City of Colman Council Meeting March 14, 2016

The City of Colman Council Meeting was called to order by Mayor Gloria Van Duyn at 6:00 pm at Colman City Hall. Council present: Mike Uhing, Brad Schroeder, Ben Elhoff, Roger Broghammer, and Russ May. David Voelker was absent. Also present: Finance Officer Michael Hauglid, Maintenance Supervisor Grant Groos, Golf Supervisor Mike Solum. Present for all or some of the meeting: Dave Burwitz from Clark Engineering, Chris Graff from Power System Engineering, County Commissioners Jerry Doyle and Dan Miles, Cathy Smallfield, Cynthia Keller, Mike Gengler, and Greg Van Meveren.

Minutes from the February 8th meeting were presented. Motion was made by Uhing and seconded by May to approve the minutes as presented. Motion carried.

Dave Burwitz from Clark Engineering was present on the Water Tower Project. A water line to the old tower had to be rerouted and made perpendicular to the street so it’s correct when the new tower is connected.

Chris Graff from Power System Engineering was present to discuss the Electrical Burial Project. The city has been awarded a Pre-Disaster Mitigation $125,499.75 grant for a $167,333.00 project through FEMA. Chris was out in Pierre to ask about potential future grants for burying more electrical lines.

Notice of Award for pre-mitigation grant was presented to the council. Motion was made by May and seconded by Schroeder to accept the grant award of $167,333.00 for burying electrical lines with the city’s share of $41,833.25. Motion carried.

Financials for February were presented. Motion was made by May and seconded by Elhoff to approve the financials as presented. Motion carried.

Bills were presented.Motion was made by Schroeder and seconded by May to approve the bills as presented. Motion carried.

34 Stop -$237.66, Amazing Space -$10,837.79, AmeriPride -$118.94, AT&T-$78.64, Big Sioux Community Water-$2,165.90, Blackburn -$251.55, Booster-$62.00, Brown & Saegner -$39.95, Bunkers Oil -$921.37, Campbell Supply -$16.42, Carquest -$225.03, CenturyLink-$60.37, City of Colman/utilities-$4,459.03, Colman Building Center -$266.41, Dakota Beverage -$212.10, Dept of Revenue (Sales Tax)-$5,909.83, East River Electric -$10,939.20, Eng Services -$3,470.25, F&M Coop-$312.00, Fastenal -$62.84 , Garbage N More-$340.00, Greg's Place -$1,607.52, HD Supply -$2,353.26, Heartland-$51,374.23, IssenhuthLeibel -$1,305.00, Johnson Brothers Excavation -$425.00, Midwest Alarm Company -$69.96, Moody County Enterprise -$95.68, OASI-$797.46, Omni-Pro-$2,500.00, One Office Solution-$464.69, Payroll-$10,707.75, Pheasantland Industries -$161.28, Power System Engineering-$371.00, Queen City -$10.24, Sam's Club -$280.00, SD Federal Surplus-$91.00, SD Municipal League -$40.00, SDRS-$1,123.68, SDRS Supplemental-$200.00, Sheffield Financal-$237.84, Shoenrock Plumbing -$1,534.80, Sioux Falls Auto Glass-$238.50, Sioux Valley Energy-$2,600.46, T&R Service -$244.76, Terry Thompson-$565.00, Turfwerks -$43.77, U.S. Postal Service -$104.22, USA Bluebook -$112.38 , Vanco Payment Solutions -$14.50, Vast Broadband -$379.44, Western Area Power Admin -$12,385.91

The Bar Lease Agreement was discussed. Greg Van Meveren was present to discuss certain things at the bar. Van Meveran’s lease on the bar expires in June of 2017. Greg had looked into an initial inventory inquiry that the city had back when Greg began his lease with the bar in January 2010. Video lottery was also discussed.

Cynthia Keller was present to discuss using Dale Ellen’s property at 411 SE 3rd street as an auction/consignment house. Public hearing to take place on Monday March 21st at 6:00 pm for a special exception permit.

Colman-Egan After Prom party was discussed. Motion was made by Uhing and seconded by May to donate $200 to the Colman-Egan After Prom Party. Moton carried.

The County Law Enforcement Contract was discussed. The city will talk to the county regarding rates for the coming year.

Cancellation of the municipal election. The following indivduals have filed certificates of nomintation in the office of the finance officer for the positions to be filled: Gloria Van Duyn (Mayor- 2-year term), Brad Schroeder (Ward I- 2-year term), Russ May (Ward II-2 year term), and Ben Elhoff(Ward III- 2-year term). Because each of the candidates are unopposed, certificates of election will be issued in the same manner as successful candidates after election.

County Commissioners Jerry Doyle and Dan Miles were present to discuss the county ambulance redistricting. Resolution #338-16, a resolution by the City of Colman to have all lands within its territorial jurisdiction included in the Moody County ambulance district was read. Motion was made by Uhing and seconded by May to approve the resolution as presented. Motion carried.

Ordinance 339-16, Recreational Burning Ordinance was read for the first time.

Clean Up Day will be Wednesday, April 27th, 2016. Flyers will be mailed out on things that will be acceptable and other instructions for Colman residents.

Employee Reports

  • Golf course is open
  • Ways to raise revenue at the clubhouse
  • Golf course is now a part of the Great Life membership
  • Fees for non-members at the golf course
  • The alarm system at the clubhouse
  • Finishing the electric meter project
  • Drainage
  • Chip sealing
  • Kyle Broghammer was hired for the summer maintenanceposition at $9.25/hr.
  • Residential sump pump issues
  • District meeting on Wednesday at Howard
  • Rescue Church eggdropcancelled
  • Fire Hall furnace
  • Equalization meeting is Monday, March 21st at 6:00 pm
  • Refrigerator behind a resident’s house at 127 S Loban

Committee/Project Reports

  • Council going to door to door to ask residents on the sump pump issues
  • Agreement with Sioux Valley Energy regarding residents calling in for outages and needing confirmation from city employees and/or council members before they dispatch
  • Gloria meeting with Big Sioux Community Water regarding the three Big Sioux water accounts that arein city limits

Motion was made by Schroeder and seconded by Broghammer to adjourn at 8:39 pm. Motion carried.


Mayor Gloria Van Duyn

Finance Officer Michael Hauglid