Fayetteville, AR


You are invited to submit a proposal in accordance with the requirements of this solicitation, which are contained herein. Review all pages carefully to ensure clear understanding.

Proposals are to be submitted to Greg Mones, no later thanNovember 20, 2009. Questions concerning the solicitation should be referred to Greg Mones at

or fax (479) 973-8614.

This solicitation does not commit the Fayetteville School District, Arkansas, to award a contract, to pay any cost incurred in the preparation of the proposal, or to procure or contract for the articles of goods or services. The FayettevilleSchool District reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals received as a result of this request or to cancel in part or in its entirety this proposal if it is in the best interest of the FayettevilleSchool District to do so.



1.0Introduction: The Fayetteville School District, Arkansas, issues this Request forProposal (“RFP”) for a pay plan/classification and compensation study.

1.01Standard of Performance: The company selected to provide the pay plan /classification and compensation study (the “Company”) shall perform according to the terms and conditions as selected herein and according to the highest standards and commercial practices.

1.02Termination and Assignment: The contract awarded in response to the RFP (the “Contract”) may be terminated by either party by giving to other not less than 30 days written notice of intent to terminate as of the date specified. The contract will not be assignable without prior written consent of both parties. An attempted assignment without such consent shall be void and of no effect.

1.03Inquiries: Inquiries related to the RFP should be directed to the attention of Greg Mones at . Any request for clarification must be submitted in writing (fax or email is acceptable) to Greg Mones, Director of Human Resources, in sufficient time to allow a reply to all prospective respondents prior to opening date. Any clarification given to the prospective respondent will be furnished in writing to all prospective respondents as an amendment, if such information modifies these specifications or is deemed to be necessary in responding to this RFP.

1.04Opening Date: Sealed, written, competitive proposals will be received until close of businessNovember 20, 2009, in the FayettevilleSchool District, Human Resources Office,1000 W. Stone Street,Fayetteville, AR72701. THE PROPOSAL SHALL BE IN AN ENVELOPE CLEARLY MARKED WITH THE RFP TITLE (PAY PLAN - CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION STUDY) ON THE OUTSIDE, OR IT WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. All proposals must be signed by the authorized officer of the Company and must be held firm for acceptance for a minimum period of 60 days after the opening date.

1.05Proposal Format: Each company should submit a base proposal to include

plans for job descriptions of Administrative and Classified employees, wage survey and total pay plan package. The FayettevilleSchool District has a current employment of 45 Administrative personnel and 600 classified personnel. The FayettevilleSchool District requires that the Company’s response to this RFP be submitted in the same item (paragraph) sequence as this proposal using the same item (paragraph) numbers for reference. The FayettevilleSchool District requests that Companies submit one original and four copies of their proposals plus required attachments. Proposals shall be submitted on 8 ½ x 11 inch paper.

1.06Award: The FayettevilleSchool District reserves the right to reject any and all

proposals, or any portion thereof, and re-advertise if deemed necessary. Award will be made to the Company whose proposal conforms to the RFP and in the sole judgment of the FayettevilleSchool District will be the most advantageous to the FayettevilleSchool District.

1.07Contract: Due to the anticipated complexities of this contract relationship, the FayettevilleSchool District reserves the right to negotiate final terms and conditions with the Company (ies) submitting proposals.

1.08Cost for Proposal Preparation: The FayettevilleSchool District will not

reimburse Company’s cost incurred in the preparation and submission of proposals. All proposals shall become the property of the FayettevilleSchool District upon submission. The FayettevilleSchool District reserves the right to negotiate rates, terms and conditions from the selected qualified companies subsequent to the submission of proposals.

1.09Indemnification: The Company hereby agrees to assume all risks and

responsibilities inherent in performing the contracted services and does hereby agree to defend, hold harmless, indemnify, release, and forever discharge the Fayetteville School District and any of its officers, agents, employees, and volunteers from and against any and all claims, demands and actions, causes of action, losses, liabilities, or other expenditures of any kind, including court cost and expenses, accruing or resulting from any suits or damages of any character resulting from injuries, damages, or death sustained by any person or persons or property, by virtue of the performance of this agreement either directly or indirectly.

1.10Scope of Services: The Fayetteville School District is seeking proposals in order toprovide an analysis of the current classification policies and pay plans; the internal equity comparison and competitive level within the external labor market. The further objective is to make modifications and revisions to ensure a desired competitive level within the market and an evaluation method that effectively addresses all positions within the FayettevilleSchool District classification system.

The services to be considered within this proposal may include but are not limited to:

1) A review and analysis of the current compensation policies and practices in the FayettevilleSchool District;

2)A review of the current job classification system;

3)A review of the current pay grades and a comparison to wages in school districts and other organizations of similar size and comparison to wages in the NW Arkansas competitive market;

4)The ability to offer an integrated compensation management software program that will allow internalized use of a system that electronically develops job descriptions, places a weighted job value on each job based on a point-factor process and produces various charts, graphs and worksheets to guide the school district’s compensation management program following the initial engagement with the compensation consulting company;

5)Modification and implementation of a new method of job evaluation;

6)Analysis of current positions within the classification system, preparation of job descriptions and placement into pay levels based upon a new evaluation method;

7)Establish job analysis and evaluation procedures necessary for continuing implementation of the compensation system;

8) Compensation management processes and software training forHuman

Resources staff;

9)Preparation of drafted and final reports with recommendations and other

supporting documentation;

10)Presentation of final report to the School District’s Executive Team and/or the members of the School Board.

1.11Official Company Representative: The name, mailing address, and telephonenumber of the Company’s authorized agent with authority to bind the firm with respect to questions concerning the Company’s proposal must be clearly stated in the proposal. The proposal and/or letter which transmits the proposal to the FayettevilleSchool District must be signed by an authorized officer of the Company.

1.12References: In the proposal, each Company must provide a list of at least five(5) school districts, municipalities and/or commercial clients for which the Company has provided similar services within the past three (3) years. The list shall include the company name, address and contact person with the telephone and fax numbers and a brief description of the contractual relationship.

1.13Employment Policies: Company employment policies shall meet the

requirements of Fair Labor Standards Act and all other regulations required by the Federal or State Law. The Company must pledge to comply with Equal Opportunity Laws and that it will not discriminate against an employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, disability, marital status, or participation of a legally protected activity.

1.14RFP Caution: Companies are cautioned to exercise care in the preparation and submission of their proposals. The FayettevilleSchool District is not obligated to ask for or accept after opening date, data which is essential for a complete and thorough evaluation of the proposal. The FayettevilleSchool District may award a contract based on initial submissions without any further discussion of such proposals. Accordingly, each proposal should be submitted on the most favorable and complete price and technical terms possible.

1.15Office Contract Administrator: The contract administrator and liaison person for all matters concerning this contract is Greg Mones, Director of Human Resources, Fayetteville School District School Administration Building, 1000 W. Stone Street, Fayetteville, AR 72701, Phone (479) 444-3000, Fax (479) 973-8614.


Executive Summary

Prefacing the proposal shall be an Executive Summary providing in concise terms a summation of the proposal and bearing the signature of an individual authorized to bind the firm.

Structure of Proposal

The proposal itself shall be organized in the following format and informational sequence.

Part I - Business Organization:The proposal shall include relevant historical

data and identification of the office or subordinate element which will perform the

work contemplated herein. The owners and principal management personnel of

the firm shall be identified fully.

Part II - Concept and Solution:The respondent’s understanding of the services presented in Section 1.10 shall be defined in detail and proposed solutions outlined.

A description of the firm’s strengths in the marketplace shouldbe included. Any restrictions or limitations should be defined.

Part III - Program:The respondent’s technical plan to accomplish the work shall

be presented, including time-related displays, graphs and charts showing tasks,

subtasks, milestones, and decision points, including the point at whichdeliverable reports will be provided.

Part IV - Account Team Personnel: The names and titles of the team proposed for assignment to the School District’s project shall be identified in full, with a description of team leadership, interface and support function, and reporting relationships, along with individual backgrounds of personnel who will be actively engaged in work related to the account. The primary work assigned to each person and the corresponding amount of time shall be indicated.

Part V - Corporate Experience:Relevant Public Sector experience and client

references shall be presented in detail, with all experience cited to be recent in time and to have been performed, to a considerable degree, by identifying comparable services for public sector organizations. For each client reference, the scope of service, time performed, name, title, address and phone number of the principle contact person should be shown.

Part VI - Authorized Negotiator: The proposal shall provide the name, title, address and telephone number of the person authorized to negotiate contract terms and render binding decisions on contract matters.

Part VII - Cost Proposal: All fees should be presented on a fixed, not-to-exceed basis. Hourly rates for consulting services on an as needed basis should be included.

Competitive Selection

Evaluation factors shall be applied to all eligible, responsive firms in comparing proposals and selecting the successful consultant. While the School District reserves the right to interview any or all respondents, award of a contract may be made without discussion with respondents after proposals are received. Proposals should be submitted on the most favorable terms available.

Proposal Evaluation Factors

The evaluation criteria will have the following relative weighing given each item:

1)20Qualifications in Relation to Specific Project to be Performed:

Information reflecting qualifications of the firm. Indicated specialized experience and technical competence of the firm in connection with the type and complexity of the service required. Subcontractors, if used, must be listed with information on their organization.

2)25Experience, Competence, and Capacity for Performance:

Information reflecting the names, titles and qualifications (including

experience and technical competence) of the major personnel assigned to this specific project. Provide detailed breakdown of subcontractor’s staff to be used and how they are to be used to supplement your staff. The ability to offer a reasonably priced licensed software compensation management system that will offer significant efficiency features.

3)25Proposed Method of Doing Work: A proposed work plan (description of how the project would be conducted as well as other facts concerning the approach to scope you wish to present) indicating methods and schedules for accomplishing each phase of work. Include in this plan a description of consultant’s method for determining quality of job match between the survey District’s response and the FayettevilleSchool District benchmark position.

4)15Past Performance: Previous related job classification, evaluations and compensation experience shall be considered a significant factor. If previous evaluations with the school districts are not available, the professional firm’s past performance records with others will be used, including quality of work, timely performance, diligence, ability to meet past budgets and any other pertinent information. Firm will provide a list of similar jobs performed and person whom we can contact for information.
