July 3, 2016

St. Stephen Parish

27519 Monroe Rd. 533

Monroe City, MO 63456

Holy Rosary Rectory



Very Rev. Michael W. Penn, V.F.

Deacon Mike Long

Current and past bulletins

may be viewed at

St. Stephen's website: www.ststephencatholicchurch.org

Scripture Readings for July 10 , 2016

Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Deuteronomy 30:10-14: Moses encouraged the people to follow the law of the Lord their God with all their hearts and all their souls. This command is not “mysterious and remote” but “already in your mouths and in your hearts.”

Psalm 69: 14, 17, 30-37: "Turn to the Lord in your need, and you will live."

Colossians 1: 15-20: Christ Jesus is the new image of God; Before anything came to be, He was. In Him resides the fullness of power to restore to God all things: in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible.

Luke 10:25-37: A lawyer asked Jesus what a person must do to gain eternal life. Reminded of the command to love God and neighbor, the man inquired, “Who is my neighbor?” Jesus replied by telling him the story about the good Samaritan.

The English translation of the Psalm Response from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. 2) Excerpts from the Lectionary for Mass for Use in the diocese of the United States of America, copyright 1998, 1970, Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Inc. Washington, and DC. Used with permission. All rights reserved. No part of the Lectionary for Mass may be reproduced by any means without permission in writing from the copyright owner


Prayer for Priests program: We are asked to include these priests in our daily prayer intentions:

Date Priest Assignment

07/03 Rev. James Calasara Military Chaplain

07/04 Rev. John Long Retired, Ireland

07/05 Rev. George Kramer Retired, Bonnots Mill

07/06 Rev. Brendan Doyle Retired

07/07 Rev. Frederick Elskamp Retired

07/08 Rev. James Offutt Centralia

07/09 Rev. Edwin Schmidt St. Martins


·  Swinkey Days for Kids is coming soon, July 11th – 13th from 8:30 -11:30 AM. This is for children ages 4 and up. You may register by picking up a form on the bulletin table or online at www.ststephencatholicchurch.org/swinkeydays.html.

·  Swinkey Picnic raffle tickets: The Picnic raffle tickets are on the bulletin table for parishioners to pick up to sell for this year's Picnic. Please call Matt or Jen Hays with any questions. Thank you again!

·  Picnic meat money: The money ($25.00) for covering the expense of purchasing chicken and ham for the Picnic may be given or mailed to Kaye Spalding, #7 Mosswood, Monroe City, MO 63456.

·  The next regular Pastoral Council meeting will be Thursday, September 29that7:00 PM in the gym.

·  The next KC meeting will be Thursday, July 7th at 7:00 PM.


·  New School: Work is progressing on the circle drive in front of the school. The cafeteria has been painted. The gym floor will be installed during the week ofJuly 5th. The classrooms on the south end, grades pre K through the fourth grade, are ready to be occupied.

·  Holy Rosary School Dedicationwill be held onSunday, August 21st, beginning with Mass at9:30.A great deal of gratitude is extended to the many individuals who have contributed and continue to contribute to the success of this project! We are all called to follow the words of Jesus Christ, “Go and make disciples of all nations!”



Day Time Intention

Mon. Scripture Service 7:30 AM (No Scripture Service)

Tues. 7:30 AM Marjorie DeLaporte

Wed. 7:30 AM Purgatorial Society

Novena to Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Begins

Thurs. 7:30 AM Liv. + Dec'd D of I

7:00 PM Crowning of the Image of

Our Lady of Mt. Carmel

Fri. 7:30 AM Joe B. & Mike Mudd

7:00 PM Holy Hour/Benediction

Sat. 7:30 AM Greg Mudd

Holy Rosary 5:30 PM Paul Gander

Sun. St. Stephen 8:00 AM Families of St. Stephen and

Holy Rosary

Holy Rosary 9:30 AM Adolph & Anna Adam

St. Peter, Brush Creek 2:00 PM Procession through the Holy

Doors, Exposition and Benediction


Ordinary Reconciliation Schedule:

Saturday 4:30 – 5:00 PM at Holy Rosary

Sunday 7:30–7:55 AM at St. Stephen

(Or by appointment. Call Holy Rosary Rectory at 735-4718)

June 26th Offertory ~ $2,433.50

LaSalette Missionaries ~ $865.00

Catholic Missourian ~ $45.00


Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

The sending of the disciples included full trust in Jesus, and that was the reason for the Lord’s order not to bring the comforts of the world with them on their journey. The mission of Jesus—the life of the disciple—requires total dependence on Jesus and not on people or possessions of this world. This requires trust and love of and for Jesus. The disciple is totally committed on doing the will of the Master, and as disciples of Jesus, called by Him today, we are to rely totally on Jesus and turn away from the ways of the world. The Kingdom of God is at hand, and Jesus leads us to it. Are we willing and courageous enough to follow Him and trust Him? Let us rejoice in His Call to us!

Tomorrow, July 4th, is Independence Day, a national holiday. I wish to extend my best wishes to you for a “Happy Fourth of July!” Let us take time this day to give thanks to God for the gift of these United States and the freedoms we enjoy. May we never lose sight of God as the Center of our lives and the Source of all goodness.

The Novena to Our Lady of Mount Carmel will begin on Thursday evening, July 7th at Holy Rosary Church at 7:00 p.m. and will conclude with the celebration of the Memorial of Our Lady of Mount Carmel with Mass at 7:30 a.m. on Saturday, July 16th. The novena schedule is as follows: Thursday, July 7th: Mass at 7:30 a.m., Crowning of the Image of Our Lady of Mount Carmel; Friday, July 8th: Mass at 7: 30 a.m.; Holy Hour and Benediction at 7:00 p.m.; Saturday, July 9th: Mass at 7:30 a.m.; Sunday, July 10th: Pilgrim Procession through the Holy Doors, Holy Hour, Confessions and Benediction at 2:00 p.m. at St. Peter Church, Brush Creek; Monday, July 11th: Mass at 7:00 p.m.; Tuesday, July 12th: Mass at 7:00 p.m.; Wednesday, July 13th: Mass at 7:30 a.m. and Holy Hour and Benediction at 7:00 p.m.; Thursday, July 14th: Mass at 7:30 a.m. and Holy Hour and Benediction at 7:00 p.m.; Friday, July 15th: Mass at 7:30 a.m. and Holy Hour and Benediction at 7:00 p.m.; Saturday July 16th: Mass at 7:30 a.m. with Blessing of and Enrolment in the Brown Scapular. An information flyer is included in today’s bulletin with the times of Masses, Novena Services and reflection topics. The weekend Mass schedule remains the same.


Troy Ritter, Jim Hunt, Jeremy Smith, Alfred Timbrook,

J.D. Underhill, Rosemary Evans, Sue Gilbert, Trevor Lagle, Jerry Botkins, Don Gander, Fr. Donald Antweiler,

Deborah Thomas Baumann, Deanna Buckman, Dave Painter, Natalee Amos, Kyndal Underwood, Kimberly Spalding,

Nick Hays, Anna Pennewell

For all who are ill, especially those who are awaiting surgery or seriously ill, and for their care-takers,

we pray to the Lord.

If a family member is ill, injured or disabled please call and let us know so that we may put them on our sick list for prayers. We don’t know unless you call, and we cannot put a name on the sick list without your permission. Names will remain in the bulletin for two weeks, unless otherwise notified. The power of prayer is very strong and healing.

Sick, homebound or nursing home? If you hear of or know of someone who falls into these categories please have an immediate family member contact us at Holy Rosary's rectory office, 735-4718, so we can minister to their spiritual needs


The youth participants of this year's Catholic Heart Work Camp are hosting Hospitality Sunday immediately after 9:30 AM Mass this morning, July 3rd, at Holy Rosary. They will have a slide show of their work and experiences. All are welcome to attend.

Applicants Sought for

Diocesan Office of Mission Advancement Advisory Council

WANTED: Thoughtful, energetic and faithful persons who are active Catholics interested in the evangelizing mission of the diocesan church for volunteer membership on the Diocesan Office of Mission Advancement Advisory Council. The Mission Advancement Advisory Council, to be comprised of no less than six members appointed by the Bishop, will advise the administrators of the newly-created Diocesan Office of Mission Advancement. It is planned that the Advisory Council will meet three times per year.

BACKGROUND: The Office of Mission Advancement is responsible for overseeing diocesan activities and personnel that deal with internal and external communications, development (fundraising) and missions, including The Catholic Missourian newspaper, media outreach, the annual Catholic Stewardship Appeal (CSA) campaign, planned giving and support for mission activities in Peru and elsewhere. Please go to: www. diojeffcity.org/advisorycouncil for the full position advertisement.

INTERESTED APPLICANTS MAY APPLY by providing name, contact information and a brief explanation of interest and qualifications to Sister Kathleen Wegman, SSND, Chancellor at or by mail to P.O. Box 104900, Jefferson City, MO 65110 no later than JULY 15, 2016. Candidates must also obtain a pastor commendation letter, which can be supplied after the deadline date.


All are welcome to our annual NFP Family Potluck, this year held at Sacred Heart School Cafeteria in Sedalia,July 10th, 11:00 AM-3:00 PM.Come for all or part of the day. Dinner will follow the10:00 AMMass. Bring your friends, family, a dish and lawn chair. BBQ, watermelon, drinks and tableware will be provided. Playground and kids games available.

Contact Deacon Bob & Lisa Reinkemeyer for questions at660. 298.3683 .


On July 10th Blest Art will be visiting our parish after Mass to display hand-carved olive wood religious art made by Catholics in the Holy Land. Your purchase of these beautiful items will help support Catholic families in Bethlehem and Jerusalem, and help them to continue to earn a living in the land of Christ’s birth. Visit Blest Art’s Web site at www.BlestArt.org to preview the art that will be available.


There will be no D of I monthly meetings in July. The next meeting will be August 11TH. We are hosting the D of I statewide workshop September 23rd.


The Ministerial Alliance is selling T-Shirts to help show Christian unity here in Monroe City. Forms can be picked one up at Holy Rosary's rectory and may be turned in to Deacon Mike at the rectory. Shirts will be available to pick up in July.


In today’s Gospel, we hear Jesus inviting his disciples to be evangelizers. “The harvest is abundant,” Jesus says. But those who are willing to invite others to a deeper relationship with the Lord are few. Good stewards who are willing to witness their Catholic faith to others know they are “like lambs among wolves.” They are encouraged to be gentle, patient and loving, knowing they may face rejection and even fierce opposition. The Year of Mercy invites us to be better stewards of our faith, to give positive, courageous, joyful witness to others who have turned away from their relationship with Jesus. Is there someone we should be reaching out to this week?


Adoration Chapel Hours available: Sunday 4-5 PM; Tuesday 3-4 AM, 6-7 AM Wednesday 7-8 PM; Thursday 4-5 AM, Friday 9-10 AM (until Student Masses resume), 5-6 PM; Saturday noon-1 PM;3-4 PM

*Liturgy Appointments

July 3 – Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Rosary Glen Bichsel

Greeter Debbie Kendrick

Music Peggy Spalding & Debby Quinn

Song Leader Julienne Burns

Servers Blake Hays & Kyle Hays

Lector Michelle Kendrick

Offertory Darrin & Mindy Hays

Communion Ministers Kay Turnbull, Phil & Beth Whelan, Dwayne &

Madeline Williams

Counters David Hays, Gena Maher

July 10 – Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Rosary Katie Foster

Greeter Glen & Michelle Kendrick

Music Beth Whelan & Julienne Burns

Song Leader Lee Anderson

Servers Bailey Hays & Maddie Gares

Lector Mark McNally

Offertory David & Julie Hays

Communion Ministers Kathy Anderson, Deanna Buckman, Henri Hays,

Rose McNally, Laura Mulvaney

Counters David Hays, Joe & Marie Purol

July 17 – Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Swinkey Picnic

Rosary Veronica O'Connor

Greeter Frank & Sally Lemongelli

Music Sr. Sue Walker & Floyd Buckman

Song Leader Kathy Anderson

Servers Tyler Hays & Ben Lemongelli

Lector Laura Mulvaney

Offertory Don & Kay Hays

Communion Ministers Lee Anderson, Lynn Ogle, Marie Purol,

Debby Quinn, Peggy Spalding

Counters Darin Underhill, Shane Spalding

Ushers for July

Bob Quinn, Chris Quinn, Joe Shively, Danny Sims

* All Liturgy appointees for the Mass, please check with the Sacristan 15 minutes before Mass so all Eucharistic ministries are covered.