City of Hills
July 26, 2010
Regular Council Meeting
A regular meeting of the Hills City Council was held on Monday, July 26, 2010 at the Hills Fire Station.
Mayor Russell Bailey called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Council members present were:Merle Hill, Tim Kemp,Thom Kirkpatrick,and Cathy Knebel. Absent: Steve Harris.Others present:Bonnie Hansen, City Clerk; Ron Wolfe, Maintenance;Roger Slaughter, Paula Altmeier, Judy Cambridge, Shelly Klein, Angie Rummelhart, Scott Ritter, and Jim Wolfe.
A motion was made to accept the Consent Agendawas made by Knebeland seconded by Kirkpatrick. Ayes: 4 Motion passed.
Public Discussion was opened at 7:02 PM.
Several people in attendance were present to ask for an update on a joint meeting with the Council, the ICCSD board president, and ICCSD superintendent. Mayor Bailey updated the public and Council with the information he had met with Patti Fields, ICCSD board president, and an August meeting will held either August 9 or 23. Council members Hill and Kemp discussed their concerns with the arrangement of the meeting. Preference for an August 23 meeting was expressed by most present as this would allow school to be in session and allow time to get the Hills Elementary population notified and involved.
Scott Ritter, representing engineering for Stutsman and AtriumVillage, was present to ask for permission to do some measurements regarding the storm sewer drainage.
Public discussion ended at 7:25.
Public hearing on the Midwest Disaster Area Bonds was opened. Some questions were asked of Jim Wolfe, representative of Downes and Associates. Most of the questions dealt with the income levels of people renting the apartments and what the requirements were. The resolution for these bonds will be presented at the August 9 meeting. Public hearing closed.
Public Hearing for the Alliant Energy Franchise was opened. This hearing had to be held again due to some reorganization within Alliant, some publications were not printed in a timely matter. No concerns were presented. Public hearing closed.
Public Hearing on the Annexation of Stutsman, Inc into the City of Hills was presented. No concerns were presented. Public hearing closed.
The first reading of the jake brake ordinance was postponed due to the absence of the City Attorney.
Discussion of the City Attorney’s change of employment was postponed due to the absence of the City Attorney.
Council Action list was discussed.
- The Park Committee will continue to meet as a committee until the end of the year and then and Park and Recreation Committee will be formed with more requirements. This committee is currently meeting just to get ideas and recommendations.
- The weather radios that were given to the Hills Fire Department last year to be distributed were discussed. Questions were raised as the places listed by Johnson County Emergency Management were not where the radios were located. This is being looked into and more information will be presented in the future.
Fire Department Report: Fire Chief absent due to the fair.
Maintenance Report: Ron reported meeting with Kevin Trom, City Engineer, regarding some drainage problems south of Main Street and some north of Main Street. Kevin is looking at options and will report to either Ron or the council in the near future. Ron also said Kevin said there was not a set distance for no parking from an intersection. Discussion was held if street parking on Main Street in residential areas should be allowed or not. Ordinances will be looked at and the Clerk will have these at the next meeting.
Mayor: Updated the council on discussion with the ICCSD board. He will be in touch with Patti Fields in the coming days.
Attorney Report: Absent
Clerk: No report
A motion was made at 8:10 PM to adjourn the meeting by Kempand seconded by Knebel. Ayes: 4 Motion passed.
Russell Bailey, Mayor Bonnie Hansen, City Clerk