Minutes of the Finance Committee Meeting held on Wednesday 6 February 2013 at 6pm in the Mayor`s Parlour, Town Hall Abergavenny.
Present: Cllr D Edwards (Chairman)
Cllrs Ms S Dodd, J L Prosser, R Harris, M Hickman, P Wadsworth, Mrs S Woodhouse.
In attendance: The Town Clerk
1. There were no apologies for absence.
2. Declarations of interest would be made as and when necessary.
3. The following grant applications were considered:
a) Toy Fair.
It was agreed to recommend that £800 be granted towards the costs of the Toy Fair to be held in early May, with the invoices being paid directly by the Council.
b) Cycling Festival. (Cllr Wadsworth declared an interest in this application and took no part in the discussion.)
A grant request for £5000 was received from the organiser of the Cycling Festival. This was £1000 more than in previous years but it was noted that it would include a round of the prestigous National Championships this year. It was agreed to recommend that a grant of £5000 be made with invoices being payable to the Council as per last year.
c) St Mary`s Priory Church Flower Arrangement Society
A request for a sponsorship of one or more flower arangements was considered. It was agreed to ask the Town Clerk to establish what sums we are talking about and to finalise a decision at Council. A sum of about £100 was considered as reasonable. (Cllr Mrs Woodhouse declared an interest in this application and took no part in the discussion).
d) Urdd Eisteddfod
It was agreed that if the local Welsh School is participating a grant would beconsidered, but not otherwise. The Town Clerk would find out if they were taking part.
e) A request for a grant from the Stroke Association was not supported as it is not a local charity.
f) Abergavenny and District Tourist Association.
A grant request for £3000 towards the cost of printing the brochure was recommended for approval as it has been supported before.
g) Abergavenny Community Enterprise Partnership.
This application was discussed at great length. Members were keen to support it and to retain the facilities at the present Communities First office at Hillcrest Rd and it was noted that Monmouthshire County Council had made a commitment to retain it at least for the coming year. It was not clear from the information provided exactly what a contribution from his council would be used for. It was agreed to seek further information from Mr McLean as to the way in which funding was being provided and also from the author of the bid for funding about exactly how the money would be used if a grant was made (£4000 had been requested) It was also decided to enquire whether Llantilio Pertholey CC was considering a grant.
4. Toilets Situation.
A report from the Town Clerk outlining the most reent situation with public toilets was considered. It was agreed in principle that the Town Council should be recommended to take over the management of the toilets, and that the works on White Horse Lane Toilets should be progressed as soon as possible, but it was also agreed that further discussions should be held with Monmouthshire County Council to determine the way forward over the next few years. Some detailed suggestions about achieving income from toilets were discussed and the Clerk would progress these.
5. Town Clerk`s Gratuity. (The Town Clerk left the room while this was being discussed)
A response from National Association of Local Councils concerning the changes in legislation which affected the Council`s ability to pay a gratuity to the Clerk was discussed. It was agreed that before the Council is asked to make a final decision on the matter all of the papers provided to trhe NALC lawyer should be made available to the Committee members.
6. Risk assessment.
Members received the report of the Town Clerk on Risk assessment for the coming year. The report was received and recommended for approval by the Council. (Copy attached to these minutes)
7. Credit Union.
Further information on whether the Council`s investment in Credit Union would be protected in any way was received saying that it would not be, as indeed it was not protected in a bank. On consideration members decided not to recommend investment in the Credit Union, although the Council`s Auditor would be asked for a view before a final decision.
8.The maximum allocation of funds to S137 items of expenditure was noted. The Council does not spend anywhere near this limit, so the information is not critical to us.
9. Gifts to members.
Advice was received from the Monitoring Officer concerning free entry to members from the Food Festival Board. The value of the gift per member is below the £25 threshold in our Code of Conduct above which it should be declared, but members agreed to recommend to Council that in future such gifts should not be received as it could be construed by a member of the public that it was an inducement to contribute Council Funds to the Food Festival.
The meeting ended at 7:05pm
Summary of recommendations:
1. A grant of £800 be made towards the cost of the Toy Fair.
2. A grant of £5000 be made to the Cycling Festival with invoices being paid by the Council.
3. A grant to sponsor the St Mary`s Flower Arrangements should depend on the Clerk`s investigation.
4. The Clerk to establish if the Welsh School is participating in the Urdd Eisteddfod.
5. No grant be made to the Stroke Association.
6. A grant of £3000 be made to the Tourist Association.
7. Further information be sought concerning the ACE request.
8. Work on White Horse Lane toilets be progressed and a further meeting be sought with County Officers.
9. Information be circulated to Committee concerning the gratuity issue.
10. The Risk Assessment report be recomended for approval.
11. Depending on a view from the Auditor, no investment should be made in the Credit Union.
12. The S 137 limit be noted.
13. The Monitoring Officer`s advice be accepted and the Food Festival Board be notified accordingly.