City of Bloomfield Council Meeting

Regular Session

August 13, 2012 at 6:30 P.M.

Mayor Scott Staggs called the meeting to order. Those present were: Randy Supancic, Donna Deardorff, Donna Medlin, IJ Schatz. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a moment of silence.

A brief discussion of the budget was had by all. It was determined that more cuts need to be made.

Public Comments: Marilyn Gill thanked the city for spraying the ditch on Viola St. She stated it still needs rick-rack placed. It was noted that a work order had been turned in for this. Ms. Gill passed out to all council members a flyer noting a “Bloomfield City-Wide Yardsale” October 5-6, 2012. More information can be found on the city’s website. Ms. Gill commented that 400 Hester had junk in the yard, and 600 Delaware needed to be mowed.

Approve minutes: Ald. Supancic made a motion to approve the minutes from July 23. Ald. Medlin seconded the motion. All in favor.

Ald. Supancic made a motion to approve the minutes from the August 6 Budget Meeting. Ald. Medlin seconded the motion. All in favor.

Merchant License(s): Ald. Medlin made a motion to approve merchant license for Vivint, Inc. Ald. Supancic seconded. All in favor.

A discussion was had pertaining to Donnie Hovis doing business inside the city limits of Bloomfield and not having a valid merchant license.

Building Permit(s): Ald. Supancic made a motion to approve building permit for Bloomfield School using Sides Construction Company as the contractor. Ald. Medlin seconded the motion. All in favor.

Ald. Supancic made a motion to approve a building permit for Melvin Staggs at 104 Maple Lane. Ald. Schatz seconded the motion. All in favor.

Dept. Heads: Ruth Ann McGee, City Collector/Treasurer was present and gave her report as submitted in writing. Ald. Medlin made a motion to approve the treasurer report. Ald Supancic seconded the motion. All in favor.

Penny Walker, Transit Director was present and gave her report as submitted in writing.

Kenny Johnson, Fire Chief was present and gave his report as submitted in writing. Kenny Johnson and Kenny Ewing discussed with the council various ways to gauge water loss at fire calls. It was agreed that the fire department would calculate usage of 2000 gallons/hour on fire calls when using water direct from fire hydrant.


Tim Zych, Police Chief was present and gave a brief verbal report of calls. He stated that the new police car is scheduled to have logo and letter wrapping done this week.

Kenny Ewing, Water & Street Superintendent was present and submitted his report in writing. He stated that new street signs have been placed on the northwest side of the city. A fire hydrant needs repairing on Viola Street. The water tower at the plant needs to be worked on and the water tower at the library works, but not properly. Kenny Ewing also recommended that a ¾ inch meter be put in place for Ms. Phillips on Hwy 25. This will allow compliance with the new city ordinance stating all city meters must be inside the city limits.

Ald. Supancic made a motion to approve the Municipal Court records as submitted in writing. Ald. Medlin seconded the motion. All in favor.

Linda Myers, Library Director was not present but submitted her report and a copy of the Library Board’s minutes in writing.

Kenneth Allen with the Park Board was present and reported that the new roof on the cabin project has been delayed. They are trying to find vintage shingles. Mr. Allen stated that due to the fact that these must be hand-made will probably be a bit more costly than expected. Mr. Allen stated that the Park Board had approached the Historical Society for help with this, but they voted not to donate any funds to this project. The Park Board is looking into some possible fundraisers for this project.

Old Bus:

Ald. Supancic reported that 3 parking blocks were removed from in front of Auto Tire & Parts at the request of Mr. Jackson, store owner. The sidewalk project has been completed. Rick-rack is needed in the ditch along Prairie & Bloomfield. Limbs need to be trimmed along the new sidewalk.

Ald. Medlin asked the council about an effective date that the local churches will be charged for city water use. It was agreed a letter will be mailed to the churches with a begin billing date of January 1, 2013, and the cost of new meter, if needed, water tap and deposit.

Ald. Medlin also asked if the city should continue with the leachate water or not.

Ald. Medlin noted that back in September 2011, the fire department was given permission to purchase paint. When asked if the paint had been purchased, Fire Chief Johnson replied with not yet.

Mayor Staggs read Ord. 3265 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF BLOOMFIELD, MISSOURI, BY DELETING SECTION 340.160 AND SECTION 340.170 AND BY AMENDING SECTIONS 385.160. Ald. Deardorff made a motion to waive the second reading. Ald Supancic seconded the motion. All in favor. Ald Supancic made a motion to approve Ord. 3265. Ald Deardorff seconded the motion. All in favor.


New Bus:

Ald. Supancic would like to have the city attorney draw up a parking ordinance for the city. Especially relating to the parking situations around the justice center. Ald. Supancic would also like to have an ordinance for the destruction of city property.

Ald. Medlin made a motion to have the city’s attorney prepare a parking ordinance. Ald. Schatz seconded the motion. All in favor.

The subject of direct deposit for payroll was tabled at this time.

Kari Standley, City Clerk, gave the council handouts on a new accounting software from Data Technologies. The handouts were reviewed and positive comments were made.

Mayor Staggs reported that he had received phone calls relating to an incident of a dog being impounded for 14 days, then when dropped off at Stoddard Animal Vet, it was discovered to have a rabies tag on it. After the tag was decoded, the owner was contacted and the dog was released by Stoddard Animal Vet Clinic to the owner. Chief Zych will contact the vet’s office to get name of owner so as the city can bill her for the impound fees.

The mayor asked if there was any more new business, if not, for a motion to adjourn to executive session. Ald. Supancic moved a motion, Ald. Medlin seconded. All in favor. Meeting adjourned.

Minutes recorded by: ______

Kari Standley, City Clerk