ISSP Webinar Proposal Form

Dear Webinar Proposer,

Thank you for your interest in presenting an ISSP webinar. ISSP is dedicated to bringing timely, relevant and educational information to its members. To that end, we welcome proposals from members and other professionals who wish to share their learning, research, expertise or experience. We are continuously adding to our webinar calendar. If you would like to propose a webinar for the ISSP calendar, please complete the following form and submit it to ISSP’s Education Program(). We generally require at least a two-month lead-time to review, approve, arrange, and promote a webinar.

Below is some additional information to consider in developing your proposal.

Thank you for your interest in ISSP.


ISSP Webinar Committee

ISSP Webinar Platform:ISSP uses Citrix GoToWebinar (GTW) as an interactive webinar platform.GTW offers live voice and screen sharing, as well as a chat-and-question feature, polls, and optional webcams. Presenters are expected to share a predesigned PPT or PDF on their own device, and to coordinate with the ISSP Webinar Coordinator to moderate participant questions and discussions. You must have access to a computer (or other compatible device) for screensharing, as well as VOIP or telephone access for audio. ISSP’s Webinar Coordinator will be your web/online guide and webinar moderator and will work with you to make sure you are prepared.

Webinar Attendees: ISSP’s webinar attendees are sustainability professionals (SPs) around the world in many different countries and industry sectors. They include individuals working within an organization (internal consultants) and individuals who are external consultants working for many different organizations, including corporations, governments, and non-profits. Attendeesinclude those with decades of experience and individuals in mid-career transition into the sustainability field, as well as students and individuals newly graduated from sustainability educational programs. Webinar presenters should assume that the audience understands the basic concepts of, and the case for, sustainability.

Webinar Format:The presentation should beapproximately 40 minutes leaving additional 10-15 minutes of Q&A. The webinars are intended to be highly interactive. To ensure participant engagement, consider designing questions into your presentation (polls, thought experiments) and include time for audience response. Consider whether you want to address comments and questions during the presentation or hold them until the end. Consult with ISSP’s Webinar Coordinator for ideas on how to maximize participant engagement. Creativity is encouraged and appreciated!

Webinars are recorded for later access and for registrants who are unable to attend at the scheduled time. Presentation slide decks and other resources are also made available, as appropriate.

Webinar Costs: Our webinars are free for ISSP members; all others pay $25 per webinar.

Webinar Schedules: We generally schedule 2 1 topic webinars per month at 11amPT (US) although this times can be adjusted as needed.

If your proposal is accepted, you will need to schedule a time with the ISSP Webinar Coordinator at least 1 week before the webinar to test your internet connection and you will need to submit your presentation file at least 3 days before the webinar.

Thank You! We look forward to working with you and creating a successful event!

Contact Info: / Name:
Organization and Job Title:
Phone numberAND time zone:
Are you an ISSP Member?
Webinar title / Write the title and description in a way that will most capture the attention and interest of the target audience:
Target Audience / Describe the target audience:
  1. Who should attend
  2. Why this audience should attend (1-3 reasons)

Webinar description / A 300-500 word summary of the topic to be discussed including learning outcomes:
Presenter contact information
(if presenter is different from proposer) / Name:
Organization and Job Title:
Phone numberAND time zone:
ISSP Member?
Presenter Social Media info (as appropriate) / Please provide all appropriate website URLs and social media connection information that should be used in promoting the webinar. Include organizational social media info as appropriate.
Twitter handle:
LinkedIn page(s):
LinkedIn group(s):
Facebook page(s):
Headshot Photo / (please attach)
Presenter Bio / No more than 500 characters including spaces and punctuation:
Additional Presenter information / Note: we generally prefer no more than two presenters. If you are proposing more than one presenter, add additional lines here to include the following information for each additional presenter: Name, Organization and Job Title, Email, Phone number AND time zone, ISSP Member?, Photo, Bio, social media and website information
Suggested/Available dates and times / (If not already set)
Note: We generally schedule 1topic webinar per month, typically starting at 11amPT (US) unless other arrangements are made.
Webinar Length:
60 minutes / If the presentation is anything other than 40 minutes with about 10 - 15 minutes of Q&A, please explain why:
Interactivity techniques for the Webinar / Describe how you will incorporate interactive techniques into your presentation:

Rev. 180806 mh