Wildlife Management Project Overview
To begin the project you will need to carefully plan and think through what you will be doing. You will need to carefully fill out an “SAE Planning Sheet” before you begin the project.
You will need to identify the land area that you wish to use for the project. The area may be owned by your family, friends, or may be a parcel of land utilized as a hunting club property.
Equipment and Supplies
Plow or harrow
Fertilizer/Lime Applicator
Seed Applicator (drill/broadcast application etc.)
Financing this SAE
Project may be financed by member, family, or hunting club. This may be a low cost SAE, or could be a very expensive SAE depending on fertilizer/lime requirements and size of food plots.
Steps in Completing a Wildlife Management SAE
1. Identify the site at which you will be conducting your SAE.
2. Obtain an aerial photograph of your site from the Farm Service Agency. Keep the original copy and complete all work on a photocopy of the original. Using a red pen, draw in the property lines of the tract of land you are using for your project. Using a highlighter, highlight the area(s) in which you will conduct a management practice. Develop a code or key to identify the highlight practice. Examples are: yellow for food plots, green for prescribed burning, etc.
3. Obtain and submit soil samples from the areas where you plan to prepare food plots. In order for you to have time to utilize the results of the soil test, this should be done immediately after your SAE is approved. You may obtain soil sample bags from the County Extension Office. Soil test tubes (probes) are may be checked out from your FFA Advisor.
4. Develop a list of seed/plants needed for the SAE. You may wish to obtain a list of low cost/no cost seeds available from your FFA Advisor. These seeds are available through Quail Unlimited, but you may obtain seed from any source you choose.
5. Prepare land by discing until a good seedbed has been prepared.
6. Apply fertilizer and lime according to soil test results. Disc land again.
7. Drill/broadcast seed. If you broadcast seed you will need to lightly disc over the area to make sure the seed is lightly covered.
8. Develop a written management plan identifying the goals and objectives of your Wildlife Management SAE. The management plan should contain as a minimum: your goals and objectives, the steps by which you plan to reach your goals, your maps and keys, the results of your soil test, your seed/plant order form or bill of sale, a minimum of 6 photos. The photos will include before and after shots as well as 4 shots with you working on project during various stages.
9. If you include other management tasks (such as mowing, prescribed burning, and installing feeders/nesting boxes etc.) those items should also be included in your management plan.
10. Failure to submit the written management plan as well as your SAE Record Book will result in a grade of zero for this SAE.
11. You will need to submit your completed Record Book at the end of the semester. You will need to submit six photos of yourself completing work on this SAE. The photographs are to be included in the Record Book. Failure to submit the completed Record Book will result in a grade of zero.