Internet Protocol Based Electronic Communications: Today and Tomorrow

Copeland E. Crisson Jr.

Engineering and Emerging Technologies

As the use of the World Wide Web andWireless communications continue to grow development of new applications for these technologies has become a catalyst for economic growth and technological advancement. Audio, video, and data communication can all take place over the internet from nearly anywhere on the face of the earth via wired or wireless communication channels using devices ranging from desktop and laptop computers to handheld devices such as multi-function cellular phones and personal data assistants. Some of the new developments have combined technologies from several fields to create new communications methods or replace older technologies.

Computer Science, Telecommunications, and Computer Networking have become symbiotic in their relationship to form what is commonly known as Information Technology.

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is one of the first technologies that merges each of these fields. VoIP is being implemented by many companies, government organizations and home users. It is replacing traditional telephone service in many cases. The technology is being improved, its application expanded, and implemented rapidly.General Packet Radio Service (GPRS), the basis for cellular telephone systems, has already entered its third generation of development commonly referred to as 3G.

There are several other technological applications being researched, developed, and implemented. These technologies have become a primary focus for numerous networking and telecommunication researchers and will become the core of the telecommunications infrastructure of the future. Understanding the current capabilities, limitations, and issues related to these technologies is important to me, as an engineer and as an instructor I feel that studies in these areas can greatly benefit the department faculty and its students. Understanding these new technologies will give our students a distinct advantage in the market place. Having knowledge of the future research and developments will help us prepare for and possibly influence these developments.

Technology changes rapidly. Studyingthe latest communications technologies such as VoIP, UMTS, and GPRS will keep me current and also help me better understand the future of telecommunications. In particular I am interested in how Internet Protocol has changed the telecommunication industry and how the industry will evolve in the future.

This research is in my area of interest and expertise and will allow for consultation with experts in the field.My educational background and industrial experience are in these fields. I hold an Associate of Science in Electronics Technology, Bachelors in Computer Science, and I am currently in graduate school pursing a Masters in Information Networking and Telecommunication. I have been involved in telecommunication since 1973 and began teaching in various fields of technology in1987.

The goals of the study are to identify currently used IP based communication technologies, determine what research is presently being conducted, and discover what the predictions and plans for future technologies are. These inquiries will help determine if and where there be more “converging” of technologies.

This study grant affords me the opportunity to investigate a prominent trend in the telecommunications industry, acquire an in depth understanding of today’s leading edge communication technologies, and obtain a foresight of what the future holds.

My work plan covers ten weeks during the Summer III session of 2007. Activities include reading, attending seminars and user group meetings, and laboratory experiments.

Text covering communications technologies currently being used, newer technologies being implemented, and technologies being researched are included in the reading list.

Some preliminary work is planned. I will attend a week long seminar/course on VoIP application (CVoice) and attend relevant user group meetings.

During the last six weeks of my proposed study lab experiments related to VoIP, wireless networks, optical networks, video and audio streaming will be performed. These technologies will be combined in form a converged network as a culminating experiment.

Laboratory and field experiments that are designed, developed, and implemented may later be adapted to a training environment and presented to other faculty, business contacts and students.

Reading List and References

3G wireless networks

Smith, Clint., Collins, Daniel., NetLibrary, Inc. New York : McGraw-Hill, 2002. ISBN: 0071363815

Beyond VoIP protocols : understanding voice technology and networking techniques for IP telephony . Hersent, Olivier., Petit, Jean-Pierre., Gurle, David.

Hoboken, NJ : John Wiley, 2005. ISBN: 0470023627

Cisco voice over frame relay, ATM, and IP

McQuerry, Steve., McGrew, Kelly., Foy, Stephen.

Indianapolis, IN : Cisco Press, c2001. ISBN: 1578702275

Compressed video communications.

Sadka, Abdul H., West Sussex, England ; New York : John Wiley & Sons, c2002.

ISBN: 0470843128

Convergence technologies for 3G networks : IP, UMTS, EGPRS and ATM

by Bannister, Jeffrey., Mather, Paul M., Coope, Sebastian. Chichester : Wiley, c2004.

ISBN: 047086091X

Delivering voice over IP networks

Minoli, Daniel, New York : John Wiley, c1998. ISBN: 0471254827

Handbook of emerging communications technologies : the next decade

Osso, Rafael. Boca Raton, Fla., CRC Press, c2000. ISBN: 0849395941

Introduction to communications technologies : a guide for non-engineers

Jones, Stephan., Boca Raton : Auerbach, c2003 ISBN: 0849312663

IP convergence the next revolution in telecommunications

Muller, Nathan J., NetLibrary, Inc. Boston : Artech House, c2000.

ISBN: 1580532012 or 1580530125

IP for 3G : networking technologies for mobile communications

Wisely, Dave., Eardley, Philip., Burness, Louise. New York : J. Wiley, 2002.

ISBN: 0471486973

IP telephony : the integration of Robust VoIP services

Douskalis, Bill. Upper Saddle River, NJ : Prentice Hall PTR, c2000.

ISBN: 0130141186

IP telephony demystified

Camp, Ken., New York : McGraw-Hill, 2003. ISBN: 0071406700 (pbk.) :

IPv6--the new internet protocol

Huitema, Christian., Upper Saddle River, NJ : Prentice Hall PTR, c1998. ISBN: 0138505055

Multimedia applications support for wireless ATM networks

Hac, Anna., Upper Saddle River, NJ : Prentice Hall PTR, c2000.

Multiple access protocols for mobile communications : GPRS, UMTS and beyond

Brand, Alex., Aghvami, Hamid. New York : J. Wiley, c2002. ISBN: 0471498777

Next generation wireless networks

New York : Kluwer Academic Publishers, c2002 ISBN: 0306473100

Optical and wireless communications : next generation networks

Sadiku, Matthew N. O. Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, 2002. ISBN: 0849312787

Satellite communications systems : systems, techniques, and technology

Maral, Gérard. Chichester ; New York : Wiley, c2002. ISBN: 0471496545

Switching to VoIP

Wallingford, Ted., Beijing ; Cambridge [Mass.] : O'Reilly, c2005. ISBN: 0596008686

Telecommunications essentials : the complete global source for communications fundamentals, data networking and the Internet, and next-generation networks

Goleniewski, Lillian. Boston : Addison-Wesley, c2002. ISBN: 0201760320

The essential guide to optical networks

Greenfield, David. Upper Saddle River, NJ : Prentice Hall PTR, 2002. ISBN: 0130429562

The essential guide to telecommunications

Dodd, Annabel Z., Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Prentice Hall PTR, 2000. ISBN: 0130142956

The technology of video and audio streaming

Austerberry, David., Oxford ; Woburn, MA : Focal, 2002. ISBN: 024051694X

WCDMA for UMTS : radio access for third generation mobile communications

West Sussex, England ; Hoboken, N.J. : J. Wiley & Sons, c2002. ISBN: 0470844671

Wireless communications systems and networks

New York : Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, c2004. ISBN: 0306481901

Wireless information networks

Pahlavan, Kaveh Hoboken, NJ : John Wiley, 2005. ISBN: 0471725420

Secondary Reading List and References

Big book of IPv6 addressing RFCs

San Diego : Morgan Kaufmann, c2000. ISBN: 0126167702

Broadband telecommunications handbook

Bates, Regis J., New York : McGraw-Hill, c2002. ISBN: 0071398511

Next generation network services : technologies and strategies

Wilkinson, Neill., New York : J. Wiley, c2002. ISBN: 0471486671

Optical networking : a Wiley tech brief

Cameron, Debra. New York : Wiley, c2002.ISBN: 0471443689

The Business One Irwin handbook of telecommunications

Green, James H., Homewood, Ill. : Business One Irwin, c1992. ISBN: 1556233337