Fashion Merchandising

Name: ______Date: ______Block: _____

SKETCHBOOK: My Style, Not My Style


·  Create two style boards that shows your personal style.

·  Create one style board that shows an idea of what your style is not.

·  Style board guidelines:

o  Each “board” should have a minimum of five pictures.

o  Label with “My Style” or “Not My Style” at the top of the page in capital letters.

o  Cut pictures nicely with scissors.

o  Glue pictures into sketchbook nicely.

o  Arrange pictures in a creative and visually appealing way.

·  At the bottom of the page, explain why each board either represents or does not represent your style. Be sure to address each item you choose. Write neat and legible. Use black ink.

My Style
Board 1 / Board uses a minimum of five pictures that display your style.
/5 / Board is neat, creative, and visually appealing. Pictures and cut and mounted in sketchbook neatly.
/5 / Description at the bottom of the page explains why board represents your style. Addresses each item on the page.
My Style
Board 2 / Board uses a minimum of five pictures that display your style.
/5 / Board is neat, creative, and visually appealing. Pictures and cut and mounted in sketchbook neatly.
/5 / Description at the bottom of the page explains why board represents your style. Addresses each item on the page.
Not My Style / Board uses a minimum of five pictures that display your style.
/5 / Board is neat, creative, and visually appealing. Pictures and cut and mounted in sketchbook neatly.
/5 / Description at the bottom of the page explains why board represents your style. Addresses each item on the page.
TOTAL ______/45
