City of Newton – Recreation Commission

Minutes from March 12, 2013

Meeting were called to order by Recreation Chairman John Stiver

Members in attendance:
John Stiver, Marshall Pratt, William “Skip” Beatty, Mickie Drum, Jeff Carter, Bill Lutz, Sandra Waters and Carol Stiles.

A.  Approval of Minutes

An error was noted in the spelling of John Stiver’s name, the minutes were than approved by the commission. Commission member Marshall Pratt moved for the Commission to approve the minutes from the Tuesday, March 12th regular meeting, seconded by Commission member William “Skip” Beatty, the motion was approved by unanimous vote.

B.  Jeff Carter and William “Skip” Beatty received a Living Tree Memorial at Jacob Fork Park (Crepe Myrtle), along with a certificate and plaque thanking them for the many years of service they provided to the City of Newton Recreation Commission.

C.  Recreation Director Sandra Waters told the commission that Kyle Smith had been approved by the Council and that he’ll be at the April commission meeting.

D.  Assistant Director Carol Stiles handed out the bracket and the revenues/expenditures information for the Western Youth Athletic Association Midget Girls Basketball Tournament.

E.  The Department’s 2013 Volleyball program registration has increased to 109 participants this year.

F.  Assistant Director Carol Stiles spoke on how baseball registration for the 2013 has been weak.

G.  The Jeffrey Mayo Baseball Clinic will be held at Jacob Fork Park, June 11 – 14. The instructor Jeffrey Mayo has attended Enloe and Mars Hill College, and his brother went to UConn and both played for Major League teams. The Clinic is for boys and girls ages: 6 – 14, but younger or older participants will be accepted. Participants signing up for the baseball clinic will receive a free bat, t-shirt and a swimming pool pass for the week.

H.  Assistant Director Carol Stiles talked about the Region 8/NCPR Society March Madness Subway Raffle for a 3 feet sub of choice, that was donated by Subway located at 1343 Rock Barn Road NE, Conover. Money collected for the sub will go to the Parks and Recreation Society teleconferences. Region 8 receives no money.

I.  Woodland Bike Trail

Sandra told the group that the choice had been made for the entrance sign for the Woodland Bike Trail at Jacob Fork Park that will be located at the bottom of the paved parking lot. The 4x8 entrance sign was designed by Sign Systems out of Hickory. The sign has been ordered and it will take 10 to 12 days to build. The dedication of the woodland bike trail will be held sometime at the end of April.

J.  Eat Smart, Move More Program

The ESMM is ready to start once approved by the City Council. Amy McCauley is working on the signs that are being donated by the Catawba County Health Partners.

K.  Recreation Director Sandra Waters and Assistant Director Carol Stiles took a new copy of school agreement to the Community Schools Director Robin Rudisill. The agreement was given to Dr. Redman to be signed, than will be given to Todd Clark for his signature.

L.  Regional Outdoor Recreation Committee made up of all departments in this area will be having their meeting in May at Jacob Fork Park. The meeting will be sponsored by the Recreation Department.

M.  The Director asked the commission if they knew anyone else interested in being on the commission let her know. She is still looking for one more new member.

N.  Next meeting: April 9, 2013 at 6:00 p.m.

O.  Meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m.