1. Call to Order - D. Moodycalled the meeting to order at 8:42 a.m. Members present were Sherrie Miller, Jacki Youngstrand, Pete Scalaco, David Moody, Niraj Patel, Gail Gilman, and Ralph Thomas. TDC Staff included Sam Martin (Director) and Virginia Dekle. Guests present were Amanda Mayor and Robert Seidler.
  2. Citizen Comments (time permitted - 3 minute limit) – no comments were made.
  3. Approval of TDC Meeting Minutes – Unanimously approved.
  4. 11-14-13 Meeting [A] Withdraw the selection of Lou Kellenbergerfor Birding FAM due to his illness. Approved with those changes.
  5. 12-12-13 Meeting [A] Notes only.
  6. Financial Report - D. Moody [A]
  7. Financial Report 12/01 - 12/31/2013 [A] Not available from Clerks Court til the 10th of the month.
  8. TDC Staff Timesheets [A]–Will be approved by Administrative Committee.
  9. Set up Administrative Committee (3 Members) - Gail Gilman (Chair), Peter Scalco, Sherrie Miller will be the committee and meet on a monthly basis and report to the council on their scheduled meeting. Motion to approve, unanimously approved. Guidelines developed by the Committee will be presented at the next meeting.
  10. Committee Reports
  11. Advertising Actions - J. Youngstrand
  12. Feature Travel Writers Search. Committee suggested to hire 2 of the applications Danny Aller and Cynthia Paulson, Compensation will be paid within a scope of projects and under the approval of the committee.
  13. Proposed Magazine Advertising Buy – Motion to approve $12,000 for Undiscovered Florida, unani ously approved. Will table the Womens Network that include Woman’s Day, Good Housekeeping, and Redbook for further discussion. Our logo needs to be reworked and Sherrie will forward request for Media Design to get approved to do the work.
  14. TDC By-Laws Update Adoption - G. Gilman – Motion to approve the by laws unanimously approved.
  15. Gulf States Promotional Fund Grant Status - D. Moody
  16. RFP 2013-06 - Creative Marketing & Graphic Design Services (Media Design) –January 23 will be the discovery meeting for the visitors guide.
  17. RFP 2013-07 - Digital Media Advertising Services (Simpleview) – Contract approved, Simpleview and NXC are communicating together.
  18. RFP 2013-23 - Destination Management System (NXC) - Sam Martin and Ralph Thomas have been working with the County Attorney to get the contract to be put o n the BOCC agenda for approval.
  19. BP Grant Action Plan Update - S. Martin [A] – Reviewed.
  20. 2013-14 TDC Event Grant Program - S. Martin [A]
  21. TDC Grant Evaluation Committee – J. Youngstrand deferred being on the committee, Tim Jordan (Chair), Niraj Patel and Gail Gilman will be the committee. Will bring their recommendations to the next meeting.
  22. Grant Evaluation Process - Proposed process will be used to evaluated the 8 applicants. [See TDC Grants Evalation Process mind map for details.]
  23. Chairman's Items - D. Moody
  24. Replacement TDC Volunteer Member Action [A]–Discussion on applications, unanimously approved to accept Sherrie Miller for another term. Ciy of St Marks has appointed Gail Gilman to be the representative for the next 4 years.
  25. Freshf from Wakulla 2nd Round Videography Requirements – Budget is $10,000 with approximately $8,000 balance. Robert Seidler (guest) suggested 2 and 3 minute video segments of our seafood and the people associated with the seafood market. Getting AssociatedPress getting involved would not be at a cost, however their influence is widespread and long lasting. Discussion on what projects to promote floundering, mullet, oystering and blue crab. The subcommittee will meet to refine the projects and people.
  26. Gateway Signage Status Update – Road signs paid for but not installed. Cleve Fleming with the county needs to be contacted.
  27. Big Bend Scenic Byway Update – David Moody attended the last meeting, February 20th 4:30 – 6:30 we will host the Meet and Greet at the Welcome Center. Budget will be set at the next meeting.
  28. Appointment of New TDC Chair - Stand Up Committee–David Moody will agree to stay as Chair til July 2014 if possible.
  29. Director's Items - S. Martin
  30. Visit Natural North Florida Task Force – Status – Brian Thomas is no longer Director on the Task Force. The next monthly VNNF meeting will be in Aluchua County on January 16, 2014, and Sam Martin plans to attend.
  31. GA Military Trade Shows (3) – Status –Registration has been submitted, it will be March 19 – 21, 2014. Jacki Youngstrand and Sam Martin plan to participate.
  32. BP Grant #02 Quarterly Report – Status - Sam Martin, after spending time reviewing past project activities, has contacted the Grants Manager who is flexible with the Quarterly reporting period. Our next quarterly report will be for the period from May 2013 through December 2013. All Quarterly reports, beginning January 2014, will follow the 2014 calendar year.
  33. TDC Quarterly Report to BOCC – Status- TheTDC activities report for the Quarter from October thru December 2013 is almost ready and will be presented to the BOCC in February.
  34. 2013-15 Strategic Plan Workshop – Members present agreed to have workshop at the February meeting following an hour’s regular TDC monthly meeting.
  35. TDC Quarterly Activities Projections– See 2nd Quarter (Jan. – Mar. 2014) mind map for all activities (known to date) planned.
  36. VISIT Florida 2014-15 Grants Process – Opened this week, need ideas to be submitted for the Grants.
  37. Proposed Mindjet MindManager Software Purchase- Motion to approve $350 for software, approved.
  38. TDC Media Management Plan- Tabled until a later meeting due to concern for Lou Kellenberger’s health (performed past photography work for TDC).
  39. Topics for Next Meeting/Announcements – Strategic Plan Workshop will be held on February 13 following the regular council meeting. Grant Cycle committee meeting will be February 12, 8:30 a.m. at Best Western. Personnel Administrative Committee will meet February 25, 8:30 a.m. at Welcome Center. Seafood Marketing Committee will meet February 4, at 8:30 a.m in the Welcome Center.
  40. Adjournment–Motion to adjourn, unanimously approved. 11:00 a.m.