City of Bruceville-Eddy

May 12th, 2016 MINUTES

Council members present were: Mayor ProTem Gary Lucas, Connally Bass, Allen Trigg, Halbert Wilcox, Jason Dean, Chief McLean, and Koni Billings, city administrator, Johnny Tabor, City Engineer.

Mayor ProTem Lucas called the meeting to order at 5:32 pm, and immediately opened an executive workshop. All items on the agenda were discussed, no action was taken. Closed executive session at 6:22.

Mayor Pro Tem Lucas opened the regular council session at 6:35 pm. All officers were present.

Jason Dean offered the prayer and led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Citizens Time: No one asked to speak.

Consent Agenda:

Motion to accept the April accounts payables in both the water department and the general fund and a motion to accept all meeting minutes for the month of April 2016, was tendered Connally Bass and was seconded by Jason Dean. All in Favor.

Item 1: Engineers report: Johnny Tabor asked if there could be a scheduled traveling meeting and a called workshop to take action at, for the first Monday in June, in order to make a decision on waste water plants that may work in the city. It was decided that Monday June 6th, 7:30 a.m. is to be set aside for that. It was also noted that Johnny will be handling negotiated contracts with the vendor and TXDOT for water customer Boyd Williams’s line replacement.

Item 2: Public Works: Council heard from Chief on the investigation for a shredder and blade that he had been asked to look into. It was decided that the Kubota was the best deal, model 4200 shredder at $19,425.00 and a 15’ flex arm blade at $15,600.00. This is not to exceed $43,000.00. This is for the maintenance department. Hal made the motion to purchase the Kubota and flex arm. Connally Bass seconded. All in Favor. Chief will handle the purchase, and look into a commercial zero turn mower and the cost.

Item 3: Police Report: Chief asked that the Interlocal agreement between the police department and the Waco Communication center be approved so the 800 mhz radios can be added at $5.00 each per month to the center. Chief asked that the bids for 800 mhz radios which Lorena is working on, be approved to pursue. Chief asked if line item moves can be made to accommodate purchase of the radios from line item 8015 to line item 8010 for $10k. This should purchase the radios. Jason Dean made the motion to approve line item moves and purchase, second cast by Allen Trigg. All in Favor.

Item 4: Council voted to extend the Troy Parker land lease from one to two years for the land lease at the waste water plant solution. Connally Bass made the motion, Hal made a second motion. All in Favor.

Item 5: Council voted to adopt the new food establishment rules from the State and the McLennan County Waco Public Health District. Connally Bass made a motion which was seconded by Jason Dean to adopt Ordinance 05-12-2016. All in Favor.

Item 6: No motion was made on this item.

Item 7: A recommendation to asphalt Temple Street and Franklin Street between FM 107 and Eagle drive, and to chip seal Horseshoe, Mustang, Pinto, Soules Circle, Washington and Border Streets this next budget year was considered. The city administrator was asked to turn this street list to the County Commissioners office for an Interlocal for this year’s budgeting. No motion was made.

Item 8: Regular session was closed for public hearing at 7:04 p.m.

Public Hearing on the re-adoption of existing curfew Ordinances in C-O-B-E. No comments were made.

Public hearing closed at 7:05. Reopen regular session.

Motion to re-adopt the existing curfew Ordinances was made by Jason Dean, Connally Bass seconded. All in Favor. Close regular session.

Item 9: Public Hearing on adoption of a Hotel Tax in C-O-B-E and ETJ opened at 7:05 p.m. No comments were made.

Public Hearing closed at 7:06 p.m. Reopen regular session.

Motion to adopt a 7% Hotel Tax in C-O-B- E and ETJ was made by Connally Bass, seconded by Jason Dean. All in Favor.

Councilman Trigg made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:15 p.m.


Mayor Pro Tem Gary L. Lucas

City of Bruceville-Eddy (seal)

______Minutes approved on ______

Koni Billings, City Administrator

City of Bruceville-Eddy, Texas