Art 1- 6th grade syllabus semester Sara Grizzle Room 301


Welcome to Art! Class expectations and procedures were discussed in detail in class and can be found on my webpage. Go subscribe for class updates, assignments and due dates! I also have an Instagram- GorzyckiArt and twitter @GrizzleGorzycki for highlights of student work.

In this class you will:

•Learn basic design principles applicable to all visual media.

•Build observation skill in drawing.

•Explore color theory in painting.

•Connect art to society through exploring Art History.


There is a $15 supply fee. This covers consumable materials shared by the class. You will receive your own personal watercolor set and binder included in the fee. If you need financial assistance, please contact Ms. Grizzle. Please make checks payable to Gorzycki Middle School and place them in an envelope with your childʼs name. Deposit them to the lockbox ASAP!

In addition to the fee, please bring:

• 10 Wooden #2 pencils- not mechanical

•roll of paper towels

•optional 3 ring pencil pouch (alternative to ziplock bag provided for the binder)


50% projects- grade based on rubric and student written self reflection 40% daily grades and warmups. 10% participation

Late Work

5 points a day with a maximum of 20 points off. Work not turned in on time will be marked MSG in TEAMS. Late work will be checked only once a week. All late work must be turned in by the 2nd to last Friday of each 6 weeks.


Tuesday 3:40- 4:40


Be respectful- to each other and adults.

Be responsible- take care of the classroom and materials

Be seated- stay in your assigned area

Be productive- stay on task and try your best!

Be clean- clean up after yourself and help each other maintain a clean, organized classroom.

PHONES- not permitted unless the teacher has asked you to get them out!!

They are great, I love mine. However they are a huge distraction in the classroom and students rely too heavily on images they find online hindering their own personal observations and creativity. There is a class set of chrome books and a ratio of 2:1 students to desktop computers. In an emergency, students may use the class phone. If phones are out, they will be confiscated per district policy. Thank you for your support.

Gorzycki Middle School ART- Ms. Grizzle

Please complete the following, sign and return this form via your student. Thank you! “We have read the syllabus and have located the class webpage”

Please Print Student’s Name: ______

Please Print Name of Parent or Guardian: ______

Daytime Phone # ______Evening Phone # ______

E- mail ______

My child has access to a computer with internet at home ______yes ______no.

Supply fee enclosed $______cash or check #______paid online ______

Signature of Parent or Guardian: ______Date: ______

Signature of Student: ______Date: ______

I am in need of a scholarship for the supply fee ______(check)

Please sign and return to Ms. Grizzle. DUE Friday September 2.

You can now pay online! Please try this option it is easy and more efficient!

you will need to create an account and add your students. You will need their Student ID number. This is located on their class schedule.