Regular Monthly Meeting Minutes

April11, 2018

CALL TO ORDER: 1:52 p.m.

ROLL CALL: President Mrs. Julie Badonie, Vice-President Mr. Larson Manuelito,Secretary/Treasurer Mr. Sonny Moore, Mr. Leonard McReeves, Grazing Officer, Mrs. Dorothy Bitsilly, Red Willow Farm Board,


Mr. Ira Burbank

REVIEW/Approval of Agenda:

There were no changes to the agenda.

Motion: Cecilia HardySecond:Ira BurbankVote: 17-0-4

REVIEW/Approval of Minutes:

March 15, 2018 minutes was provided to the community.

Motion: Margorie Francisco Second: Mike BegayVote:16-0-3


  1. April Silversmith, Candidate for Magistrate Judge
  2. Kenneth Carbahal, Candidate for McKinley County Sheriff
  3. Virginia Yazzie, Candidate for Magistrate Judge
  4. Wanda Morgan, McKinley County Bureau of Elections
  5. George Tolth, Candidate for County Commissioner
  6. John Bernitz, Candidate for District Attorney
  7. Matt Eubank, Candidate for McKinley County Sheriff


  1. Virginia Yazzie, Candidate for Magistrate Judge, Mr. Thompson Johnson spoke on her behalf. She couldn’t be here because Judge Aragon did not approve her leave.
  2. John Bernitz, Candidate, District Attorney, Traveling with Coleman Sherman. Worked with Karl Gillison. Also, an accountant when he is not running for office. Gave his pitch on becoming the next District Attorney.
  3. MatthewHughbanks, Candidate for Sheriff, owner of security business. He is familiar with the cross-commissioning issue, this issue can improve. He wants to revamp the cross-commissioning issue. He has a strategic plan and if elected, he plans to meet with the chapter officials. He is all for a safe-neighborhood. Cross-commissioning has always been an issue.
  4. Wanda Morgan, McKinley County Bureau of Election, they are here to register voters for the upcoming primary and general election.


  1. Resolution to Revisit Resolution 056-03-2018 (Tabled) NNDOT Fifteen Miles of Roads

Motion to Un-table: Ira BurbankSecond: Dorothy BitsillyVote: 22-0-1

The people voted to un-table the March resolution.

New Business:

  1. March 2018 Financial Reports

The Secretary/Treasurer provided handouts on fund balances (balance sheet), check register, bank reconciliation, and the 941 reports that show that the taxes has been paid. The bank account has been reconciled and the funds were in balance. He also gave information on the recent news on the mismanagement of funds in Tuba City and in Kaibito, Az. He also explained the allocation of the taxes (sales, gaming, unhealthy) and how some of these funds are delayed because the Division of Community Development (DCD) did not agree on the budget that was submitted from our Chapter. As of today, this issue has not been resolved, the Chapter President (Mrs. Julie Badonie) has address these issues with interoffice memos to the directors and supervisors of DCD. The report was accepted.

Motion:Fern SpencerSecond:Manuel ShirlesonVote:19-0-3


1.Resolution to Approve Addendum ($1,266.30) for Dickson Preferred Services for George Ben

This was work that was completed beyond the original contract scope of work when more work was discovered to complete the plumbing project for George Ben. Thus, the reason for the addendum to the original contract. The resolution passed.

Motion: Elwood YazzieSecond:Marjorie FranciscoVote:21-0-2

2.Resolution for Red Willow Farm Requesting for Funding in the Amount of $5,000

This resolution was deleted from the agenda until more information can be obtain from the sponsors.


3.Resolution to Request for Undesignated Unreserve Fund Balance (UUFB) (110 Chapters) for Chapter Official Stipends in the amount of ($1,021,431.00)

The resolution is scheduled to address the shortfall of stipends allocations during the budget 2018 allocation for each chapter. The resolution is requesting the Council to allocate morefunding for stipends that will cover the remainder of the 2018 fiscal year. The resolution passed.

Motion:Ira BurbankSecond:Mike BegayVote: 14-0-3

4.Resolution to Request for UUFB for Public Employment Project (PEP)

The resolution is to address the Navajo Nation Council to request for more funding for the PEP funds for each chapter. The resolution passed.

Motion: Theresa Henio Second: Dorothy BitsillyVote: 18-0-5

5.Resolution to Request for UUFB for Youth Employment Funding

The resolution is to address the request for more funding from the Council for our youth that are employed during the summer. The resolution passed.

Motion: Mike Begay Second:Fern SpencerVote:21-0-1

6.Resolution to Request for UUFB for Scholarship Funding

The resolution is to address the request for more funding from the Council to provide more scholarship funds for our students.

Motion:Fern SpencerSecond:Dorothy BitsillyVote:21-0-1

7.Resolution to Approve Application for the USDA Grant for $50,000

“Approving and supporting a grant application to the united states department of agriculture (usda), rural business development grant (rbdg) for $50,000; for the purposes of providing technical assistance to conduct a feasibility study for economic development in the community of Tohatchi, new Mexico”

The resolution passed.

Motion: Mike BegaySecond:Marjorie FranciscoVote:20-0-3

8.Resolution to Approve Amendments to Title 26 Supervision of Administrative Staff

“Requesting the Resources and Development Committee and the 23rd Navajo Nation Council to waive or amend certain sections from Title 26 to authorize elected chapter officials to oversee the chapter administration.”

The resolution passed.

Motion: Ira BurbankSecond:Teresa BryantVote:20-0-3

9.Resolution to Approve 2ND Quarter Revenue (Fund01) Budget in the amount $3,974.50

The resolution read as follows:

“Supportingand approving the FY’ 2018 chapter’s activities General Fund account revenue budget (fund 01) –in the amount of $3,974.50 for second quarter (January, February, March) 2018 and budget”

Chapter Activities General Fund Account – Fund 01

Acct. No. Description Original Amount Increase Amt. TOTAL

6300Office Supplies$1,100.00 $800.83 $1,901.83

6301Postage$ 100.00 $ 61.00 $ 161.00

6303Operating Supplies$1,300.00 $1,300.50 $2,600.50

6352Purchases-Food$2,236.20 $500.00 $2,736.20

6404Other lease/Rentals$826.10 $974.00 $1,800.10

6505Repair & Maint. –others$900.00 $100 $1,000.00

6615Bank Service Charges$2,000.00 $238.17 $2,238.17

Total Amount Increased by: $3,974.50

The resolution passed.

Motion: Marjorie FranciscoSecond:Allen BurbankVote: 17-0-4

10.Resolution to Approve a Personnel Budget Transfer from Sales Tax (Fund 23) to PEP (Fund15) and a Budget Transfer within Fund 15 for Janice Begay and Carlene Roanhorse

The resolution reads as follows:

“Recommending and approving a budget transfer within Fund 15 (PEP) for the Office Specialist position Ms. Janice Begay, and Office Assistant position Ms. Carlene Roanhorse”

Budget Transfer Total Amount: $22,354.00

FROM: 15-6101 Salaries-Temp (Heavy Equipment Driver)- $3,466.50

15-6103/04/06/08: Fringe Benefits (Heavy Equip. Operator- $ 362.28

15-6101 Salaries-Temp (Laborer) - $3,000.00

15-6103/04/06: Fringe Benefits (Laborer)- $ 146.70

TOTAL: $6,975.48


TO: 15-6101 Salaries-Temp (Office Specialist $3,766.50

15-6103/04/06 Fringe Benefits: $ 362.28

15-6101 6101 Salaries-Temp (Office Asst, $3,000.00

15-6103/04/06 Fringe Benefits: $ 146.70

TOTAL: $ 6,975.48

The resolution passed.

Motion: Mike BegaySecond:Ira BurbankVote 21-0-3

11.Resolution to Approve a Budget Personnel Budget Transfer from Sales Tax (Fund 23) to Navajo Nation CIP (Fund 27) for Herbert Dennison

The resolution reads as follows:

“Recommending and approving a budget transfer from Sales Tax (Fund23) to Navajo Nation CIP (fund 27) for the Heavy Equipment Operator currently occupied by HerbertDennison”

Budget Transfer Total Amount: $22,354.00

FROM: 09-6724 Housing Asst. – Bldg. Mat (New Const.) - $15,000.00

09-6724 Housing Asst.-Bldg. Mat. (Major Renov.)- $ 1,566.00

TOTAL: $16,566.00


TO: 09-6101 Salaries-Temp) $15,000.00

09-6103 Fringe Benefits: $1,566.00

TOTAL: $16,566.00

The resolution passed.

(Note: the amounts changed to $10,964 per resolution 071-04-2018, the dollars changed after the April 11, 2018 Chapter Meeting) updated by Sonny Moore May 01, 2018.

Motion: Teresa BryantSecond:Dorothy BitsillyVote: 21-0-3

12.Resolution to Approve the Updated Listing of Roads (15 miles) to be Graded by Navajo Nation Department of Transportation

Cecelia Yazzie was asking why are you leaving my name off the list again? She was under the impression that this issue was resolved and wants to put her name back on the list. There was a meeting to resolve this issue and the agreement was the chapter will grade the road for the family in that area.

The resolution reads as follows:

“Supporting and requesting the Navajo Division of Transportation (NNDOT) to grade and maintain the fifteen (15) miles of roads as identified by Tohatchi Chapter.”

Note: the original resolution was tabled, this resolution is the updated version with new miles. The updated miles are listed as follows:

31- 2.1 miles9681- 1.2 miles--Frank Allison 9507- 1.6 miles—Burbank/Mitchell Road 9682- 1.5miles

0034- .8 mile—Alice Benallie Road9653- 3.6 miles

0035- 1.1 miles—Fosters & Sanders9654- 3.1 miles

Motion:Elwood YazzieSecond:Allen BurbankVote:12-3-7

The Resolution passed.


  1. Senior Center Issues

Mexican Springs has been coming over to eat here. The food is not properly prepared. The complaints have been brought up before. A meeting will be scheduled with Victoria Yazzie. There is a survey that is provided and usually filled out by the Seniors that eat there.

  1. Chooshgai School Request to Address Highway 491 Concerns

There is a meeting (tentatively) scheduled for April 23, 2018 to address these issues. There is a blockage of view when you are getting onto the highway from Chooshgai School. The highway lighting or the lack of was brought up. Cross-over is another issue. No action or recommendations.


The announcements were handed out to the community forApril and May2018. See the attachments. The availability of farm plots was brought and the application (previous and new permittees) is open for registration. There is academic night at Tohatchi High School and they have been recertified for the next five years. Students cannot have an “F” to participate in sports and other activities. Mr. White Eagle will no longer be the Principal at Tohatchi High School. Maybe the community can do a resolution in support to retain him as Principal?


By Larson Manuelito

Adjourned at 4:33 p.m.

Motion: Ira BurbankSecond: Manuel Shirleson Vote: “Majority”

Respectfully submitted;

Mr. Harry “Sonny” Moore


Tohatchi Chapter

April 17, 2018

cc: Mrs. Julie Badonie, President Mr. Deon Ben, CLUPC President

Mr. Larson Manuelito, Vice-PresidentStaff

Mr. Steven Begay, Council Delegate

Mr. Leonard McReeves, Land/Livestock Officer

Mrs. Dorothy Bitsilly, Red Willow Farm