City of Niagara

Regular City Council Meeting Minutes

January 25, 2016

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Mayor Bousley. Present: Mayor Bousley, Aldermen Lantagne, West, Shampo,Darne, Kallenbach and Kuchinski,Public Works Coordinator Ron Rugg, City Clerk Wierschke andAssistant Police Chief Moreau. Also present: Thad Majkowski of Cedar Corp., Brian Diel – “Friends of Niagara’s Memorial Park”, Bernadine Clement, Betty Kinsella, Karen Klenke, Sam Chartier, Joe Geldmeyer and George Hohol all with the Niagara Historical Society.

Mayor Bousley asked the Council to consider approving the agenda, but items 14, 19 and 20 will be addressed after item 11. A motion was then made by Alderman Westand seconded by AldermanShampoto approve the Agenda as requested by Mayor Bousley. Motion carried.

There were no public appearances.

A motion was made by Alderman Kuchinskiand seconded by Alderman Kallenbachto approve the minutesof the12-16-15 Regular Council Meeting. Motion carried.

The Council reviewed the monthly bills. A motion was made by Alderman Kallenbach and seconded by Alderman Kuchinski to approve the bills as presented. Motion carried.

The Council reviewed the monthly reports as submitted. A motion was made by Alderman Shampoand seconded by Alderman Darneto approve the reports as submitted. Motion carried.

Under “Reports of Department Heads and Elected Officials”, there were no reports given. A motion was made by Alderman Kuchinski and seconded by Alderman Kallenbach to accept that there were no reports given. Motion carried.

Brian Diel, a former Niagara resident, spoke to the Council regarding Memorial Park. He explained he’d like to see improvements made at Memorial Park. He stated he is willing to fund a preliminary park design using the City’s engineer, Cedar Corp. He has created a Facebook page, “Friends of Niagara’s Memorial Park”, dedicated to revitalizing the park. There will be fundraiser’s held to raise money to pay for all improvements. A motion was made by Alderman Shampo and seconded by Alderman Darne to allow Mr. Diel to move forward with this project. Motion carried.

Thad Majkowski of Cedar Corp. presented Addendum No. 2 – CDBG Grant Administration Agreement to the Council for approval. A motion was made by Alderman Shampo and seconded by Alderman Kallenbach to accept Addendum No. 2. Motion carried.

Thad Majkowski also presented the Agreement Between Owner and Engineer For Professional Services for approval. This is an agreement for the Rural Development Water Project between Cedar Corp. and the City of Niagara in the amount of $503,600. A motion was made by Alderman Kuchinski and seconded by Alderman Shampo to accept the agreement. Per the Mayor’s request, a roll call vote was taken with all voting in favor of the agreement. Motion carried.

Discussion was held regarding the Water Utility. Public Works Coordinator Rugg stated he would like to hire HydroCorp. for 2016 to complete the Cross Connection Inspections and any necessary meter replacements for 145 more meters. A motion was made by Alderman Kuchinski and seconded by Alderman Darne to allow Public Works Coordinator Rugg to hire HydroCorp. for 2016.

The City’s insurance policy for “Property in the Open” is due to be renewed for February 1, 2016. The policy is currently with the LGPIF (Local Government Property Insurance Fund). The renewal rate for 2-1-16 through 2-1-2017 is $10,867, (this is $4,226 higher than the previous year’s premium of $6,641). In order to not renew through LGPIF, the City Council has to agree to withdraw from LGPIF. A motion was made by Alderman West and seconded by Alderman Shampo to withdraw from the LGPIF. Motion carried.

The City received a quote for a new “Property in the Open” insurance policy with MPIC (Municipal Property Insurance Company). If accepted/approved, the 2-1-2016 through 2-1-2017 premium rate will be $7,678. This policy will have the same coverages as the policy with LGPIF and will be a savings of $3,189. The policy will be managed by Business Insurance Group. A motion was made by Alderman West and seconded by Alderman Shampo to approve City accepting this policy. Motion carried.

Discussion was held regarding the Sewer Utility. A motion was made by Alderman Kuchinski and seconded by Alderman Kallenbach to accept the Sewer Report. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Alderman Kallenbach and seconded by Alderman Darne to set the next City Council meeting date for Monday, February 22, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. Motion carried.

There being no further business, a motion was made by Alderman West and seconded by Alderman Shampo to adjourn. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:58 p.m.