January 28, 2013
A meeting of the Broadband Utility Commission was held on the above date at 6:15 p.m., at the Cirrinty Office located at 2628 US Highway 45, Antigo. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Aaron Hurt and Jaime Horswill, Utility Clerk, recorded the minutes thereof.
Members Present: Andrew Hessedal, Aaron Hurt, and Alderperson Balcerzak
Members Absent: Ted Strobel and Ben Wilhelm
Others Present: Jim Pike, Communications & Technology Supervisor; Mark Desotell, Director of Administrative Services; Mark Dodge, Adam Igl and Dave Frigen, Cirrinity; and Jaime Horswill, Utility Clerk.
1. Finance Report and Update
Jim Pike, Communications & Technology Supervisor, distributed the City of Antigo Broadband Utility Financial Recap as of December 31, 2012 and advised that $288,481.85 was the total cash on hand, which is for a balloon payment. He further advised that during the next council meeting, members will be asked to refinance the loan.
Mr. Pike instructed commission members that if they required additional explanation of the report to contact the Clerk-Treasurer.
Hessedal moved, Balcerzak seconded, to accept the finance report as presented. Carried 3-0, Absent 2.
2. Election of Officers
Mr. Pike advised that the Clerk/Treasurer will continue to serve as the Secretary/Treasurer and the Communications & Technology Supervisor would continue to serve as the Utility Manager.
Chairperson Hurt moved to volunteer to continue as the Chairperson. With no other nominations, Chairperson Hurt will continue as Chairperson as a unanimous decision. Carried 3-0, Absent 2.
3. Update and Report from Cirrinity
Dave Frigen, Cirrinity, advised that Cirrinity has accomplished a lot during the past year. Originally, Cirrinity purchased approximately 5 miles of fiber with approximately 20 customers. There has now been another 2.5 miles added with an additional 22 new fiber customers. Bryce Widener (formerly of Computer Frontier) has joined the Cirrinity team bringing a local presence and assistance in running the network and brought additional employees for the new store front which has opened at 2628 US Highway 45.
The Gresch Tower was purchased this past year and new fiber optic cable is in the planning stages for the downtown Antigo area. Cirrinity is discussing partnering with Servco FS for fiber at the Langlade County Fairgrounds.
Jim Pike, Communications & Technology Supervisior, advised that the City’s involvement with Cirrinity is growing, purchasing additional services for the Antigo park system. Mark Dodge, Cirrinity, advised that Pay-As-You-Go options for park users are being explored.
Mr. Dodge further noted that Cirrinity is taking a more proactive approach with it’s monitoring and how fiber and circuits are performing. Eye-To-Eye video teleprescence was launched as if January 1, 2013. With this teleprescence, up to 100 people can participate in a video session with a secure and reliable circuit.
4. Payment of Invoices (if any)
5. Any Other Matters Authorized by Law to be Discussed
6. Adjournment
Hessedal moved, Balcerzak seconded, to adjourn at 6:34 p.m. Carried 3-0, Absent 2.
Aaron Hurt, Chairperson Date