Common Council

September 6, 2016

Regular Meeting

MEMBERS PRESENT: Council Members Joe Williams, Lisa Chavis, Sherron Freeman, William Tyrrell Giles, Bob Jones, Rick Wells, Greg Allen and Elizabeth Wheeler were present.

ALSO PRESENT: Clerk Kathleen Walton and Attorney Jonathan Hughes (Bose McKinney & Evans LLP)

STAFF PRESENT: Mayor Collier, Controller/Deputy Mayor Fenwick, Deputy Controller Streeter, City Attorney Hoff, Police Chief Hofmann, Deputy Police Chief Bigsbee, Fire Chief Batalis, Park Superintendent Martin, Deputy Chief of Staff/Economic Development Director Starnes, Executive Assistant Kukolla, PIO/Audio Visual Griffin and Director of Public Works and Code Enforcement Anthony were present.

Council President Joe Williams called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. and announced a quorum was present.

COMMENTS OF COUNCIL MEMBERS: Councilor Freeman said she hopes a fire truck can be positioned at Station #40. Councilor Wells discussed recent effects of storms and flooding at 49th Street and Mitchner Street. He asked Mayor Collier to give an update on the stormwater issues. Mayor Collier discussed 3 upcoming projects. Councilor Wells then discussed the issue of an ambulance response during the storm. He asked Fire Chief Batalis to outline the situation and explain the response. Fire Chief Batalis responded by providing the details of the events in question. Councilor Giles read the last paragraph from the August 2016 “Lawrence Lift”. He expressed initial concern about the possible increase in utility rates.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Councilor Wheeler moved to approve the minutes of the regular meetings on August 1, 2016 and August 17, 2016. The motion was seconded by Councilor Chavis and carried by a unanimous vote of the Council.

APPROVAL OF VOUCHERS: Councilor Freeman moved to approve Payroll Claims for $898,453.45 [August 15, 2016 payroll], payroll Claims for $819,299.19 [August 30, 2016 payroll] and invoices [for vendors] as presented today [for $1,173,235.89]. The motion was seconded by Councilor Jones. By a show of hands, the motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council.

REPORTS OF COMMITTEES: Councilor Giles said the Administration, Budget and Finance Committee met on September 1, 2016 and discussed Resolution No. 11, 2016 and recommended a do pass. Controller Fenwick provided an overview of the 2017 budget calendar to the Finance Committee. Councilor Allen informed the Council that a Zoning Committee meeting was held tonight at 6:00 p.m. to consider Petition No. 2016-ZON-055, 8002 Oaklandon Road. He moved, on behalf of the Committee, that the Council hear Petition No. 2016-ZON-055 at a Special Council meeting on October 3, 2016 at 5:30 p.m. Councilor Giles seconded the motion. By a show of hands, the vote carried by the unanimous vote of the Council.

PUBLIC HEARING: Pursuant to advertising, Councilor Williams opened the floor for the public hearing concerning Proposal No. 15, 2016. Councilor Williams called for comment and testimony. There were no public comments. Thereupon, the public hearing was closed.

Common Council

September 6, 2016

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UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Resolution No. 11, 2016, approving the City of Lawrence Redevelopment Commission’s declaratory resolution to expand Pendleton Pike allocation area, was read only by title by Clerk Walton. Councilor Giles moved to adopt Resolution No. 11, 2016. The motion was seconded by Councilor Chavis and carried by a unanimous vote of the Council.

NEW BUSINESS: Proposal No. 15, 2016, amending the 2016 budget as approved by the Common Council with respect to the EMS Fund, was introduced and read only by title by Clerk Walton. Councilor Jones moved to suspend the rules and adopt on first reading. Councilor Allen seconded the motion. By a show of hands, the vote carried by a unanimous vote of the Council. Councilor Jones moved to adopt Proposal No. 15, 2016. Councilor Chavis seconded the motion. By a show of hands, the vote carried by a unanimous vote of the Council.

Mayor Collier and Controller Fenwick introduced the proposed 2017 budget by way of a video that highlighted the content of Proposals 16 to Proposal No. 22, 2016.

Proposal No. 16, 2016, establishing Internal Services Funds Fund 701- Administrative Services and Fund 702 – Technology Services, was introduced and read only by title by Clerk Walton. Councilor Williams assigned Proposal No. 16, 2016 to the Administration, Budget and Finance Committee.

Proposal No. 17, 2016, fixing salaries of appointed officers and employees of the City of Lawrence, Indiana, for the year 2017, was introduced and read only by title by Clerk Walton. Councilor Williams assigned Proposal No. 17, 2016 to the Administration, Budget and Finance Committee.

Proposal No. 18, 2017, fixing salaries of appointed officers and employees of the Police Department and the Fire Department for the year 2017, was introduced and read only by title by Clerk Walton. Councilor Williams assigned Proposal No. 18, 2016 to the Administration, Budget and Finance Committee.

Proposal No. 19, 2016, establishing compensation for elected officials for the City of Lawrence, Indiana, for the year 2017, was introduced and read only by title by Clerk Walton. Councilor Williams assigned Proposal No. 19, 2016 to the Administration, Budget and Finance Committee.

Proposal No. 20, 2016, appropriations and tax rates for the 2017 budget year, was introduced and read only by title by Clerk Walton. Councilor Williams assigned Proposal No. 20, 2016 to the Administration, Budget and Finance Committee.

Proposal No. 21, 2016, establishing Fund 263 Rainy Day Restricted Fund and authorizing a transfer from the MVH Fund to Fund 263 Rainy Day Restricted Fund, was introduced and read only by title by Clerk Walton. Councilor Williams assigned Proposal No. 21, 2016 to the Administration, Budget and Finance Committee.

Proposal No. 22, 2016, establishing Fund 825 – A Trust Fund and other post-employment benefits, was introduced and read only by title by Clerk Walton. Councilor Williams assigned Proposal No. 22, 2016 to the Administration, Budget and Finance Committee.

Common Council

September 6, 2016

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CITIZENS COMMENTS: The following citizen addressed the Council:

·  Rosemary Stockdale, Mayor’s Neighborhood Advocate

ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 7:20 p.m., by the unanimous vote of the Council.


Joe Williams, President Kathleen A. Walton, Clerk

These minutes are not intended to be verbatim. They are a summary of discussions held, with the exception of the motions. An audiotape is made which provides a detailed record.