March 14, 2012



MARCH 14, 2012

Common Council of the City of Antigo met in regular session on the above date at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall, Mayor Bill Brandt presiding.

Roll Call – Present: Alderpersons Kapusta, Darling, Kassis, Bauknecht, Zelazoski, Bugni, and Balcerzak. Absent: Dunn and Turnbull.

Mayor Brandt excused Alderpersons Dunn and Turnbull.

Department Managers in attendance were: Dale Soumis, Director of Administrative Services; Kaye Matucheski, Clerk-Treasurer; Eric Roller, Police Chief/Public Safety Director; Jon Petroskey, Fire Chief; Sarah Repp, Parks, Recreation, and Cemetery Supervisor; Jerome Wilhelm, Inspector/Assessor; Charley Brinkmeier, Civil Technologist/Surveyor; Robert Piskula, Street Commissioner; and Jim Pike, Communication & Technology Supervisor.

Others in attendance were: Michael Winter, City Attorney; Jeanne Jensen, Deputy Clerk-Treasurer; Lisa Haefs, Antigo Daily Journal; Rusty Mehlberg, WACD/WATK Radio; Bill Obenauf, Infrastructure Alternatives; Scott Martin, MSA Professional Services; Joyce Payne; and Jack Strasser.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited followed by a moment of silent meditation.

Alderperson Darling moved, Alderperson Bugni seconded, to approve the minutes from the February 8, 2012, meeting. Carried.

Citizen Comments

There were no individuals wishing to address Council.

Update on Citizen’s Referrals from Previous Council Meeting

No previous referrals were reported on.



Resolution No. 023-12 re Approving Operators Licenses

BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL, City of Antigo that an Operator's License be issued to: Ann M. Boshan, Beverly A. Gray, Christine M. Rhode, Jennifer A. Snopl, Dove C.R. Davis, and Mark Incha pursuant to payment of fees.

Resolution No. 024-12 re Approving Infrastructure Alternatives 2012 Budget for Water and Wastewater Services

WHEREAS, the City of Antigo has a continuous agreement with Infrastructure Alternatives, contractual managers for the water and wastewater treatment facilities, and

WHEREAS, the water and wastewater budgets are reviewed annually and the contract amended accordingly, and

WHEREAS, Infrastructure Alternatives has submitted the 2012 budget and has requested the new figures be implemented as Attachment D in the contract,

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL, City of Antigo, the proposed 2012 water and wastewater budgets are hereby approved at an annual cost of $200,500 for water and $270,000 for wastewater and implemented into the agreement with Infrastructure Alternatives as Attachment D.

(Committee approved 5-0, Absent 1)

(Attachment D 2012 Year Budget on file in the Clerk-Treasurer’s office)

Resolution No. 025-12 re Approving Agreement with Nicolet Area Technical College for Emergency Medical Services Program

WHEREAS, the Fire Chief has been approached by Nicolet Technical College to allow their students to ride along with the City of Antigo Fire Department ambulance for clinical hours, and

WHEREAS, every student that participates in an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) class must do a number of clinical hours, and

WHEREAS, the City of Antigo Fire Department personnel are extremely qualified to help EMT students in their ride along experience, and

WHEREAS, insurance coverage for any students participating in the ride along will be provided by Nicolet Technical College.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL, City of Antigo, to approve the agreement with Nicolet Technical College which will allow their students to ride along with the City of Antigo Fire Department.

(Committee approved 5-0, Absent 1)

(Agreement on file in the Clerk-Treasurer’s office)

Resolution No. 026-12 re Approving Final 2011 Budget Transfers

WHEREAS, the City budgets funds on estimating the services that will be needed throughout the year within each department, and

WHEREAS, adjustments need to be made based on where the services are actually performed within each department, and

WHEREAS, the budget transfers are existing funds that are being reallocated and are the final budget transfers for 2011 with previous transfers approved with Resolution 134-11,

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, BY THE COMMON COUNCIL, City of Antigo, to approve the following budget transfers for 2011.

Account Transferred To Amount Account Transferred From

100-510-51415 / Administrative Services / $4,109 / 100-510-51990 / Contingency Fund
100-510-51450 / Information Services / $7,700 / 100-510-51990 / Contingency Fund
100-530-53230 / Street Shop Operations / $2,000 / 100-530-53390 / Bridges
100-530-53230 / Street Shop Operations / $8,300 / 100-530-53410 / Alleys & Boulevards
100-530-53240 / Street Machinery Operations / $7,300 / 100-530-53110 / Street Commissioner
100-530-53310 / Street Maintenance / $4,000 / 100-530-53450 / Parking Lots
100-530-53370 / Street Signs & Markings / $2,300 / 100-530-53345 / Sidewalks Snow & Ice
100-550-55310 / Park & Rec Administration / $2,500 / 100-550-55460 / Campground
100-550-55310 / Park & Rec Administration / $2,000 / 100-550-55420 / Swimming & Wading Pools
100-550-55310 / Park & Rec Administration / $2,320 / 100-550-55430 / Parks Snow & Ice
100-550-55210 / Parks & Playgrounds / $7,950 / 100-550-55430 / Parks Snow & Ice
100-550-55220 / Ball Parks / $2,350 / 100-550-55330 / PC&R Office & Shop
100-550-55340 / PC&R Machinery Operations / $3,400 / 100-550-55450 / PC&R Skate Park
100-550-55440 / Ice Skating Rinks / $410 / 100-540-54910 / Cemeteries
100-560-56730 / Forestry -2012 grant funds / $5,500 / 100-510-51990 / Contingency Fund
100-530-53420 / Street Lighting / $5,900 / 100-510-51990 / Contingency Fund
100-540-54190 / Animal Pound / $325 / 100-510-51990 / Contingency Fund

(Committee Approved 5-0, Absent 1)

Resolution No. 027-12 re Approving Revised Job Description for Vacant Position within Clerk’s Department

WHEREAS, due to a retirement in the Clerk-Treasurer’s office there was a Utility Clerk position open, and

WHEREAS, it was determined to refill this position, but because of restructuring within the department it is more feasible to revise the current position to that of a Clerical/Utility Assistant, and

WHEREAS, the Clerical/Utility Assistant would perform counter duties for walk-in and telephone customers, perform duties in utility billing, and a variety of clerical tasks. The position would provide direct support to the employees of the Clerk-Treasurer’s office, and

WHEREAS, the Clerical/Utility Assistant works under the general guidance and direction of the Clerk-Treasurer.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL, City of Antigo, to approve the attached job description for the Clerical/Utility Assistant.

(Committee approved 5-0, Absent 1)

(Job description on file in the Clerk-Treasurer’s office)

Resolution No. 028-12 re Approving Waiver of Shelter Fees for Music in the Park

WHEREAS, the Parks, Recreation, & Cemetery Supervisor has received a request to waive the shelter reservation fees for Monday and Thursday nights Music in the Park starting in June and ending in August.

WHEREAS, this event brings people to the Community on a weekly basis all summer;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, BY THE COMMON COUNCIL, City of Antigo, to authorize waiving the shelter fees for the Monday and Thursday nights Music in the Park starting in June and ending in August.

(Committee approved 4-0, Absent 3)


Reports from the department managers and agencies (placed on file).

2011 Year End Report by Antigo/Langlade County Family Resource Center.

Alderperson Bauknecht moved, Alderperson Bugni seconded, to approve the Consent Agenda.

Ayes were: Kapusta, Darling, Kassis, Bauknecht, Zelazoski, Bugni, and Balcerzak. Noes were: None. Absent: Dunn and Turnbull. Carried.



Resolution No. 029-12 re Approving Funding Request for New Cattle Barn

WHEREAS, Mayor Brandt was approached by Langlade County requesting waiver of the tipping fees for the demolition landfill, and

WHEREAS, this request is something that can not be easily accomplished because of a contract between the City of Antigo and Krueger & Steinfest, and

WHEREAS, it has been deemed easier to donate money to the project which in return can be used to pay the tipping fees.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, BY THE COMMON COUNCIL, City of Antigo, to donate $5,000 from the Economic Development portion of the Hotel/Motel funds towards the new cattle barn located at the Langlade County Fairgrounds.

(Committee approved 5-0, Absent 1)

Alderperson Darling moved, Alderperson Kapusta seconded, to approve Resolution No. 029-12.

Ayes were: Kapusta, Darling, Kassis, Bauknecht, Zelazoski, Bugni, and Balcerzak. Noes were: None. Absent: Dunn and Turnbull. Carried.

Resolution No. 030-12 re Approving Funding Request for Brochure for Summer Music Program

WHEREAS, the Music in the Park group are in the process of developing a brochure for their summer concerts and have requested funding for this purpose, and

WHEREAS, the brochures will cost $375 for 5,000, and

WHEREAS, the group advised that visitors came from areas beyond the City of Antigo and Langlade County last year to watch the entertainment and this program continues to grow.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, BY THE COMMON COUNCIL, City of Antigo, to fund the request of $375 for brochure printing for the summer music program with funding derived from the Economic Development portion of the Hotel/Motel funds.

(Committee approved 5-0, Absent 1)

Alderperson Balcerzak moved, Alderperson Kapusta seconded, to approve Resolution No. 030-12.

Ayes were: Kapusta, Darling, Kassis, Bauknecht, Zelazoski, Bugni, and Balcerzak. Noes were: None. Absent: Dunn and Turnbull. Carried.

Resolution No. 031-12 re Approving MSA Contract for Clean Water Fund/Sanitary District Water Loan Fund Application

WHEREAS, recently the City of Antigo received bids to reconstruct the utilities and street for Field Street and Sixth Avenue, and

WHEREAS, the cost of doing this project came in at $2,377,546, and

WHERAS, the utilities are struggling financially and would benefit significantly from grant assistance, and

WHEREAS, both the Clean Water Fund (CWF) and the Sanitary District Water Loan Fund (SDWLP) offered through the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources for water and sewer improvement have recently been providing grants as well as loans, and

WHEREAS, based on inquiries to State officials it appears that the City of Antigo would have a good opportunity to gain some grant funds for either or both utilities through these programs, and

WHEREAS, because of the complexity of the application it is best to have the design engineers write it, and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, BY THE COMMON COUNCIL, City of Antigo, to approve a contract for $10,000 with MSA Professional Services to write two applications, one for water and one for sewer, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that $5,000 be provided from the project funding for each utility to cover the cost.

(Committee approved 4-0, Absent 1)

Alderperson Bugni moved, Alderperson Darling seconded, to approve Resolution No. 031-12.

Upon inquiry by Alderperson Kapusta, Dale Soumis, Director of Administrative Services, advised that this resolution is for the water and sewer project on Field Street.

Ayes were: Kapusta, Darling, Kassis, Bauknecht, Zelazoski, Bugni, and Balcerzak. Noes were: None. Absent: Dunn and Turnbull. Carried.

Resolution No. 032-12 re Awarding Most Advantageous Bid for Field Street and Sixth Avenue Project to Advance Construction

WHEREAS, there are serious problems in the vicinity of Field Street and Sixth Avenue causing flooding and sewage back up into area homes, and

WHEREAS, all of the planning and engineering of this project has been completed previously in hopes of obtaining federal stimulus money, and

WHEREAS, the Finance, Personnel and Legislative Committee has approved the bond funding request for this project already, and

WHEREAS, the Finance, Personnel and Legislative Committee reviewed the bids and recommended that the lowest bid from Advance Construction be accepted.


accept the low bid from Advance Construction in the amount of $2,377.545.97 with funding derived from TIF 4, storm water, sanitary sewer, and water utilities.

(Committee approved 4-0, Absent 1)

Alderperson Darling moved, Alderperson Bugni seconded, to approve Resolution No. 032-12.

Upon inquiry by Alderperson Kassis, Scott Martin, MSA Professional Services, Inc., advised that Advance Construction is out of Green Bay, Wisconsin. There were a total of six bids.

Ayes were: Kapusta, Darling, Kassis, Bauknecht, Zelazoski, Bugni, and Balcerzak. Noes were: None. Absent: Dunn and Turnbull. Carried.

Resolution No. 033-12 re Awarding Most Advantageous Bid for Sidewalk Reconstruction Project to G&B Concrete

WHEREAS, the City of Antigo is proposing the reconstruction of various sections of sidewalk within its jurisdictional boundaries, and

WHEREAS, bids were solicited for the completion of the sidewalk reconstruction projects, and

WHEREAS, staff and committee reviewed those bids submitted according to the specifications and deemed the proposal offered by G&B Concrete as most advantageous to the City, and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL, City of Antigo to accept the bid from G&B Concrete at a bid of $5.75 per square foot as per the attached bid sheet.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that City staff will assist with the project whenever possible in order to decrease costs associated with the reconstruction.

FURTHER RESOLVED that property owners will be assessed 75% of the costs per Resolution No. 020-12 and the City’s share will be the remaining 25% with funding derived from the Special Assessment fund and the Sidewalk Maintenance Account.

(Committee approved 4-0, Absent 1)

(Attachment on file in the Clerk-Treasurer’s office)

Alderperson Balcerzak moved, Alderperson Bugni seconded, to approve Resolution No. 033-12.

Ayes were: Kapusta, Darling, Kassis, Bauknecht, Zelazoski, Bugni, and Balcerzak. Noes were: None. Absent: Dunn and Turnbull. Carried.

Resolution No. 034-12 re Awarding Most Advantageous Bid for Gas Fired Boilers to Antigo Refrigeration

WHEREAS, the Street Department was in need of two gas fired boilers for the street shop, and

WHEREAS, bids were sought for the boilers and reviewed by the Public Works Committee, and

WHEREAS, the committee believes the most advantageous bid was that from Antigo Refrigeration and Heating for two Weil McClain Ultra 399 gas fired boilers in the amount of $14,077.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL, City of Antigo, to award the bid for two gas fired boilers to Antigo Refrigeration and Heating in the amount of $14,077 with funding derived from the Street Shop Building CIP account.

(Committee approved 4-0, Absent 1)

Alderperson Balcerzak moved, Alderperson Bugni seconded, to approve Resolution No. 034-12.

Upon inquiry by Alderperson Kapusta, Mayor Brandt noted these are replacing the original boilers from when the building was built.

Ayes were: Kapusta, Darling, Kassis, Bauknecht, Zelazoski, Bugni, and Balcerzak. Noes were: None. Absent: Dunn and Turnbull. Carried.