City of Nashwauk

October 11, 2011

Mayor Hendricks called the meeting to order at 12:30 p.m. in the council chambers

Members Present: Hendricks, Fragnito, Gangl, Heyblom

Members Absent: Marinaro

*motion by Gangl, seconded by Heyblom to accept the minutes of the September 27, 2011 council meeting and a wording change in the September 12, 2011 council minutes

Ayes all present—motion carried

*Motion by Heyblom, seconded by Gangl to approve all bills signed and file the claims report as official record

Ayes all present—motion carried

*Motion by Fragnito, seconded by Gangl to approve the communications as read

Ayes all present—motion carried

*Motion by Heyblom, seconded by Fragnito to approve the consent agenda as follows:

1) Approve Fit Testing for 18 ambulance personnel

2) Approve any council or mayor to attend the Advocates for Family Peace luncheon on October 26, 2011 in Grand Rapids, plus mileage

3) Allow the mayor to attend the Laurentian meeting in Chisholm on October 19, 2011 plus mileage

3) Approve the police department officer to attend the defensive tactics in Nashwauk

4) Approve Vraa, Maddern and Dasovich to attend the Arson Investigation 101 class in Grand Rapids on October 18, wages plus mileage

5) Approve the following invoices for the Essar project contingent upon PUC approval:

Jerry Mackey $352.80;JPJ $9,613.80, $584.25,5,385.77; Waukesha $332,927.92, $332,035.94; Sherner Pwr $600.00;Barr $592.00; Black & Veatch $7,971.54; Lakehead Constructors $633,867.98; Solomon $3,633.75, $8,870.63; Adams Consulting $14,993.87; Kelly Bay $1,187.50; Stuart Irby $1,923.75, 90,340.90, $89,001.81, $89,475.94, $89,572.04, $90,058.99; Nortrax $5,388.64; Latvala Lumber $942.59; National Conductor $138,384.41; Essar Steel $47,596.09, $27,716.85; Braun $300.00, $93.00; McGrann Shea $13,308.08, $23,742.81

Ayes all present—motion carried

Old Business:

Hendricks discussed the NNG situation. We have issued an easement for them to begin the work on the pipeline. We also gave them information on the franchise ordinance within the city. The NNG legal department has sent a letter back saying that the city cannot impose a franchise fee on NNG. After further discussion it was decided to have our attorneys handle this matter.

*Motion by Fragnito, seconded by Heyblom to refer the NNG matter to John Dimich and McGrann Shea and to kept the city updated

Ayes all present—motion carried

Hendricks mentioned that the pony league will be coming to an end. Also discussed the recreation center and the Greenway recreation board contacted Hendricks about the arena and having artificial ice, etc. Heyblom and Gangl agreed to meet with them and discuss the possibility and get costs.

*Motion by Heyblom, seconded by Gangl to adjourn the regular meeting at 1:15 p.m.

Ayes all present—motion carried


City Clerk