Differentiation Resources
“What is Differentiated Instruction?” by Carol Ann Tomlinson. This is a short article by one of the leading researchers in DI. There are lots of tips on varying content, process, product and learning environment: http://www.readingrockets.org/article/263/
40 Alternatives Assessments for Learning: http://www.teachhub.com/40-alternative-assessments-learning
A Teacher’s Guide to Differentiating Instruction. Gives a more detailed description of differentiation and several ideas on varying materials, process and assessment: http://www.education.com/reference/article/Ref_Teacher_s_Guide/
“From Differentiated Instruction to Differentiated Assessment” by Douglas B. Reeves. http://whatworks.wholechildeducation.org/blog/from-differentiated-instruction-to-differentiated-assessment/
Activity chart for Multiple Intelligences provides a list of activities for lesson plans:
Dare to Differentiate is a Wiki that has tons of resources on Differentiated Instruction. There are more detailed descriptions behind the theories of DI and lots of strategies, including the Think Dots and Cubing: http://daretodifferentiate.wikispaces.com/
Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy Posters. This PDF will give you full sheet posters of the revised Bloom’s Taxonomy: http://coachkessler.weebly.com/uploads/2/9/2/3/2923442/posters.pdf
Readwritethink has an interactive cubing activity where students can fill in important information about a story’s characters and create their own printable cube: http://www.readwritethink.org/classroom-resources/student-interactives/mystery-cube-30059.html
Cube template: http://www.korthalsaltes.com/pdf/cube.pdf
Dinah Zike’s website has additional resources on foldables: http://www.dinah.com/manipulatives/manipulatives.php
Spencer Kagan’s website has articles, pictures, etc. of Kagan cooperative strategies in action: http://www.kaganonline.com/index.php