Image Now Scanning Process

The Basic Steps

  1. Log in
  2. Scan (also called Capture) the document into an image
  3. QA the document
  4. Link the document, populate the document keys
  5. Route/File the document
  6. Disconnect when finished
  1. Log in

Enter your network User Name and Password. Click on connect.

You will get the Image Now Tool Bar

  1. Scan

Note: if you are using a multi-function device (a printer) to scan go to step 2A.

Click on the drop down arrow next to Capture

Your scan profiles will start with your department name or mnemonic. For Example if you are in AR, your scan profiles will start with your workflow mnemonic like AR or FA.

Example ARSimplex would be for the AR workflow.

Select your scan profile, Simplex (single page), Duplex (two sided page) or Multi page (multiple page document). When using Multi page profile, you will need a patchcode page between batches.

You will be prompted when the scanner is out of documents to scan. Select Cancel or Stop.

2A. Using a MFD to capture your documents.

Go to your printer to scan the documents and email them to your designated email box. Note: change the document type to TIFF on the printer. Typically a dedicated email box is set up for your department just for use with Image Now. They will appear in your linking queue.

  1. QA

Note: if using an MFD (step 2A) your documents will be in your Linking queue. Skip the QA step.

If you used the Image Now printer to send documents to Image Now, they will be in QA.

Once a document is scanned, the image goes to Batches, waiting for you to QA (quality assure) it.

Open the document by double clicking on it. See below.

If the Action screen (on the left of the screen) is not there, click on the View dropdown and select Actions

If your document looks good, click on the green check mark labeled ‘Mark Page OK’.

Note that the bottom of the window also contains the green checkmark icon for your use.

  1. Link

Once you QA the document, it goes into your workflow and should be waiting for you in the capture link.

Open the document in Image Now by double clicking on it.

Get the student name or ID that will be associated with this document

Open Datatel and go into your application plan. In this example the user has access to the application plan called ARTI. Go into ARTI and bring up the student associated with this document.

Click on the gold key at the bottom of the Image Now screen to populate the Document keys in the Properties area of the opened document.

Note the Name and ID have been automatically filled in on the Document Keys portion of the Properties area.

Select your Document Type in the Properties area.


To file the completed document, click on the Blue right arrow icon.

This Box will appear, click on Route button.

Your document is now filed in your AR Complete drawer.


When you are done with Image Now, select Connect from the Image Now toolbar and ‘Disconnect’.