56 North State, Orem, Utah

November 7, 2012

This meeting was for discussion purposes only. No official action was taken.

CONDUCTING Mayor Jim Evans
OREM ELECTED OFFICIALS Councilmembers Hans Andersen, Margaret Black, and Karen McCandless
OREM STAFF Jamie Davidson, Assistant City Manager; Karl Hirst, Recreation Director; Donna Weaver, City Recorder; and Rachelle Conner, Deputy City Recorder
ALPINE BOARD OF EDUCATION John Burton, Mark Clement, Paula Hill, Jodee Sundberg, and Debbie Taylor
ALPINE SCHOOL DISTRICT ADMIN. Vern Henshaw, Superintendent and Rob Smith, Assistant Superintendent

EXCUSED Councilmembers Mark Seastrand and Brent Sumner

ABSENT Councilmember Mary Street


Mayor Evans called the meeting to order at 12:10 p.m.

Items of Common Interest

Recreation CARE Priority List

Karl Hirst, Recreation Director, said the City Council recently approved the Recreation Advisory Commission’s list of recommendations for the CARE funds. Some of them will affect the Alpine School. The biggest challenge will be the remodel of the Fitness Center swimming pool. The construction may affect the swim season; however, staff will do everything they can to try to mitigate any conflicts. There is also an issue with the property lines at Scera Park. Mr. Hirst advised that he will meet with Rob Smith to work out any issues.


Mrs. McCandless expressed appreciation to the staff at Timpanogos High School for their compassion during the McCandless family’s recent trial. The teachers, administrators, and counselors have all been wonderful. The student council came to the viewing of Mrs. McCandless’s husband, and they brought treats to her daughter Jamie. Mrs. McCandless expressed gratitude to the Alpine School District for hiring such wonderful people.

Construction Projects

Rob Smith, Assistant Superintendent, indicated the construction is moving forward with both Westmore and Cherryhill elementary schools. They originally had a problem with traffic at Cherryhill; however, the police department has been helpful with that issue. It seems they have now worked out the kinks, and the parents know what to do when they drop off and pick up their children. Both projects are moving forward really well.

Employee Health Insurance

Mr. Smith noted the District recently went through a new process, and they are changing their insurance carrier to HUMANA. This will allow employees to utilize any hospital as long as they accept Medicare.

Traffic Issues

Mayor Evans said he was with Utah Valley University President Matt Holland the other day, and President Holland expressed concern with the traffic and safety for children in the area of 800South. The City has agreed to do a traffic count and to look at options to mitigate the concerns.

Jamie Davidson, Assistant City Manager, advised that staff has been in discussion with the Mountainland Association of Governments (MAG), and the City has an opportunity to make some improvements to 800 South. This will be brought to the Council for its review in December. The area has students going to many different schools. The City is looking at a signal to facilitate pedestrian crossings on that road. They are also looking at options to narrow the road to decrease the speeds. The cost will be $350,000 and will span two different fiscal years. The City does not have that currently in the budget; however, they are hoping to find a way to make it work.

Debbie Taylor stated that they are still struggling with traffic issues at Canyon View Junior High School. There is a lot of traffic in that area due to many schools being so close. Mr. Davidson said he will take this back to the traffic staff to see what can be done. There is an economic component involved, which could make it difficult.

Mr. Andersen advised that he had a neighbor call him about someone getting hit by Lakeridge Junior High. He asked if anyone knew anything about it and what could be done to make the area safer.

Mrs. Sundberg said her neighbor was recently hit while in a cross walk. There are lights for that cross walk, and this is the first student accident they have had in this area in over fourteen years. She said a stop sign would not work in this location, and there is already a flashing light. Speed was not an issue in this accident. The driver was just not paying attention.

Space Center

Mr. Henshaw advised that the Space Center at Central Elementary has recently closed. There were some electrical and safety issues, so the Fire Marshal shut it down. The District has formed a committee to look at options and make recommendations about the Space Center. The reconstruction of Central Elementary is on the bond priority list, but they do not have a current plan for when this will happen.

Property Tax Referendum

Mr. Davidson updated those present on the status of the referendum on the property tax increase. In August of this year, the City Council approved an increase to the City’s portion of the property tax. State law allows for budget items to be placed on the ballot for a vote of the residents through a referendum process. The referendum passed, so this item will be placed on the ballot in 2013. The referendum will stay the action of the property tax increase, so staff is working to cut the budget $2.5–3.5 million this year. Some of the ways they are addressing this is with personnel because that is the biggest portion of the General Fund. The City anticipates that there will be a change in the level of service in Orem; however, they have not worked out the particulars yet. Staff is working on just continuing day-to-day operations, and they will not be able to set aside money for additional projects. He said he is bringing this up so the District is aware of the financial constraints the City is dealing with.

Mr. Andersen asked when this would be on the ballot. He was told it would most likely be in November of 2013.

Set Date and Time for Next

The next meeting was scheduled for January 9, 2013, at noon in Orem.

The meeting adjourned at 1:55 p.m.

Donna R. Weaver, City Recorder

Approved: November 13, 2012

Joint OremCity Council/Alpine School District Minutes – November 7, 2012 (p.3)