City of Stamford, Connecticut
888 Washington Boulevard (9th Floor)
Stamford, Connecticut06904
A Budget Committee meeting of the City of Stamford Urban Redevelopment Commission (URC) was convened on Wednesday, December 10, 2014 at 5:00 pm. The meeting was held in the Commission Offices at 888 Washington Boulevard, 9thFloor, Stamford, Connecticut.
The meeting was called to order by (Acting) Chairperson Peter Sciarretta with roll call. Attendees included CommissionerMayra Rios with URC staff Rachel Goldberg, General Counsel, Dr. Tommie Jackson, Executive Director and Michel Bayonne, Special Counsel to URC. Commissioner Taylor Molgano joined the meeting at 5:18 pm.
The Budget Committee received information and discussed responses received in connection with solicitations to appraise Parcel 36. General Counsel Goldberg presented two proposals to conduct appraisal of Parcel 36.
The Commissioners requested that General Counsel Goldberg and Dr. Jackson meet and be prepared to recommend one of the companies to conduct appraisal of Parcel 36.
URC finances and projections were reviewed and discussed. The Commissioners requested that the URC staff continue to take appropriate actions, in the most prudent manner, to ensure that the agency maintained its responsibilities in meeting obligations for the benefit of the City of Stamford.
It was moved, and properly seconded to adjourn the Budget Committee meeting at 5:48 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Mayra M. Rios, Esquire
City of Stamford
888 Washington Boulevard (9th Floor)
Stamford, Connecticut06904
The Special Adjourned Annual Meeting of the City of Stamford Urban Redevelopment Commission (URC) was convened on Wednesday, December 10, 2014 at 5:45 pm. The meeting was held in the Commission Offices at 888 Washington Boulevard, 9th Floor, Stamford, Connecticut.
The meeting was called to order by (Acting) Chairperson Peter Sciarretta. Roll call was taken. Attendees included Commissioners Mayra Rios and Taylor R. Molgano as well as URC staff Rachel Goldberg, General Counsel and Dr. Tommie Jackson, Executive Director. Michel Bayonne, Special Counsel to the URC was in attendance too.
It was moved, and properly seconded to elect Peter Sciarretta as Chairperson of the Urban Redevelopment Board of Commissioners. The vote was unanimous in favor of Commissioner Sciarretta. It was moved, and properly seconded to elect Commissioner Rios as Vice Chairperson of the Commissioners. The vote was unanimous in favor of Commissioner Rios. It was moved, and properly seconded to elect Commissioner Molgano as Secretary Treasurer of the Commission. The vote was unanimous in favor of Commissioner Molgano. All of the offices are held in accordance with URC By Laws which denote officers and terms for the same.
Dr. Jackson was asked to update the URC website reflecting action of the (special adjourned) Annual Meeting.
Without additional business to conduct, the meeting was adjourned with a motion, which was properly seconded at 5:59 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Taylor R. Molgano