1. Specification: Form A

2. Additional conditions of quotation: Form A.1

3. Insurance requirements: Form A.2

4. Form of quotation and form of acceptance: Form B

5. Statement of authorisation: Form B.1

6. Declaration of involvement: Form B.2

7. Declaration of tenderer’s past supply chain management practices: Form B.3

8. Certificate of independent bid determination: Form B.4

9. Article of agreement in terms of section 37(2) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993

10. Preference points claim form: MBD 6.1

NB: Tenderers are reminded that forms B, B.1, B.2, B.3 as well as MBD 6.1 must be signed.

Quotations will be received until the closing dates and times shown, and must be enclosed in separate sealed envelopes bearing the applicable quotation headings and reference numbers, as well as the closing time and due date. Quotations must be addressed to the Executive Director: Supply Chain Management, 175 Es’kia Mphahlele Drive, Pretoria, 0001, and placed in the tender box located at the Procurement Advice Centre (at the entrance of C de Wet Centre) at this address. Quotations will be opened at the latter address at the time indicated.

TENDERER: ......

ADDRESS: ......

CSD NUMBER: ......

The document is also obtainable for E-tender system


Tel : (012) 358 0054

REF NO: Q86-2017/18 FORM A




The quotation is for the supply, delivery, offloading and commissioning of One reduction Gearbox (F&T) to be used for training purposes at the Tshwane Leadership and Management Academy.



2.1.1 Motor power 1KW

2.1.2 G/Box Service Factor 1

2.1.3 Output Torque 1 Nm

2.1.4 Ratio 37.91

2.1.5 Output Speed 37.98rpm

2.1.6 Protection

2.1.6 Output Handling

2.1.8 Output Shaft Keyed Solid Shaft

2.1.10 Output Shaft Size 35mm

2.1.11 Gearbox Mounting M1/B3 Foot Mount Horizontal Shaft

2.1.12 Output Configuration Right Angled Foot Mount


2.2.1 All installations must be done with qualified persons, machine should include its own plug and cable taking in consideration on the pricing.

2.2.2 All inclusive price: The price for this quotation must include all the work to be undertaken including commissioning without any amendments, omissions or additions. The price must comply strictly with the conditions as set out in this document


2.3. Safety (OHS): Special attention is drawn to Clause 8 for Safety Clothing and

Protective Equipment that the employees must wear at all times.

2.3.2 Equipment to be supplied: All materials/equipment, for example lifting equipment, slings and moving equipment etc. shall be supplied by the provider for the offloading of the machinery/equipment.

2.3.3 Damage to property: The utmost care shall be taken not to damage any part of the buildings or any other item on the works whether Municipal or private property. The repair of any damage inflicted on the above by the Provider or his staff shall be for the Provider’s account. Any of the above incidents shall be reported immediately to the Building Management of the TLMA.

2.3.4 Penalties: the event that the total amount of work is not done to the full satisfaction of the Department, it will be regarded as a violation of the contract and the Provider will therefore be penalized for the work not done. The following procedure and formula will be used: Applicable work: offloading of machinery/equipment. When any one or more of the items of work as specified in the “Percentages on which quotation maintenance price must be based” schedule was not done according to the specifications and to the full satisfaction of the Department a written notice to this regard will be issued by the Department one (1) week after the delivery of the equipment. The Provider will be given until the end of the month to rectify the work according to the specifications and to the full satisfaction of the Department. GUARANTEE/ WARANTEE

The Supplier shall provide a guarantee of all work (offloading installing & commissioning) awarded to him against defective material and workmanship, fair wear excepted. The guarantee shall be as offered by the Supplier and negotiated with the Municipality and included in the contract/agreement concerned.

The Supplier responsible for the work that is not to the required standard or that failed prematurely shall be responsible for all cost incurred in the removal, transportation, repair and reinstallation, to the satisfaction of the Municipality, where applicable.


3.1All maintenance on the machines for the first year must be specified and must be executed at the cost of the supplier


4.1 Equipment must comply with SABS standards (attach certificate).

4.3 Failure to deliver within 60 days, the City of Tshwane may cancel the agreement.

4.4 Product support service (Back-up, spares availability). Supplier must provide a detailed description of maintenance and service costs.

4.5 A one year guarantee on all equipment (all maintenance in the first year at supplier’s cost).

NB: General conditions of contract will still be applicable in case of conflict between scope of work and general condition of contract the latter will prevail.

This tender provides for the supply, delivery, off-loading, of the following equipment:
One Reduction Gearbox (F&T)
At TLMA (PREMOS) Workshop Shop 1, 11 Staatsartillerie Road, Pretoria West, 0183.
Technical specifications:
failure to complete this sheet will lead to disqualification of the bidder.
Particulars / Municipality’s Requirements
(Figures approximate) / Particulars of offer
1.  Motor power 1KW
2.  G/Box Service Factor 1
3.  Output Torque 1 Nm
4.  Ratio 37.91
5.  Output Speed 37.98rpm
6.  Protection
7.  Output Handling
8.  Output Shaft Size 35mm
9.  Output Shaft Keyed Solid Shaft
10. Gearbox Mounting M1/B3 Foot Mount Horizontal Shaft
11. Output Configuration Right Angled Foot Mount

REF NO: Q86-2017/18 FORM A.1




1 Quotation documents must be completed in ink, and prices must exclude VAT.

2 Official orders will be placed. If invoices and escalation documents are received timeously, payment, including all charges, will be made in accordance with clause 16 of the General Conditions of Contracts.

3 The lowest or any quotation will not necessarily be accepted. The City of Tshwane reserves the right to accept the whole or any portion of a quotation.

4 Quotations are to remain open for acceptance for a period of 30 days from the date on which they are to be lodged, and may be accepted at any time during this period of 30 days.

5 Tenderers are requested to furnish the full registered name of the tendering company or supplier on the Form of quotation and form of acceptance: Form B.

6 Tenderers are also required to sign each page of the Form of quotation and form of acceptance: Form B in the space provided at the bottom of each page.

7 Mistakes made on the price schedule must be crossed out in ink and each price alteration must be initialled.

8 Price corrections may not be made with correction fluid, such as Tipp-Ex or a similar product.

9 If correction fluid was used on any specific item price, such an item will not be considered. No correction fluid may be used on a bill of quantities where prices are calculated to arrive at a total amount. If correction fluid was used, the quotation as a whole will be repudiated.

10 The Municipality will reject the quotation if corrections are not made in accordance with the above.

11 No price increases will be considered in the event of payments made against invoiced prices.

12 Any orders placed within the contract period will be paid according to the price applicable at the date of order.

13 If the successful tenderer’s prices are subject to the exchange rate, he or she must obtain exchange rate cover on the Municipality’s behalf in order to protect the Municipality against exchange rate variations as and when orders are placed.

14 The tenderer may submit a comprehensive company profile, such as financial statements of the company and a detailed exposition of previous work done. If these are not submitted, the Municipality may request the tenderer to provide these documents within a reasonable period.


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REF NO: Q86-2017/18 FORM A.1

15 If particular items are not offered, a line must be drawn in pen through the relevant space.

16 All prices and details must be legible or readable to ensure that the quotation will be considered for adjudication.

17 The City of Tshwane will not conduct business with an entity that does not comply with the Codes of Good Practice on BBBEE as published from time to time by the Minister of Trade and Industry.

18 Quotations must be deposited in the tender box at the location indicated below.

19 Forward exchange rate cover

If prices are based on the exchange rate, the successful tenderer/s will be required to obtain exchange rate cover in order to protect the Municipality against exchange rate variations.

Proof that forward exchange rate cover was taken out must be provided to the City of Tshwane within 14 days after an order was placed. Such proof must be provided together with the invoice. If such proof is not provided as required, the contract price adjustment will not be accepted and the contract may be cancelled.

20 Execution of orders

Tenderers are reminded that orders placed against accepted quotations are to be executed in strict accordance with the accepted specifications and within the quoted delivery period. Tenderers must therefore take note of clause 21 of the General Conditions of Contracts.

21 Information on prices

All prices must be quoted in South African currency (South African rand).

22  Occupational health and safety

The successful tenderer will be required to comply with the requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993 (Act 85 of 1993) and the regulations as amended. Further information in this regard may be obtained from the Deputy Manager: Occupational Health and Safety, Mr DB Finaughty (012 358 4028).

23 Preference points claimed

Tenderers must take note of the provisions of the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act, 2000 (Act 5 of 2000), as published in Government Gazette No 22549, dated 10 August 2001.

24 Copyright/patent rights

Copyright to any document produced and patent rights to or ownership of any plant, machinery, thing, system or process designed by a consultant or trainer in the course of the consultancy service are vested in the Municipality.


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REF NO: Q86-2017/18 FORM A.1

25 Vendor registration

Prospective tenderers are required to register as suppliers/service providers on the City of Tshwane’s vendor register before tendering. The tenderer is required to record the vendor number in the space provided on the cover page of this quotation document.

NB: If a prospective tenderer is not registered as a supplier/service provider yet, his or her documents for such registration must reach the Supply Chain Management offices at the C de Wet Building, 175 Es’kia Mphahlele Drive no later than the closing date of the quotation.

26 The Municipality’s General Conditions of Contracts will be applicable to this quotation. This document is available on request or on the Municipality’s website,

27 Please include the CSD registration number.

28 The Municipality reserves the right to cancel and reissue the quotation before a quotation is awarded.

29 A valid tax clearance certificate must be submitted with this tender document. If the tenderer has not submitted a tax clearance certificate, the Municipality reserves the right to, at any time after the closure of the tender, but before the award of the tender, confirm from its vendor database the validity of the tax certificate, provided it has a valid tax clearance certificate in its possession. If the Municipality does not have such a certificate in its possession, the tenderer will be requested to provide one within seven days from the date of notification.

Bidders must note that, in accordance with legislation, no contract may be awarded to a person who, or an entity which, has failed to submit a valid tax clearance certificate from the South African Revenue Service (SARS) that certifies that the taxes of that person or entity are in order, or that suitable arrangements have been made with SARS.

Each party to a consortium or joint venture must submit a separate tax clearance certificate.

30 Quotations must be endorsed and enclosed in separate sealed envelopes, bearing the closing time and due date. Quotations will be received until 05 December 2017 at 10:00 at the address below.

The Executive Director:

Supply Chain Management

Procurement Advice Centre

C de Wet Centre

175 Es’kia Mphahlele Drive

Pretoria West


Quotations will be opened at this address at the time indicated.

REF NO: Q86-2017/18 FORM A.2




1. Insurance requirements

1.1  Employer to insure

Without limiting the contractor or subcontractor’s obligation in terms of the contract, the employer will, for the duration of the contract until the issuing of the defects certificate or the end of the maintenance period, nominate the following insurances in the name of the contractor (including all subcontractors, whether nominated or otherwise):

i. The employer’s insurer will indemnify the contractor/subcontractor against physical loss of or damage to any part of the property insured, not exceeding the maximum contract value or the final contract value estimated at inspection, including free-issue materials where applicable as stated in the contract data.

a)  While in transit, including loading and unloading while temporarily stored at any premises en route to or from the contract site within the territorial limits