City of Goodview

City Council Minutes

August 8, 2016

The meeting was called to order by Mayor Baumgart at 5:00 p.m.

Upon Roll Call:Mayor Steve Baumgart, and Councilmembers Dick Ledebuhr, Sandy Erdman, Mike Alexander, and Charlie Andring were present.

City Staff Present: City Administrator Dan Matejka, Director of Public Works Dave Schultz, Police Chief Kent Russell, and Receptionist-Secretary Lori Eschweiler.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Consent Agenda: Councilmember Alexander moved and Councilmember Andring seconded the Consent Agenda be approved as presented. The agenda included the minutes of the July 25, 2016 regular City Council meeting. All voted aye and the motion carried.

Under Community Comment or Input; Winona County Commissioner Marie Kovecsi presented an update on what is happening in the County. They will be setting the preliminary levy by the end of September and the budget information can be found online. The zoning amendment to ban frac sand is currently with the Planning Commission. They will hold two more meetings for deliberation and then will send their recommendation to the County Board. Options for the jail are being studied. There was a report stating the facilities are insufficient and have outlived their usefulness. As of August 30, 2016, the jail has been declassified and can no longer keep prisoners for more than 90 days. The National Institute of Corrections will be coming to Winona in September to take a look at various options for the jail. They will present their findings at a public information session later in September.

Under Council Concerns, Complaints, or Inquires; Councilmember Ledebuhr asked if there have been any issues with fire pits being used in the City. He said he has received a few phone calls reporting unattended fires and wondered if the fire pit ordinance includes a time limit for how late they can burn. Police Chief Kent Russell said there are no time restrictions and he does not think limits are necessary.Mayor Baumgart read a note he received from the Winona County Alliance for Substance Abuse Prevention thanking the City of Goodview for supporting the “Parents Who Host Lose the Most” Campaign.

Under Reports of Officers, Committees, or Staff; Director of Public Works Dave Schultz informed the Council the 8th Street sewer repair project has been completed. He also reported that the slip lining project for this year has been completed, meaning all of the 8” concrete sewer pipeshave been relined. Next year the City will start relining the 10” lines. Councilmember Andring asked how many more years it will take to have all of the sewer relining complete. City Administrator Dan Matejka said we are in the fourth year of the 10-year project. Police Chief Kent Russell reported that over the last three weeks there has been an outpouring of gratitude and support from citizens and groups to local Police officers in the form of cards, food, and gift certificates. People have been bringing their children in to meet the Police officers and to say thank you. Chief Russell stated the importance of people showing their appreciation to the officers and he thanked the Council for their support. The City Administrator reported that due to a conflict in Ms. Erin Meier’s schedule, the summary report on the Goodview Economic Design event in July that she and Ms. Natalie Siderius were going to give to the City Council on August 22, 2016, will be pushed back to the September 12, 2016 meeting. Mr. Matejka pointed out that the EDA board, along with all the individuals who attended the event will be invited. Because of the possibility of having a larger crowd than the City Council chambers at City Hall can accommodate, Mr. Matejka suggested moving the City Council meeting for September 12 to the event room at the Hoff Celebration of Life Center. The Council members agreed with the suggestion. He continued by saying he has started the budget process for 2017 with intentions to bring the first draft to the Council on September 12. This should allow the City plenty of time to finalize a preliminary budget in order to set the preliminary levy by the mandatory September 30 deadline.Another subject discussed was the fact the lease the City has with Ms. Jennifer Laturno and The Bar is up at the end of September. The City Administrator would like to meet with Councilmembers Alexander and Andring, who are on the City’s Lease Operations Committee, to read through the current lease and then meet with Ms. Laturno to see if she would like to continue operating The Bar. Finally, Mr. Matejka reported that several people have expressed concerns about the poor condition of the railroad crossings at 54th and 69th Avenues. The City agrees they are in bad shape, but Canadian Pacific Railroad (CPR) is responsible for the repairs. Police Chief Kent Russell attempted to contact somebody at CPR, but hehas not heard back from anybody yet. Mr. Matejka will bring this situation up to Senator Matt Schmit and Representative Steve Drazkowski and ask that they follow up with their CPR contacts. The Reports also included the Goodview Fire Department meeting minutes for August 2, 2016.

There were no Notices orCommunications to report.

There was no Unfinished Business.

Under New Business;

a) Councilmember Andring moved and Councilmember Ledebuhr seconded to approve Pay Estimate #3 (FINAL), including Change Order #2, from O’Laughlin Plumbing and Heating for the 2015 Street & Utility Improvement Project on Harbor Drive, for $35,462.70. All voted aye and the motion carried.

b) Councilmember Ledebuhr moved and Councilmember Erdman seconded to approve RESOLUTION NO. 1011, A RESOLUTION APPROVING STATE OF MINNESOTA MASTER SUBSCRIBER AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF GOODVIEW, MN POLICE DEPARTMENT. All voted aye and the motion carried.

c) City Administrator Dan Matejka presented a DRAFT of a new ordinance regulating food trucks in the City. He explained that two individuals have recently approached the City about operating a food truck within Goodview. There is currently nothing to regulate this type of business. After a lengthy discussion, Police Chief Kent Russell and several Council members agreed it is important to have rules in place so everyone knows what is expected and the Police Department is able to enforce them. City AttorneyMark Merchlewitz, who was in attendance, drafted the ordinance. There was a discussion about potential parking issues and how parking a food truck will affect residents and traffic. The City Administrator said each applicant will receive a map highlighting areas where they are permitted to park and operate.Chief Russell supports the hours of operation being set at 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. The City Council can give permission to deviate from these hours. It is also possible to give the Goodview Days’ vendors permission to continue to operate as they have in previous years without having to follow this ordinance. Mr. Merchlewitz said he will add a penalty provision and address generator noise in the next draft. The City Administrator said the City will need to hold a public hearing on August 22, 2016 because this affects zoning and parking. The Council decided to wait until theCouncil meeting on September 12, 2016, to vote on this matter.

Under Other; City Administrator Dan Matejka reported the letter mailed to the property owner of 450 44th Avenue was not sent as a certified letter, so there is no way to know if the letter has been received. Mr. Matejka proposed the letter be sent again to the property owners, this time by certified mail, on August 11, 2016 as this would be past the original 10 days the first letter specified. The property owners will then have an additional 10 days to respond. The entire Council supported this plan. Mayor Baumgart thanked the Council for their time and attention to this situation.

State Senator Mr. Matt Schmit gave an overview of the 2016 session, and offered a preview of what will come in 2017. He reported for the first time since 2011, the state has an AAA bond rating.The Supplemental Budget bill adds $35 million to the Border-to-Border Broadband Grant fund which will help connect more people to high speed internet service. He also shared information on the Bonding bill and Tax bill. He pointed out railroad safety has been a highlight of this year’s bonding approach on the Senate side. The Senator said Quiet Zones are getting a lot of attention statewide. City Administrator Dan Matejka asked where the City’s Quiet Zone bonding request is, of which he was told it was included in the Senate bill, but not the House. The Senator expects to go back for a special sessionlater this month so the legislature can conclude their work on not only a Tax bill but also a Bonding bill too. The City Administrator presented a complaint on behalf of the entire City about the city’s railroad crossings, stating that two (54th and 69th Avenues)of the fourcrossings are in horrendous condition. The City has reached out to Canadian Pacific Railroad (CPR), but there has been no response. Senator Schmit looked at the photographs of the crossings in question and agreed they look bad. He said he will contact somebody from CPRabout these crossings and emphasize the importance of repairing them.The Senator asked if this could dovetail into the quiet zone request and the City Administrator said no. The crossings need to be repaired now by the railroad – the City doesn’t have any authority to repair them. Senator Schmit said he will work to get a meeting with CPR on the calendar. Finally, the City Administrator urged the Senator to push for a transportation package that includes the Small Cities Assistance Program and making it a fully funded permanent program. He also saidanincrease in Local Government Aid (LGA) is vitally important to the City to help keep property taxes down.

Before adjournment, Councilmember Ledebuhr asked the Council to consider setting up a pension fund for our First Responders and asked that it be put on a future agenda for discussion.

Councilmember Ledebuhr moved and Councilmember Andring seconded to adjourn. All voted aye and the motion carried.

Adjournment at 6:13 p.m.

NOTE: The next regular meeting of the Goodview City Council will be on Monday, August 22, 2016 at 5:00 p.m. at GoodviewCity Hall.




City Administrator