Paul Neuman

Loren Colin

Michael Ray Menjivar


Crissi Avila


Kim Jones





2898 Rowena Avenue, Suite 101
Los Angeles, CA. 90039
TELEPHONE: (323) 661-SLNC (7562)
FAX: (323) 661-7564

Urban Design & Preservation Advisory Committee


Chair – Elizabeth Bougart-Sharkov,

Governing Board Member, Representative At-Large

Regular Monthly Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

6:30 PM

SLNC Office, 2898 Rowena Ave., #101

I. Call to Order 6:30 p.m.

II.  Introductions 6:31 p.m. – In Attendance 30

Board Members (4): Elizabeth Bougart-Sharkov (At-Large; Chair, UD&PAC), Rusty Millar (SLNC Reg. 4), Gale Jaffe (SLNC Reg. 4, arrived at 7:40 p.m.), Laura Dwan (At Large)

Committee Members (6): Leni Fleming, Bohdan Zachary

Wes Joe (arrived at 7:50 p.m.), Teresa “Jodi” Owen (arrived at 7:11 p.m.),

For 1308, 1308 ½ Maltman Ave. & 1311 Tularosa Dr. –

Developers (2): Isaac Berneman, David Berneman

Stakeholders (3): Milt Rosenberg, James Marcotte, Susan Koger

For 909 Kodak Dr. –

T-Mobil Rep (1) – Jung Lee

Stakeholders (6): Gary O’Brien, Jacqueline Elain-O’Brien, Charles Shump, Carlo Fernandez, Didi Gerlach, Benni Mateo

For 1742-1744 Redesdale Avenue –

Applicant’s Representative/ Expeditor (1) – Diahanne Payne

Applicant: (2) Graciella Sanchez, Bryan Spears

CD 13 Representatives (2): Ryan Carpio (SL Field Deputy), Katherine Hennigan (Planning Deputy)

General Stakeholders (3): Matthew Mooney, Ronald Van Ammers, Walter Seiler

III.  Approval of June 9, 2009 UD&PAC Meeting Minutes 6:35 p.m.

R. Millar moves to approve minutes. L. Fleming seconds.

(4-0-0) Motion passes unanimously.

IV.  Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items

Bohdan Zachary: 2450 Hyperion has been removed. Reason for this is unclear, perhaps a project of BarBrix next door.

V.  Old Business:

1. 1308, 1308 ½ Maltman Ave. & 1311 Tularosa Dr. 6:45 p.m.

(CD 13 & SLNC Region 4)


Small Lot Subdivision for 3 residential units – follow up

AA-2009-1462-PMLA-GB; ENV-2009-1463- CE

Presented by Eco-Centric Development


UD&PAC had requested a revision of the design, reducing curb cuts and driveway space along Maltman Ave. The architect changed the site plan for two separate driveways into a single joint-use driveway, reducing curb cut from 30 ft. to 20 ft. width.
Change in the Unit B driveway angle allows access to Unit B and more landscaping at the front along Maltman.


Committee members are concerned that the asked dedication along Tularosa side of lot C is in conflict with the rest of the properties on the same street. The answer to it is that the dedication is necessary for the Fire Department to be able to gain access and every future application re: the neighboring properties will trigger dedication on their part.

Re: Unit A – The backyard should be recessed to provide continuous line of all buildings on the street. Some are concerned that this project will increase density and exacerbate the problems finding parking. The answer to this concern was that Small Lot Subdivision in the Zone dedicated for this area allows the proposed density.

Planning requires a 20-ft. driveway when there are more than two lots. Because of the concern that the immediate neighborhood character does not support front facing garages, the best option would be to apply for variance to get 10 ft driveway and access garages for Unit A and Unit B form the space between those tow units. For that reason a compromise on the front setback along Maltman is possible. Wes Joe suggests that only one parking space for Unit A is covered, the second parking space can be outside the garage.

M/S/P (Wes Joe, Unanimous):

The UD&PAC appreciates Applicant’s attempts to work with the community and respects Applicant’s needs. The UD&PAC requests that the Applicant submits a further design that does not feature garages fronting on Maltman. The Committee would be supportive of a variance towards single driveway for Unit A and Unit B and would support a 10 feet front setback along Maltman Ave.

E. Bougart-Sharkov suggests that the Applicant reaches out to the neighborhood before they come back to the next UD&PAC meeting in August. Possibly send intermediate design to E. Bougart-Sharkov so committee can review it in the period before the August meeting.

VI. New Business:

1. 909 Kodak Dr. 7:15 p.m.

(CD 13 & SLNC Region 4)


·  Wireless Telecommunications Facility (WTF) by T-Mobile on the roof of an existing apartment building, consisting of 16 panel antennas

·  5 equipment cabinets on the ground within the back yard of the property.

ZA-2009-1589-CUW; ENV-2009-1590-EAF

Presented by Jung Lee (T-Mobil)


Committee members suggest to Mr. Lee that they would prefer to try to cover the area by using co-locations with smaller installations. The proposed location is inappropriate based on the following findings:

1. 16 antennas require a big space for the installation on a roof of a building which is already bigger in scale than the current zoning. The apartment building at 909 Kodak consists of 12 units, built in the past when the dedicated zoning was supporting such density. Since than, based on the prevailing neighborhood fabric, the area was down-zoned to RD 2 which now supports 50 % smaller building than the existing one. The proposed use exceeds even an un-conforming current use for the side.

2. The proposal, with its scale and height (20 feet over the allowed height)

presents a substantial visual blight for the surrounding residential properties.

3. Will decrease the property values of the adjacent residential properties.

4. The proposed ground equipment, consisting of 5 cabinets, placed on concrete pad, will take the entire back setback and are abutting to the 914 Maltman Ave. property instead if providing appropriate landscaping buffer. Also, this equipment generates some noise. Based on the excessive number of the cabinets (5) this might present substantial disturbance to the surrounding residences and rental units of the building itself.

5. There are recent studies suggesting increase of cancer cases and other health treats for people exposed to cell towers on regular bases (i.e. living in close proximity).

Committee Chair obtained straw poll from all attendees who reside in the area. The results were: 7 opposed and 1 abstention.

The T-Mobil Rep expressed a surprise by such strong opposition to their proposed application.

M/S/P (Wes Joe)

(Unanimously: 13-0-0)

The UD&PAC firmly opposes the installation of WCF consisting of 16 cell panels on the rooftop and 5 equipment cabinets on the ground at 909 Kodak Drive.

2. 1742-1744 Redesdale Ave. 7:55 p.m.

(CD 13 & SLNC Region 1)


·  To legalize a 3rd unit in an existing building in R1-1VL Zone

·  To allow reduction of front yard setbacks - 34 % front yard coverage in lieu of the required 50 % coverage

·  To add an uncovered 1 car parking space in lieu of a covered space

·  To allow compact parking in lieu of standard parking

·  To allow vehicle to back into a public street.

ZA-2009-1696-ZV-ZAA: ENV-2009-1697-EAF

Presentation by “Plans Are Us/ Diahanne Payne & Property Owner Graciella Sanchez


D. Payne - Owner purchased property in 2005 as 3 units. There are 3 legal addresses, but Los Angeles Housing Dept.determined that only two units were legal. Owner lives in the third unit. The other two are rented and registered with the Rent Stabilization Board. Rents are: for the middle unit - $2,300/mo and for the large unit - $2,900/mo. Real estate agent is Sotheby’s – Andrew Morrison was listing agent. The three units are within the originally built building envelope. Owner provides signatures from 30 neighbors in support of legalizing unit. Only one neighbor is in opposition.

Response from committee: E. Bougart-Sharkov would like to request

that the Applicant comes back at next committee meeting on August 12, 2009 with the following:

1.  Indicate on the 500 feet radius map/ R1 Zone only - all residences that are consisting of more than one unit.

2.  Indicate on the 500 feet radius map all addresses of neighbors in support of this application.

3.  Submit supporting documentation showing purchase with belief that it is 3-units.

4.  Submit documentation from L.A. Housing Dept. showing that the property was sold as 3 units.

5.  Submit documentation showing that the units are rent-stabilized.

VII. Committee Business 8:25 p.m.

1. CNC Report – T-Mobile proposed big installations of cell towers in other areas.

B. Zachary suggests asking the SLNC Gov. Board to start a campaign and send our proposed cell tower installation related motion to the new head of the Federal Communication Commission (FCC), and obtain information about radiation of cell towers in close proximity to residential units. Would be good to share the concern with other NCs and generate a swell of feedback about the concerns of radiation health related problems. R. Millar suggests drafting a letter to the chair of the FCC, the two senators, Barbara Boxer and Diane Feinstein and to Congresswoman Diane Watson. Ask other NCs to do the same T. Owen suggests phrasing it as a resolution. The goal is to get telecommunication companies to be flexible and to start the conversation. Consider sending letter to Assembly member Krekorian, as well.

VIII. Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 8:51 p.m.