Day 1, Monday, September 11, 2017:
- Welcome the new AmeriCorps member(s)
- Give tour of the facility; location of office supplies, keys, office hours, etc. Explain use of telephone, mail, copier (security code if needed), fax machine and computers.
- Orient to new work area
- Show location of restrooms, copiers, storage, warehouse, etc.
- Explain organization’s personnel policies, including hours of work, holidays, etc. Explain organization’s rules about absenteeism, tardiness, process for reporting absence, leave time, what to do if running late.
- Explain break policy and lunch hour (tell about restaurants in area).
- Explain dress code, organization’s standards of conduct, smoking policy, housekeeping rules, parking.
- Explain safety procedures in the event of an emergency. Have member complete contact information (for file) and complete emergency contact information sheet.
- Provide phone list(s)
- Introduce new member to the head of the organization (president/CEO/director): The head of the organization briefly discusses history/purpose of the organization, the project, and how the member fits in.
- Member attends regular board/staff meeting. Take time at board/staff meeting to remind everyone what the member’s role will be (and won’t be) – pass out position description and other supporting materials. Help the member feel welcome and part of the team.
- Lunch: Have lunch with the member to make him or her feel at home.
- Discuss basic terms of work, other policies, and procedures.
- Review organization’s history, mission statement, vision statement, board, and overview of agency timelines, regular meetings, events, etc. Provide background documents such as annual reports, newsletters, brochures and manuals.
- Review member(s) role, position description, discuss questions, feedback.
- Provide a copy of personnel manual; review organizational structure, policies, etc. Provide organization chart and review staff/board duties or committees (if applicable).
- Allow some time for member to get settled at desk, get office supplies.
- If the member has moved from another part of the country, spend time asking about how the transition is going and how you might help: discuss housing situation, local shopping and services, banks, medical facilities, etc. If there is time at the end of the day, give member time to take care of some of these needs – everything related to housing, bank account, phone service, post office, etc.
Day 2, Tuesday, September 12, 2017:
Discuss meeting schedules and expectations for communication and regular one-on-one meetings with Site Supervisor and others (as applicable).
- Describe organizational goals and goals for the activities the AmeriCorps member will work on.
- Go through position description in detail and provide clarification and more detail about theposition description, how goals can be achieved, input on member’s interests, skills. Answer any questions member has about basic office procedures.
- Explain specific responsibilities and tasks – provide one-on-one training on the goals and outcomes of the position.
- Outcomes of project: what permanent infrastructure will the AmeriCorps member help create and how will that helporganization’s clients?
- Explain history and purpose of the organization
- Review organization mission, goals and objectives
- Review organization structure
- Give the member time to read any materials presented to him/her.
- At the end of the day, do a ½ hour check in to answer any questions the member may have come up with about the organization.
Day 3, Wednesday, September 13, 2017:
- Discuss performance expectations and standards
- Explain organization’s environment/culture
- Discuss in more detail organization’s programs, history, accomplishments.
- Important: Make it clear what the outcomes of the AmeriCorps positionare: what permanent infrastructure will the member help create and how will that help serve more people.
- Explain performance reviews (date for first review, frequency thereafter)
- Discuss performance expectations and standards and reporting requirements
- Discuss specific performance objectives which will be reviewed during the initial period.
- Supervisory and support structure; communications; reporting; accountability
- Discuss the working relationship between the member and site supervisor, mutual expectations, communications style, work style, support needs, etc.
- Discuss and clarify communication procedures and practices
- Review staff meeting and one-on-one meeting schedules
- Specify what actions would result in disciplinary action.
- End on a positive affirming note about how excited you are to have the member working on this project.
- Have the member interview other staff or board members about work styles, communications expectations, etc.
- Discuss cultural norms and proper communication with clients, do’s and don’ts. Privacy issues, etc.
- Independent Community Investigation: The member spends afternoon exploring community and making an inventory of assets, needs and cultural practices. Brief the member before he/she heads out into the community about where to go, what to look for, and how to ensure his or her safety.
Day 4, Thursday, September 14, 2017:
The member spends the morning with someone who is very knowledgeable about the community and discusses his or her observations about the populations the organization serves. (Community partners, long-term board member, staff or volunteers, colleagues in the nonprofit sector/local government, etc.)
- This community “expert” provides a background on the community and the nature of the population served.
- The community “expert” introduces the member to other community leaders, especially those involved with the organization the member serves with.
- Have the member spend the afternoon visiting past clients or shadowing a staff member working on an imminent project.
- Have the member gather as much information as possible to help him/her understand the community and the project.
Day 5, Friday, September 15, 2017:
- Discuss impressions and findings from Day 4 with Site Supervisor.
- Discuss potential community resources that can be applied to help achieve position goals.
- Review use of volunteers and the volunteer recruitment goals, and how to achieve them.
- Meet with recruitment representatives from Volunteer Center or other Volunteer Managers from the community
- Review barriers and successes to volunteer use of resources discussed.
- How member can best help volunteers and others involved in the project
- Discuss support/recognition; helping volunteers to feel valued; ways to recognize
- Celebration of the first week of the member’s assignment!
Day 6, Monday, September 18, 2017:
- Meeting with Site Supervisor to review first week
- Impressions and findings from the past week
- How does the member feel about community need, organization’s Mission?
- How is this connected to the work they are doing?
- Discuss mechanisms to learn more about the problems facing the organization’s clients.
- Member audits past materials and begins gathering best practices about their activity area
Day 7, Tuesday, September 19, 2017:
- Shadowing: The member accompanies staff, key volunteer or board member for the whole day out of the office – conducting community presentations, recruiting volunteer team’s participation, doing direct construction, etc.
- The member meets with supervisor to discuss day’s shadow activities and to reflect on activities out in the community.
- Discussion of additional training the member needs to carry out assignment.
- The member begins contacting community/organizational leaders with whom the member will be collaborating to set up informational interviews.
Day 8, Wednesday, September 20, 2017:
- Informational interviews and meetings with other community organizations
- Discussion with supervisor and other organization staff about conclusions from informational/collaboration interviews. What implications can be drawn related to the project? What recommendations and cautions do the supervisor and other staff have about those conclusions?
- The member spends the rest of the day drafting a one-month, detailed plan for beginning activities using the position description as a guide.
Day 9, Thursday, September 21, 2017:
- The member and Site Supervisor review the first month’s workplan.
- The member conducts an assessment of the additional skills and information needed to be successful, creates a report for the site supervisor to review.
- Site Supervisor discuses computer skills needed and any additional training needed to use technology effectively with the member
- The member begins independent implementation of project with frequent check-in sessions with supervisor and other key organization staff to see how the work is going.
Day 10, Friday, September 22, 2017:
Celebrate first two weeks!
- Discuss data collection and evaluation techniques and procedures using the AmeriCorps position description activities as a guide.
- Set up one-on-one meeting and team meeting schedules.
- Take member to lunch to celebrate first two weeks
- Additional skill training is set up for the member as needed: For example, the member could participate in a public speaking class offered by the community continuing education program, volunteer management trainings, construction trainings, etc.