Prof. PorterMercerCountyCollege
- Did the student show the material learned in this course can be useful in a topic that is relevant to the individual students?
EX: I am a Bio major and I am interested in dolphin populations
- Is it cited if the source of the data is from the library or internet versus data that is collected in an experiment?
EX: data from
- Did the student identify the variables and which would be considered independent and dependant? Is the data given?
- Is the data plotted in an appropriate window? Are regressions graphed with data plots?
- Did the student identify the best regression. What makes the regression the best?
Make sense? Why?______(Best?)______
QuadReg: a=_____ b=______c=______r2=______(good?)_____
Make sense? Why?______(Best?)______
CubicReg: a=_____ b=______c=_____ d=______r2=______(good?)_____
Make sense? Why?______(Best?)______
QuartReg: a=_____ b=______c=_____ d=______e=_____ r2=______(good?)_____
Make sense? Why?______(Best?)______
ExpReg: a=_____ b=______r2=______(good?)_____
Make sense? Why?______(Best?)______
LnReg: a=_____ b=______r2=______(good?)_____
Make sense? Why?______(Best?)______
sinReg: a=_____ b=______c=_____ d=______r2=______(good?)_____
Make sense? Why?______(Best?)______
(mark the two that are the best)
- Did the student evaluate (predict) and solve for a value of one of the polynomial regressions.
What value are you plugging in for x______
What y-values did you get?______and ______
What y value are you predicting?______(y2=value use intersection)
What x-values did you get?______and ______
- What is the end behavior for the polynomials?
What is the left end behavior?______Right end?______
- Did the student find the zero for the cubic regression?
- Did the student find the exponential regression’s rate of growth or decay. (Find ln(b) and write as percent)
- Where is the asymptote for the exponential regression? (calculator uses only y=0, but you may want another)
What is the left end behavior?______Right end?______
- Did the student discuss the asymptote, domain, and range for LNREG?
- Did the student find the period, Amplitude, and phase shift for the sine regression?
Amplitude: (|a|)______
Period: (2pi/b)______
Phase Shift (-c/b)______
Raised:( d)______
- Did the student find all the solutions to a regression value just above or below the extrema?
2 distinct solutions: (intersection method) s1:______s2: ______
All solutions ______(add n*period to s1)
______(add n*period to s2)
- For the best regression, Where the regions of increasing and decreasing identified?
List Minimums:______
Increasing(between min and max):______
Decresing (between Max and min ):______
- Were two reviews written for classmates? Were two reviews of this project done by classmates? (just list their names)
Notes for review 1:
Notes for review2:
16. Was a presentation done? _____Was the presentation persuasive and interesting?
17. Was the project handed in on time? Due date is the date of the presentations.
GRADE(% out of 100):______