1. Minutes of previous meeting

The minutes from the previous meeting were accepted and agreed as accurate.

2. Chairman’s Report

Neil opened the meeting by outlining some of the individual and team performances of 2013 which was one of the most successful in the Club’s history. There was also an increase in the number of entrants in the Summer League and Club membership levels were maintained. This coupled with the renewal of the sponsorship by Benenden Health means that we are financially secure.

He went on to thank the coaching team, volunteers, team managers and Committee members for their hard work and commitment.

Neil then turned to the future of the Club and our move to the new facility at the University of York. Neil gave an update on the project and the challenges that the move would bring. He went on to explain that we have secured a 25 year agreement with training five nights per week.

Neil took questions following his opening remarks which mainly concerned the new track and the access the Club will have. Neil answered as many of these as he could and he re-iterated that it is still a work in progress with some details still to be finalised.

3. Treasurer’s Report

Neil circulated copies of the accounts and explained the Club’s position pointing out that we ended the year showing a small profit.

4. Club Development Officer’s Report

Paula gave a report on her activities which included school taster sessions, Sport Relief Mile, school events at the stadium, mentoring PE teachers within schools and coaching wheelchair athletes.

Friday night sessions are still proving popular maintaining membership levels in the 5 to 11 year old age range. We are continuing to recruit Coaching Assistants as well as new Athletic Leaders, trainees from York Saint John and students volunteering as part of the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme.

Due to funding secured from the City of York Council, we have teamed up with the York Schools Sport Network to deliver athletic training within schools. Part of this work will involve mentoring young sports leaders who may, in time, become sport coaches.

5. Membership

Steve explained that the Committee had decided to maintain the fees at 2013 rates and that the affiliation fees were being maintained at the 2013 level. He went on to say that, due to the increase in track hire costs next year, it is highly likely that the fees will need to be increased in 2015.

At the end of 2013 there were 630 paid members with so far for 2014, 238 paid members.

6. Election of Officers

Paul Wilson stood down as Vice Chair but will remain as a Committee member. Neil thanked him for his hard work and support over the years.

Officers elected were:-

Chairman Neil Hunter

Vice Chair Becky Campsall

Secretary Steve McPherson

Treasurer Sarah Parsons

Proposed by Geoff Barraclough, seconded by Paula Bird.

Other Committee members:-

Joanne McPherson, Ray Walker, Nigel Fenny, Maxine Dew, Sue Higginson, Paul Wilson and Iain Sirrell.

Proposed by Neil Hunter, seconded by Steve McPherson.

7. Team Managers

Neil thanked all our volunteers and team managers. Given the very difficult role they have, additional volunteers will be sought to help spread the load.

To start the season the team managers will be:-

Seniors and YDL Upper Ruth Brandon, Neil Hunter and Becky Campsall

YDL Lower Jonathan Sewell and Paula Bird

Cross Country Garry Dickinson

8. Road Running Section

Neil explained the background which led to the Committee’s decision to break the link between CoYAC and Acorn and affiliate as a Road Running Club in its own right.

One of the main drivers is that the Committee would like to see our athletes stay within the Club as they get older and also they have recognised that our move to the new stadium will open up a plethora of opportunities with a new catchment group and good training routes.

Like all our groups this will cater for all abilities which may also encourage some parents/carers to participate in sport.

The membership fee for this section was set at £20.

9. Training Nights Timetable

It is generally accepted that there are severe pressures on track space on training nights at Huntington Stadium. With our move to the new track and the increase to training nights and hours this is the ideal opportunity to address the situation. A number of proposals were discussed ranging from revised timings, alternative nights, increasing the number of sessions for some ages/disciplines or merging groups.

We will need to have a training schedule in place and operating prior to our move to the University. If we cannot demonstrate that we can effectively and efficiently use all our available training time we may lose it.

Becky will consult with the Lead Coaches to draw up a proposal that can be implemented after Easter.

10. Open Forum

CoYAC have been approached by Help For Heroes to see if we were willing to help raise funds.

It was agreed to support them as well as the local children’s charity S.N.A.P.P.Y

In future year’s nominations will be sought ahead of the AGM for which charity to support. To be nominated a charity must demonstrate that they agree with the Club’s core values.

Minutes prepared by: Minutes approved by:

Stephen McPherson Neil Hunter

Secretary Chairman

City of York Athletic Club City of York Athletic Club