JANUARY 8, 2018

The Lonoke City Council held its regular council meeting in the administration room of City Hallat

6:00 p.m. on Monday, January 8, 2018. Mayor Wayne McGee called the meeting to order with the invocation given by Efrem Jones. Mayor McGee asked City Clerk, Jeribeth Edwards to call the roll. City Clerk Jeribeth Edwards called the roll and declared a quorum.

MayorWayne McGee

City ClerkJeribeth Edwards

TreasurerPhillip Howell

Deputy ClerkRegina Ibbotson

Council MembersEfrem Jones, Janie Derning, Raymond Hatton (absent),Pat Howell, Woody Evans, Michael Florence, KoyButler, andWendell Walker

City AttorneyGinger Stuart

Police ChiefRandy Mauk

W/S/S Supt.Jim Kelley/Jim Ed Ransom

C.C. DirectorMike Brown

Fire Dept.Justin Whitttenburg(absent)

Parks DirectorRoy Don Lewis

News MediaAllison Goodman,Lonoke Democrat

Jeffrey Smith, The Leader

VisitorsRobin Smith, Austin Rowton, Trae Reed, Ashley Reed, Walls McCrary,

Harold Boyles, Alice Bridges, Darrel Cox, Brook Knox, Hannah Harris

And Cindy Reaves


Mayor Wayne McGee asked for acceptance of the minutes and the special meeting minutes as recorded. Woody Evans and Koy Butlermadethe motion to accept the minutes as read.Raymond Hattonsecondedthe motion. Motion carried.

PUBLIC COMMENT:Trae and Ashley Reed were present and presented the city council with the seasonal reservation of the downtown space for the 2018 Farmers Market. Mr. Reed mentioned they enjoyed Hosting the event in 2017 and would like to host again. Mr. Reed mentioned that there would be 18 Markets in 2018. He would like to see the event take place on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of every month and maybe a few holiday markets like Merry Thanks. Woody Evans made a motion to allow the Farmers Market to take place for 2018. Koy Butler seconded the Motion. Motion carried.

TECH STREAM- INTERNET PROVIDER: No one was present from Tech Stream. Ginger Stuart mentioned

She sees no reason that the city could not allow the internet provider to put an antenna on top of the water tower. Woody Evans made a motion to proceed with drawing up a contract. Janie Derning seconded the motion. Motion carried.

FIRE DEPARTMENT: Justin Whittenburg was absent. Brook Knox was present and gave report. Mr. Knox asked the council for permission to pay Grace Communications Inc., North Little Rock Ar. The cost of of the invoice includes moving the existing repeater and antenna from the water town to the courthouse and then movingit back to the water tower. It also includes replacing the coax with 7/8 coax and connector and the cost of the crane that needed to be rented. The total cost is $6,671.05. Koy Butler made a motion to get all of the above done. Pat Howell seconded the motion. Motion carried.


Water: Jim Kelley was present and gave report. Mr. Kelley mentioned that he would like to pay the $7,447.97purchase of the pump from Tencarva that was previously already approved out of the 2003 Depreciation Fund. Pat Howell made a motion to pay it out of that account. Janie Derning seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Street: Jim Ed Ransom was present and gave report. Mr. Ransom mentioned that he is starting the street sign project. The signs come 50 per bundle. He would like to purchase 2 bundles to get started. The total cost is $2,354.25. Efrem Jones made a motion to purchase the signs. Wendell Walker seconded the motion. Motion carried. Mayor McGee mentioned that the city has a chance to apply for a grant to get sidewalks through Metroplan. He would like to continue to the sidewalks around the school.

POLICE DEPARTMENT: Chief Randy Mauk was present and gave report. He mentioned that $8,910.00 was billed to immigration and Probation/Parole. Mr. Mauk mentioned that he would like to replace three tasers. He had a bill from Axon Enterprise, Inc. from Scottsdale, Arizona. The cost is $4,982.07. Janie Derning made a motion to purchase the tasers. Michael Florence seconded the motion. Motion carried.

PARKS/MOSQUITO: Mr. Roy Don Lewis waspresent. Mr. Lewis mentioned that registration for baseball and softball will be going on every Saturday of February. He also mentioned that the extension for the walking trail will start soon.

COMMUNITY CENTER: Mr. Mike Brown was present and gave report. The activities going on this month is a Driver’s Test, Baptist Health Checks, and Close out of basketball and “90 days of Action”. Mr. Brown had some estimates for new treadmills. He had quotes from Your Total Fitness from Little Rock AR - $56,217.30, Second Chance Fitness from Cabot AR for $55,871.28, and Advanced Exercise from Littleton, Colorado – for $53,131.20 (sales tax wasn’t included in quote). After looking at the quotes, Koy Butler made a motion to purchase the treadmills from Second Chance Fitness from Cabot AR for the amount of $55,871.28. Michael Florence seconded the motion. Motion carried. Second Chance is part of the TIPS/TAPS purchasing cooperative for the State of Arkansas.


  1. Resolution to “Condemn Property at 214 E. 11th Street- Roberts: Woody Evans made a motion to give this property until March meeting. Janie Derning seconded the motion. Motion carried.
  2. Resolution9-1-2017 to "Condemn Property at 509 Reynolds"- WendellThis property will be torn down as soon as the weather permits.


1.Mallard Point Golf: Janie Derningmade amotion to give this property until next meeting. Woody Evans seconded the motion. Motion carried.

2.Chapman-319 W. 3rd Street: Ginger Stuart mentioned that this property looks well and it appears to be listed with a realtor. Janie Derning made a motion to remove this property from the list. Woody Evans seconded the motion. Motion carried.

3.Grimes-104 Willow Loop- Ginger Stuart will send letter and report back to council on the special meeting, January 29th. Woody Evans made a motion to wait until the 29th. Janie Derning seconded the motion. Motion carried.

4.Davis- 502 Barnes-Ginger Stuart will send letter and report back to council on the special meeting, January 29th. Woody Evans made a motion to wait until the 29th. Janie Derning seconded the motion. Motion carried.

5.Privett- 5th street apartments- Ginger Stuart will send letter and report back to council on the special meeting, January 29th. Woody Evans made a motion to wait until the 29th. Janie Derning seconded the motion. Motion carried.

C. New Properties to Consider for Condemnation


2. COLE- 217 HARRISON– Ginger Stuart will send letter and report back to council on the special meeting, January 29th. Woody Evans made a motion to wait until the 29th. Janie Derning seconded the motion. Motion carried.

3. CANNON- 208 HARRISON: The owner is tearing this property down.

4. MARSHALL- 218 HARRISON:The owner is tearing this property down.

5. SPRING- 317 HARRISON ENGLAND –Woody Evans made amotion to give this property until next meeting. Wendell Walker seconded the motion. Motion carried.

6. CUMMINGS- 221 VASSER LANE- –Ginger Stuart will send letter and report back to council on the special meeting, January 29th. Woody Evans made a motion to wait until the 29th. Janie Derning seconded the motion. Motion carried.

7. GENTRY- 719 S. CENTER- Woody Evans made amotion to give this property until next meeting. Wendell Walker seconded the motion. Motion carried.

8. BELLO-319 REYNOLDS STREET- Ginger Stuart will send letter and report back to council on the special meeting, January 29th. Woody Evans made a motion to wait until the 29th. Janie Derning seconded the motion. Motion carried.


  1. Ordinance #732“An Ordinance Requiring Independent Candidates to File for office no later than noon on the day before the preferential primary election”- Efrem Jones made the motion to put Ordinance No. 732 on the floor. Janie Derning seconded the motion. Motion carried. Ginger Stuart read Ordinance No. 732 in its entirety. Janie Derning made the motion to accept the 1st reading of Ordinance No. 732. Efrem Jones seconded the motion. Motion carried with (7) aye hand votes. Efrem Jones made the motion to suspend the rules- 2nd reading- title only. Wendell Walker seconded the motion. Motion carried with (7) aye voice votes. Ginger Stuart read Ordinance No. 732- title only- 2nd reading. Efrem Jones made the motion to accept the 2nd reading-title only- of Ordinance No. 732. Woody Evans seconded the motion. Motion carried with (7) aye hand votes. Efrem Jones made the motion to suspend the rules-3rd reading-title only. Wendell Walker seconded the motion. Motion carried with (7) aye voice votes. Ginger Stuart read Ordinance No. 732- title only – 3rd reading. Janie Derning made the motion to accept the 3rd reading- title only Ordinance No. 732. Woody Evans seconded the motion. Motion carried with (7) aye hand votes. Efrem Jones made a motion to accept the emergency clause. Wendell Walker seconded the motion. Motion carried.
  1. Quote from Smith Construction for Indoor Repairs from Roof/Water leak on Dr. Holmes office- Mayor McGee had a proposal from Smith Construction from Lonoke AR. The proposal is to replace all floor tile and all damaged plywood in house. Replace all damaged ceiling tile and sheetrock ceilings. Replace or repair damaged doors and baseboards and trim. Also to paint all repaired work. Mayor mentioned that he would like to get a quote for the roof repairs before the city spends the money on fixing all the inside problems. Wendell Walker doesn’t like the idea of having all of this work done and not knowing what is going to be done to the house. Woody Evans made a motion to put the roof repairs out for bid. Wendell Walker seconded the motion. Motion carried.

PAY THE BILLS: Pat Howellmade a motion to pay bills. Janie Derningseconded the motion. Motion carried.


City General$180, 990, 26



Community Center$21,786.49

Retail One Cent $4,679.49

Criminal Justice$1,374.86

Advertising Promotion$50.00

IDC One Cent$2,026.25

Street 1 Cent$2,492.50

2003 Depreciation Fund$107,605.20


General Fund $11,557.95

Water O&M$17,296.95


Community Center$2,541.71

Criminal Justice$361.66

2003 Depreciation Fund$7,447.90

Court Automation$763.00

ADJOURN: Woody Evansmade a motion to adjourn. Janie Derningseconded the motion. Motion carried.


Mayor Wayne McGee



City Clerk