Center
200 W Burnsville Pkwy
Suite 102
3rd Tuesday 10 AM / Michelle Starkey / 952- 707-4120 /
Cottage Grove / Type 1 & 2 / HealthEast Diabetes Center
Meets at Senior Citizen Center
8400 E. Point Douglas Rd S.
3rd Tuesday 6:30 - 8 PM / Connie Allen, RN, CDE / 651- 232-7057 /
Duluth / Type 1 & 2 / St. Luke’s Hospital
1011 East First St 2nd FL
Meets monthly , usually Wednesday
3 PM / Donna Bergsten / 218- 249-5231 /
Fridley / General Adult / Fairview Health Services
6401 University Ave NE
2nd Floor
2nd Tuesday 1 - 2 PM / Anna Henry, MPH, RD, LD, CDE / 763-502-4877 /
Hastings / Type 2 / Regina Medical Center
Conference Room A
1st Tuesday 7 PM
September thru June / Sharon Mathews / 651-492-0741
Hermantown / General / Essentia Health
4855 W. Arrowwood Rd,
1st Wed 5:30 - 6:30 PM / Patty / 218-786-1468
McGregor / All are welcome
Mostly adults with Type 2,
some Type 1 and pump users / McGregor Riverwood Clinic
2 East Center Avenue
101 S First Street
1st Wednesday 9 - 10 AM / Maureen Mau, RN / 218-927-5152 /
Minneapolis / African American Adults / Club Sugar
Sabathani Senior Café
310 East 38th Street, Room 106 / Georgia Marinkov-Omorian / 612-821-2307
Minneapolis / Longfellow Diabetes Support Group
Type 1 & 2 Ages 18 and Up / Hiawatha Park Building
4305 42nd Street
Supportive discussion groups for living healthy with diabetes. Information and technology support for insulin pumps and continuous glucose monitors.
2nd Wed 6:30 – 8 PM
No meeting in December / Longfellow Healthy Seniors
Facilitator- Carol Engelhart, RN, CDE / 612-729-5799
612-437-8003 /
Minneapolis / General Adult / NorthPoint Health & Wellness Ctr
1315 Penn Ave N
1st Fri Noon - 1:30 PM
2nd Fri in January, July & September / Karen Blanchard / 612-543-2600
Minneapolis / Adults with Type 1 & 2- English & Spanish
A-POD (A Partnership Of Diabetics) / Diabetes Breakfast
Phillips Community Center
2nd Floor Dining Room
Last Thurs of month 8:30 AM / Robert Albee / 612-812-2429 /
Minneapolis / Adults with Type 1 & 2- Spanish
A-POD (A Partnership Of Diabetics) / Phillips Community Center
2323 11th Ave S Ste 200
1st & 3rd Wed 5:30 PM / Robert Albee / 612-812-2429 /
Minneapolis / Adults with Type 1 & 2- English
A-POD (A Partnership Of Diabetics) / Phillips Community Center
2323 11th Ave S Ste 200
Mon Evenings 7:00 PM / Robert Albee / 612-812-2429 /
Minneapolis / Elder Women- Somali, Oromo, Eritrean, Amharic, Arabic, French & English / Charles Horn Towers
31st & Blaisdell Ave
Last Thurs of month @ 8:30 AM / Robert Albee / 612-812-2429 /
Minneapolis / Hmong people with diabetes & family members / Community University Health Care Center
2001 Bloomington Ave S.
Fridays, 9:30 - 10:30 AM
Call for schedule / Sarah Langford / 612-638-0700 ext. 191
Minneapolis / Cambodian people with diabetes & family members / Community University Health Care Center
2001 Bloomington Ave S.
Fridays, 9:30 - 10:30 AM
Call for schedule / Sarah Langford / 612-638-0700 ext.191
Minneapolis / Vietnamese people with diabetes & family members / Community University Health Care Center
2001 Bloomington Ave S. 55404
Fridays, 9:30 - 10:30 AM
Call for schedule / Sarah Langford / 612- 638-0700 ext.191
Minneapolis / Lao people with diabetes & family members / Community University Health Care Center
2001 Bloomington Ave S. 55404
Fridays 9:30 - 10:30 AM
Call for schedule / Sarah Langford / 612-638-0700 ext.191
Minneapolis / General Adult / Hennepin County Med Center
Center for Diabetes & Endocrinology
900 So 8th St., 1st floor Shapiro Bldg. RM S1.300
2nd Tues 10 AM
(Sept thru June) / Linda Jesness, RN, CDE / 612-873-6963
Minneapolis / Type 1 & 2- Adults, Elders, Primarily Native American but everyone is welcome / Minneapolis American Indian Center
1530 East Franklin Ave
Last Thursday 9:00 AM / Shannon Fahey / 612-872-8086 x1012 /
Minneapolis / Seniors with diabetes / Meets at Webber Community Center
4141 Webber Pkwy.
3rd Tues 10 - 11:30 AM / Dorothy Hase / 612-521-1182
Minneapolis / Type 1 & Type 2 Adults, Elders, Primarily Native American but everyone is welcome / Meets at Native American Community Clinic
1213 E. Franklin St
Thursday 5 - 6 PM / Shannon Fahey / 612-872-8086 x1012 /
Minneapolis / Adults (18+) with diabetes and vision loss / Vision Loss Resources
1936 Lyndale Ave S
2nd Tues 1:00 - 2:30 PM / Paul Demming / 612-843-3442 voice
612-331-2234 tty
952-388-2102 VP /
Mora / Adults and family members living with Type 1 & 2 / First Light Health System
301 S. Highway 65
1st Thurs 1:30 PM / Julie Miller, RN, CDE / 320-225-3531 /
New Richmond, WI / Adult Type 2 / The Deerfield Gables
1127 West Eighth Street
3rd Wed 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM / Linda Stefonek, MS, RD, CDE / 715-243-2866 /
Park Rapids / General Adult , Children & Teens welcome
Type 1 & Type 2, Pump Users / St. Joseph’s Area Health Services
600 Pleasant Avenue
Lower level A Conference Room
2nd Tues 9:00 - 10:00 AM / Tia Kocka, BSN, RN, CDE, CBN / 218-255-3684 /
Pine City / Adults and family members of people living with Type 1 & 2 / First Light Health System
1425 Main St N
Last Wed 1:30PM / Julie Miller, RN, BSN, CDE / 320-225-3531 /
Shakopee / Adults of all ages with all types of diabetes and their significant others / St. Francis Regional Med Ctr
1455 St. Francis Ave
Joy Justice Conference Room
1st Mon 7:00 - 8:30 PM
Does not meet Jun, July, Aug, Dec / Colleen Roethke, RN, CDE / 952-428-2609 /
St. Louis Park / Women with Type 1
Women with Type 2 / International Diabetes Center
3800 Park Nicollet Blvd 6th FL
Type 1-1st & 3rd Tues 6 PM
Type 2- 2nd & 4th Tues. 6 PM / Kristin Kunzman, PsyD / 952-993-1921 /
St. Paul / Children Groups-
K -2nd grade
3-6th grade
7-12th grade / Children's Hospital
345 North Smith Ave.
2nd Tues 6:30 - 8:00 PM
October – April / Lori Wondra / 651-220-6624 /
St Paul / Parents of Children with diabetes / Children's Hospital
Garden View Medical Bldg
345 North Smith Ave.
2nd Tues 6:30 - 8:00 PM.
October – April / Lori Wondra / 651-220-6624 /
St. Paul / General adult
Type 1 & 2 / Open Cities Health Center
409 Dunlap St N
Every 3rd Thurs at Noon / Edna Scott / 651-290-9200 ext. 1037 /
St. Paul / General adult
Type 1 & 2 / Open Cities Health Center
North End Clinic
135 Manitoba Avenue
Every 3rd Thurs 12 - 1 PM / Jean or Paula / 651- 489-8021 /
Stillwater / General / Curve Crest Clinic Specialty Clinic 1500 Curve Crest Blvd.
1st Tues 6 PM – 7 PM / Brooke Hyman, RN,, CDE / 651-430-8715 /
Wadena / General- Seniors / Tri-County Hospital
415 North Jefferson St
2nd Mon 3:30 PM / Pam Doebbeling, RN / 218-631-3510 /
Woodbury / Insulin Pump Support Group for those with pumps or considering pumps / Woodwinds Hospital,
1875 Woodwinds Drive
4th Mon 6:00 - 7:30 PM
Sept. - May / Diane Hanson, RN, CDE / 651-232-6322 /
UPDATED February 2014
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