MARCH 21, 2013

Call to Order:Ron Kerr called the meeting to order at 7:01p.m.

Roll Call:Lori Martino, Community Development Clerk, called the roll.

Present.Sean Chase, Michael Karl, Sam Dunn, Ronald Kerr and Todd Holt

Absent:Marian Chasse and Laura Erickson

Staff Present:Jim Jacks, City Planner; Lori Martino, Community Development Clerk


Approval of Minutes:

Mike Karl made a motion to approve the November 15, 2012 & January 17, 2013 meeting minutes. Todd Holt seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

Jim Jacks gave an update on the Parks Plan Population Projection that went before the City Council the previous week.

Vice Chair Election:Mike Karl noted that he would volunteer as a nominee for Vice Chair. Todd Holt nominated Mike Karl as Vice Chair. Ron Kerr seconded the motion. There was no discussion and the motion passed unanimously.

Discussion: •Discussion of sign issues:

Jim Jacks went over the staff report with the Planning Commission.

There was a discussion amongst the commissioners of the appearance of signs as far as design.

There was a discussion on the difference between temporary signs and temporary portable signs.

Mike Karl questioned who would be the enforcement for making sure the signs met code. Jim Jacks noted that it most enforcement is done on a complaint basis. If a legitimate complaint regarding a sign is made, the City would send a letter to the business owner telling them they were in violation of the sign code.

Jim Jacks continued going over the staff report.

Ron Kerr questioned if revolving or flashing lights had ever been an issue. Lori Martino noted that it has not as of yet but may be in the future.

Sam Dunn questioned about issues of signs placed in the right-of-way. Lori noted that all the signs that she was aware of that have been placed in the right-of-way have been removed at the request of the City.

The Planning Commission discussed the size and number sign allowance for businesses and residences.

Jim Jacks asked the Planning Commission if additional signage should be allowed for businesses with smaller frontages. The consensus of the Commission was yes.

Jim Jacks continued going over the staff report.

The Planning Commission discussed the number of election signs allowed in a residential zone and how long they should be allowed to stay before and after election.

Jim Jacks noted that the sign code hearing will take place at the meeting on May 16th.

•UGB Update: Inventory inside current UGB

Jim Jacks informed the Commissioners that at the next Planning Commission meeting, he will have an inventory report for them to review.

Adjourn: Todd Holtmade a motion to adjourn. Mike Karlseconded the motion.There was no discussion and the motion passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.

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