5th Grade Open House
Mrs. Benton / Mrs. Muller/
Ms. Svagdis / Ms. Mello
- Student and Classroom Organization
- Please make sure that your student has all the supplies needed for our class.
- Binder- 8 plastic pocket dividers
- Agenda- Nightly assignments and reminders are recorded
- Homework-Posted nightly on blogs
- Weekly Folders on Wednesdays- graded work and notices
- Dismissal procedures- (student safety)
- Bus passes can be found on school website- must print and send in
- Please send 2 copies of notes regarding transportation changes.
- Transportation changes MUST be made IN WRITING by 1:00.
- No emails or texts please.
- There will be no student check-out after 1:45.
- Communication
- Agenda: Daily home-school communication of homework, assignments, important dates, and special notes regarding behavior/study habits- PLEASE SIGN DAILY
- Blog: Homework, assignments, news- nightly
- Email:News, opportunities in the classroom, and communication with individual parents
- Remind (phone texts):Aone-way communication to send quick reminders- please sign up
- Class Dojo: Allows for messages between parents and teacher regarding individual behaviors and work habits
- Synergy: Contact front office for ParentVue log in information, grades will be entered in a timely fashion
- Attendance
- It is important that your child is here and on time. Tardies and absences are disruptive to your child’s learning.
- Excused absences are for illness, appointments, and religious holidays. Please send a note or email for excused absences.
- Behavior Plan- Class Dojo
- Appropriate behavior is a high priority.
- Our system works with both consequences and rewards.
- Class Dojo points can be lost or earned based on behaviors and work habits
- Curriculum
- Standards in English Language Arts and Math are based on Georgia Standards of Excellence. There is a focus on rigor and relevance.
- Reading: Students have many opportunities to read throughout the day: independent reading, classroom read a louds, and group novel studies to name a few. The media center has been reorganized by genre. Mrs. Kelley also supports all of our curriculum with weekly lessons in the media center.
- Reading terms:Informational (Nonfiction) and Literary (Fiction)
- Reading Response Log: Students are responsible for reading and responding to 16 books.
- AR Expectation: 20 or more points per nine weeks (books must be on an appropriate reading level)
- Writing:
- Opinion, Narrative, and Expository/Informational
Students will be expected to write across the curriculum content areas.
- Students will respond to multiple texts such as comparing and contrasting and citing specific evidence in the text to support their reasoning.
- Math: Decimals, Fractions, and Volume- Multiplication facts are essential for success!
- Number Talks: not just knowing the shortcuts- developing number sense
- Social Studies: Civil War to now!
- Science: Earth Science, Physical Science, and Life Science
- Weekly visits to the STEM Lab
- Classroom STEM experiences and 4 school-wide STEM days
- Study Skills/Homework:
- Expect your child to have homework Monday through Thursday with an occasional Friday assignment.
- Students should be reading for 30 minutes each night, including weekends. Students should practice math facts daily. IXL is a wonderful tool to practice skills daily.
- Students should study/review notes from their interactive notebooks on a regular basis.
- There may be a few long-range projects during the course of the year.
- School policy states that students will not be allowed to call home if they forget their homework or class materials.
- Testing: IOWA and Georgia Milestone dates TBD
- Awards: Students will be recognized for excellent academic achievement.
- Digital Resources: MyMath, Cobb Digital Library, SS and Science texts, IXL