Greetings from Sunny Spain, August 19, 2014

Although Spain’s summers are usually always sunny, this year we have had many days below 100º which is quite unusual. We are very grateful for that because the TorreFuerteCenter doesn’t have central air (or central heat). This is a project for the near future! So by the time we finish our Sunday morning service it can get quite warm inside. We won’t complain though because we love the building the Lord gave us and each time we have an opportunity to use it, we are reminded of what a great gift it is. It’s perfect for the activities that we have planned throughout the year. Once we have heating and air, it will be even better! Several families have been on vacation for parts of the summer but now that September is upon us, we are rapidly filling up our calendar with activities. In October we will begin Sunday School classes.

Now that summer is over we are gearing up the school year. We have made some contacts from the week of English camp so we are planning to have more English activities throughout the year. We will continue many of the programs from last year but also would like to start having a kids’ club on Saturdays and develop more youth activities. Our co-worker, David, is very interested in evangelism so we are hoping to have some outdoor activities. After taking a break for the summer several of the ladies wanted to start up the Bible study again so for the past two weeks Nancy has been teaching and hopes to continue on a weekly basis. She would also like to begin a teachers’ training class as there are a couple of ladies who would like to help with the teaching but don’t have much experience. If we begin to have two activities on Sunday we will need more teachers.

Our little group continues to grow and it’s a great blessing to meet with fellow believers who live in the area and are looking for a place to worship nearby. Instead of traveling a great distance they will be able to attend and also to invite their friends and family. Nancy has been especially thankful for a new family that has been attending. They have three children. With the children that are already there, we now have a nice group for the children’s ministry. We are praying that God will continue to send more families our way and that we will also be able to reach new families that we come in contact with. We are still averaging around 20 people in each of our services.

Thank you for praying for Family Camp. It was a big success. Around 130 people attended at some time during the week. Again this year Nancy helped with the kids’ classes and Roy was in charge of the finances and room assignments. Our daughter-in-law, Mari, had 11 of her family members who came. Two of them stayed all week and 5 of them were there for part of the week with others who came to visit. We continue to pray for our unsaved friends and relatives who attended camp. The speaker’s topic was “Five Crowned Heads”. He spoke of 5 kings from the Old Testament and the importance of finishing well. It was a challenge to all of us. We also heard testimonies from one of our missionaries who has been in Spain for over 40 years as well as a brand-new believer who was saved from Mormonism. What an amazing God we serve who is able to save to the uttermost.

This has been a great summer to watch God working in the lives of the people we have been in contact with. We are very thankful for the home that He has given us because we have room to host meals and invite people to stay with us. We get to be grandparents to some of the families who don’t have family nearby. We are grateful for your part in our ministry and encourage you to continue to pray as God wants to accomplish great things.

Serving Him in Spain,

Roy & Nancy Jones